When it comes to developing decentralised exchange systems based on block chains, the following are possible functions and modules:
1. 用户注册和身份验证:包括用户注册、登录、密码重置等功能,以确保用户身份的安全和可信任。
1. User registration and identification: includes user registration, login, password replacement, etc. to ensure the security and trustability of user identification.
2. 账户管理:允许用户管理其账户信息、钱包和资产,包括充值、提现和查询交易历史记录等功能。
2. Account management: allows users to manage their account information, wallets and assets, including functions such as charging, cashing and searching for historical records of transactions.
3. 交易对创建和管理:提供创建、编辑和删除不同代币之间的交易对,可以包括数字资产和法定货币之间的交易对等。
3. Transactions for creation and management: provide for the creation, editing and deletion of transactions between different currencies, which may include the equivalence of transactions between digital assets and legal currencies.
4. 指令委托和交易执行:允许用户在交易所上提交委托并执行交易。交易的执行可以包括市价单、限价单、止损单、止盈单等不同类型的订单。
Order commissioning and transaction execution. Users are allowed to submit orders and carry out transactions on the exchange.
5. 市场数据和图表分析:提供实时市场行情、交易对价格图表和历史数据,以便用户进行技术分析和决策。
Market data and graphic analysis: Provide real-time market dynamics, trade-to-price charts and historical data for technical analysis and decision-making by users.
6. 市场挖矿和流动性提供者(LP)功能:允许用户参与提供流动性和挖矿,通过LP挖矿获取收益。
6. Market mining and mobility provider (LP) functionality: allows users to participate in the provision of mobility and mining to reap benefits from LP mining.
7. 智能合约和去中心化自治组织(DAO):应用智能合约技术实现交易的自动化和去中心化的管理。
7. Smart contracts and decentralised autonomous organizations (DAOs): automated and decentralised management of transactions by applying smart contract technology.
8. 安全性和防欺诈措施:确保系统安全,采取适当的措施防止欺诈、洗钱和安全漏洞。
8. Security and fraud prevention measures: ensure system security and take appropriate measures to prevent fraud, money-laundering and security loopholes.
9. 用户界面和用户体验:提供友好的用户界面、易于导航和操作的设计,以提供良好的用户体验。
9. User interface and user experience: provide user-friendly interfaces, easy navigation and operational design to provide good user experience.
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