大家一切都好吗?今天和几年前一样,似曾相似的氛围。这个阶段…多空都没有任何胜算。如果没有胜算,继续每天坚持挑一个方向下单的理由是什么?如果没有方向,坚持主张多空观点的理由是什么? "你觉得"?这本身就是一种主观,而主观这样的特质在投资交易这条道路上相当危险。一些时候将要付出极大的代价,有些人因此就永远被离开市场了~
Is everyone all right? Today, as a few years ago, it seemed like a similar atmosphere. This stage... there's no way to win. If there's no way to win, what is the reason for continuing to pick a line every day? If there's no way to go, what's the reason for insisting on a multi-window view? " You think?" It's a subjective one, and it's quite dangerous on the road to an investment deal. Sometimes it's going to cost a lot, and some people get out of the market forever.
这几年下来很多人都成长了呢?原本毛躁的人,现在很淡然、原本喜欢穿梭在震荡行情阶段的短线交易者,也开始思考时间的可贵,只关注"关键时刻"的K线变化所透漏的意图与线索﹑其余更多的时候回归于生活与关系,交易绩效反倒又曜进提升了一个层次了对吗?帐户的数字会是最诚实而客观的反馈。当然,这几年下来有一些人已经没有重新选择的条件与权力。千万不要让自己走到这一步…如果你还有能力、热忱 并且你在市场上已经一段时间 经验的反馈,使你开始意识到危机感…这是对的!你开始有所警觉绝大多数的人都在日复一日、周而复始地为市场贡献,个人主观想法在市场上一点也不值钱的,追随市场,臣服市场,尊重市场似乎都是老生常谈的智慧语录,但这些词句是经验背后的结果而非努力的方向很多事情反者看才能更深入,也才能有机会看见不同维度的视野。
A lot of people have grown up in the last few years. People who are so restless now, who like to travel through short-line traders in the tremors phase, have started to think about the price of time, focusing only on the intentions and clues of the K-line changes at the "critical moment" and the rest of the time returning to life and relationships. The numbers of the transactions will be the most honest and objective feedback.
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