
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:39 评论:0
  ◎作者丨吴羽  ◎来源丨中国基金报  (ID:chinafundnews) by Wu Yu (ID: Chinafundnews)   刚刚,比特币直接站上12000美元的关口!Just n...



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by Wu Yu
(ID: Chinafundnews)


Just now, Bitcoin stands straight at $12,000!



As of the press release, the price of Bitcoin was $125,90.32, an increase of 7.14 per cent.


And four days ago, Bitcoin just broke $10,000, and now stands steady on $12,000.


If you take it a little longer, on December 14, last year Bitcoin fell to a low point of $3135.55, and in 200 days now Bitcoin has gone wildly up 300%!



On the eve of the surge, currency rings were repeatedly spread out of the miner's base, the currency's people broke and despaired.


And over the 200-day period of this surge, the big ones spent 30 million on eating with Buffett, the big Internet players on Facebook, and the big ones killed themselves because they were empty.


Today, the Fund does not analyse why the bitcoin has soared, but only to talk to you about the people and things of the coin circles in the 200 days of Bitcoin's madness.



{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Bitcoin crazy 200 days {\/strang}


: > 30 million dollars and Buffett lunches


None of these 200 days is better known than Sun Woo's morning, 90 years later.


In June 2019, after Bitcoin broke down $8,000, Sun Woo, founder of Tron in the after-90s, announced that the 20th Buffett charity lunch had been filmed at a record competitive price of $4,568.88 million (approximately $31.53 million).



Sun Woo-moo also said in Weibo that he had always been a long-standing believer in the Buffett concept of value investment, and that he wanted to invite prominent members of the block chain industry to interact with Buffett in order to enhance understanding and friendship between top traditional investors and digital money and to make the industry truly beneficial!


Sun Woo also posted an open letter on Twitter to the encrypt community saying that one of the world's most successful investors, such as Buffett, who admitted that investment prices were too high for Kafhanzi and did not recognize the value of the Amazon, Google or even Apple, seemed to think that Buffet's consistent criticism of Bitcoin was a little “goes away”.


According to public sources, Sun Woo-mun was born in July 1990, he graduated from Beijing University, Department of History, and a graduate student studied at the University of Pennsylvania, Ivyu University, United States of America.

  2013年,当时还是比特币爱好者的孙宇晨在硅谷接触到了Ripple Labs项目后,直言Ripple比比特币还要神奇,“这是一套由价值网络支持的去中心化的支付体系,可以让不同货币自由、免费、零延时地汇兑”。一个多月后,他以Ripple Labs大中华区首席代表的身份回国创业。

In 2013, Sun Woo, who was also a Bitcoin fan at that time, came to the attention of the Silicon Valley after he reached the Ripple Labs project, saying that Ripple was even more amazing than Bitcoin, “a decentralised payment system supported by a value network that allowed the exchange of different currencies freely, free of charge and without delay.” More than a month later, he returned home in his capacity as the chief representative of the Greater Central China District of Ripple Labs.


Upon return, Sun Woo-moo, who became an entrepreneur in the currency business, began to focus on the creation of circles and human structures.


Since March 2014, Sun Woo's campaign has been conducted through media interviews and forums, and on the other hand, he has set up a sharp wave of technology and received a letter-based capital investment, with millions of dollar-grade A-round financing from IDG capital, Chinese capital, clean-up and control technology, among others.


In 2015, Sun Woo-soon was elected 30 entrepreneurs under the age of 30 in Forbes, China, and joined the Lakeside University. Since then, “Maunmen” has become Sun Woo-soon’s favorite title.


And where does 31 million come from?


Intra-industry analysis indicates that, with the exception of four waves of financing, Sun Woo did not stop the circulation of tokens issued by the waves, which are currently traded on 111 global exchanges.


And industry sources have analysed that without the surge and return of Bitcoin, Sun Woo-mun would not have been able to spend 30 million dollars for lunch. After all, TRX has doubled as Bitcoin soars.




unsatisfied: 100 times the amount of free bitcoin. >/strong >


There are also people who have lost their lives in this rich game.


On 5 June 2019, the founder of the Digital Currency Market Analysis Corporation, Huixiang, suspected of having over a hundred times leveraged 2,000 bitcoins (up from 100 million yuan) and chose to commit suicide, which came from bitcoins, not its own funds.



The founder of Digital Money Market Analysis, Huixiang, died on 5 June 2019, and his former partner, Zhang, confirmed this information in a communication from the “EMAA27 Group of Officials of the Yangtze River”.


“From May 2018, he invited me to join his start-up company, Bitley, to leave in August 2018, for a short period of three months, but I saw his integrity, goodness and wisdom, his passion for life, his work forever, his clear-mindedness and his full sense of thought”.



In the digital currency futures market, Huixiang was also known for his accuracy of predictions. In the Bittle-Little investment micro-message, he was referred to as “Mixed God.”


From 2017 to the beginning of 2019, a number of investors made money by listening to his instructions, which attracted a lot of fans for himself and his company's products.


Huixiang was described as a continuous entrepreneur in pursuit of the wind. He founded the Beijing Toto Technologies Ltd., Flower Fruit Finance, the Internet investment platform, and then entered the currency circle to create Bitley.

  他有着光鲜的履历,毕业于中国科技大学,曾供职于IBM和微软,任Surface产品经理,参与过中国建设银行SOA 企业级架构开发、台湾建华银行 MMA 创新金融产品开发等多个标杆项目。

He has a bright curriculum, graduated from the Chinese University of Science and Technology, worked in IBM and Microsoft, as manager of Surface products, and participated in several pole projects such as the development of the SOA enterprise-level structure of the China Construction Bank and the MMA innovative financial products of the Taiwan Construction Bank.


However, in the already volatile digital currency market, a 100-fold leverage approach is tantamount to a fire.



Big guy in the game: Facebook post:

  6 月18日下午,Facebook 旗下全球数字加密货币 Libra 官方网站正式上线,Libra 稳定币白皮书也已经公布。白皮书的问世,意味着Facebook正式成为币圈的一分子。

On the afternoon of 18 June, the official website of Libra, a global digital encrypted currency under the banner of Facebook, was officially launched, and the White Paper of Libra Stabilizing the Currency was published. The White Paper was published, meaning that Facebook was officially part of the currency circle.

  据官方内容显示,Libra 稳定币的出现,将作为一种简单的全球货币和金融基础架构,惠及数十亿人。

According to official sources, the emergence of Libra’s stable currency will benefit billions of people as a simple global monetary and financial infrastructure.


According to relevant media reports, Facebook has established alliances with 28 partners, including Visaka, MasterCard, Uber and PayPal, who will run Internet nodes to validate transactions.


In addition, Facebook plans to expand its membership to 100 members at the time of the official launch of Libra.


After news of Facebok’s currency distribution, the search dog, CEO Wang Xiaochuan, released a tweet saying that the Facebook-led digital money program marked the advent of the 3.0-year Internet era. Wang Xiaochuan also said that the world would change because of Facebook and that it was a huge challenge for China.



Through its White Paper, Facebook indicated that the current financial landscape was less satisfactory and that companies wanted to break it: 1.7 billion adults around the world still had no access to the financial system and did not have access to financial services provided by traditional banks, of which 1 billion had mobile phones and nearly 500 million had access to the Internet.


In addition, Facebook has expressed concern about the current high financial costs, such as transfer charges, wire transfer charges, overdraft charges, and ATM charges.


According to Facebook, in this context, Libra’s mission is to create a simple, borderless currency and financial infrastructure that serves billions of people. This approach can make a huge leap toward a cheaper, more accessible, and more closely connected global financial system.


And in Libra, the price of Bitcoin has gone up all the way, breaking the $9,000, $10,000, $11,000 and $12,000 mark.



on the eve of the boom


The 200-day crazy surge in Bitcoin seems to have forgotten the bleakness of the previous currency circle.


Previously, Bitcoin had dropped its price from $8488 to $3135 in less than six months.



In this context, the story of the closure of the mine, the sale of the mine and the bankruptcy of the virtual currency exchange continues.



Winter: Mine sold cheaply and mine closed down


In November 2018, business and hardware producers were going through a continuing riot. In a series of declines, Bitcoin prices have broken through the cost of multiple miners, which is that the profits from mining are not sufficient to cover electricity and management costs.


As a result of the unaffordable losses, a number of players resold “mining equipment” and the gold basin withdrew from the currency ring.



This was followed by mine closures and the departure of investors.



According to media reports at the time, an Ethaeco mine of the highest size in Korea entered in early 2018 and mined one at a cost of approximately 240,000 won and about 1477 yuan.


At that time, the price of the tats on the Korean market had just touched the historical high of 2.35 million won and RMB 14,000, more than 30% higher than the international market, to which end the mine had launched nearly 1,000 mining machines. But soon, the tats began to shake sharply, and eventually fell into cost prices in November 2018, when the mine was forced to shut down all the machines.


  韩国财立亚矿场运营负责人裴永泰:电费占据了成本的最大头,大部分矿场已经付不起了,据我所知 70%-80%的矿场都关机停运,倒闭的也不在少数。

Pei Yongtai, the head of Korea’s financial mining operations: electricity costs are the biggest cost, most of the mines are already unaffordable, and as far as I know, 70-80 percent of the mines are shut down and not very many are closed.


Formerly known to have been one of the world’s leading virtual currency markets, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had once been ranked third in the currency’s Korean dollar settlement volume; from college students, working people to housewives, and even retired older persons, people of different identities and ages joined the ranks. The boom created a whole chain of industries in South Korea, from mining to trading.



Insolvency of the Virtual Currency Exchange


In March of this year, Coinbin, the Korea Virtual Currency Exchange, was in financial distress due to a debt of 29.3 billion won (approximately $26 million) and decided to apply for bankruptcy.


With the application for bankruptcy, the use of cryptographic and statutory currencies was discontinued.


Subsequently, the Hong Kong Virtual Currency Exchange Gatecoin was cleared by order of the High Court, and its official website became a statement that the company had experienced financial difficulties over the past period, that it was no longer able to provide services, and that the company had been appointed a temporary clearing officer and had to cease operating immediately, that is to say, the collapse of the business.


All this happened at the end of last year, and all this seems to have passed away in the midst of this year's Bitcoin frenzy.


Bless the currency ring.




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