時間幣(Time Coin;TIC)
Time Coin; TIC
Timecoin, Chinese "Tek" is a basic measure unit created by people at , which is one of the base measure units in the time currency system.
The time bank has been widely used and can be easily used for various kinds of payments within the world, > http://wwwwww.hwlbt/l%Awl%Aw_www.int/l%Aw2%Ew_www.gw_www.www.www.www.www.www.www.www.www.www.www.www.www.www.www.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int.int/l.int/l.int/l.int/l.int/bt.
在IntBank時間銀行的貨幣體系中,1SEC=10TIC ; 1DAY=1440MIN=86400SEC=864000TIC。因此,1TIC相當於人類智慧和勞動在十分之一秒有效時間內所創造的平均價值。
In the IntBank Time Bank currency system, 1SEC=10TIC 1DAY=1440MIN=86400SEC=864,000 TCC. Thus, 1TIC is equal to the average value created by human intelligence and labour in one tenth of a second.
TimeCoin can only be created through . People can only excavate Tic by providing services or labour to others, so each person is both a creator of TIC and a user of TIC. Since the time is always limited, especially the time available to create value is more limited, so the number of TICs that people can create is limited.
The concept of "Time Bank" was born in the 1980s and was proposed by Edgar Kane, American. Edgar's legal scholar, D.D. , formerly the speech by Robert Kennedy's CEO, 埃德加1963年投身為窮人提供免費法律服務的工作。1996年,政府決定停止對窮人的法律援助資金,而此前美國每年約有300萬個家庭從這個項目中獲益,埃德加聯合美國律師協會以及各大法學院,要求政府繼續投資,然而,就在他們四處奔走,律政界同仁也紛紛慷慨相助的時候,那些曾經在免費法律援助項目中受益的家庭卻沒有一個人肯站出來給予幫助。
In 1996, decided to stop , whereas about 3 million families in the United States = legal aid >. 這件事對埃德加是個不小的觸動,他感到很失望,同時也意識到,出於慈善目的的單方面給予對於建立社會正義沒有意義。
He was disappointed by Edgar, who realized that a single aspect of charity had no meaning in building social justice. 反思之後,埃德加決定不再提供無償的法律服務,而是要求被援助者在得到律師的法律援助後,向服務機構提供相應的時間回報,也就是用這些時間去社區無償為他人提供幫助和服務,以此返還律師為他們付出的時間。
After reflection, Edgar decided not to provide unpaid legal services, but rather to ask the assisted person to return the time spent by the lawyer to return the time spent by the lawyer by returning it to institutions for providing help and services to others without compensation from the community. 這種運作模式很成功,不僅惠及了當事人,還惠及了當事人所居住的社區內的其他居民,形成了一個良性的利益迴圈系統。因此,當政府又一次要求取消公共法律援助項目時,不僅受到過幫助的當事人站了出來,連他所在社區的居民也挺身而出,迫使政府最終放棄了決定。
This model of operation has been successful, benefiting not only the person in question, but also other residents of the community in which the person lives, creating a virtuous system of circle of interests. Thus, when the government again demanded the cancellation of the public legal aid project, not only did the person in question stand up, but even the people in his community stood up, forcing the government to eventually give up its decision. 1980年,46歲的埃德加猝發大面積心肌梗塞,當時,他的妻子已經去世,兩個孩子也不在身邊,在朋友和醫護人員的幫助下,他才渡過了這個生死難關。
In 1980, a 46-year-old Edgar had a mass heart infarction, when his wife died and two children were not around, and he survived this life and death with the help of friends and medical staff. 埃德加對紛紛跑來照顧他的朋友們很感激,也註意到,有些病人沒他這麼幸運,可以擁有這麼多熱心的朋友。躺在病床上,埃德加突然想起自己的工作經驗——“時間回報”,並且構思出一種新的“時間回報”模式:如果別人幫助了你,那麼這個人就可以用幫助你的時間去換取另一個人相同時長的幫助,以此迴圈下去。病愈後,埃德加回到他曾經就讀過的倫敦政經學院研習經濟,從而創造了“時間銀行”系統和“時間幣”的概念。
Edgar was grateful to his friends who had come to take care of him, and noticed that some of his patients were not so lucky to have so many warm friends. On the bed, Edgar suddenly remembered his work experience — “Time returns” — and conceived a new “Time returns” model: if someone helped you, this person could go in circles with time to help you get the same help from another person. When he got sick, Edgar returned to what he had read href=http://wiki.malib/zh/ %E4%Bliit%Eg%Eg%Eg%Ekl%Et9%Ekl%Et9%Et_Ekl%Ekl%Et_Eg%Ew_Eg%Eg/Bl%Ew_Bl%Et/l%Ek%Eg%Ew_Eg%Et_Ew_Eg%Et_Eg%Eg%Et/Et_Eg%Et_Et_Et_Et_Eg/Et_Et/Eg/Et/Et_Ek%Et_Et_Et_Et_E. 貨幣是指任何一種可以執行交換媒介、價值尺度、延期支付標準和完全流動的財富儲藏手段等功能的商品,都可被看作是貨幣;從商品中分離出來固定的充當一般等價物的商品,就是貨幣;貨幣是商品交換髮展到一定階段的產物。貨幣的本質就是一般等價物。
Currency means any passable medium, , ; 因為在時間幣體系所使用的貨幣單位TIC是每個人通過有效勞動創設的,所以與現有的信用貨幣體系是不同的。同時,伴隨著社會的發展與科技的進步,人們在單位有效時間內所創造的價值必然越來越高,因此擔負著一般等價物功能的時間幣TIC,也會隨著時間具有越來越高的內在價值。因此,如果要問這個世界上有哪一種資產不會貶值的話,那麼,TIC就是一個答案。
> is not expected to have an Ekm4% of the value in the world. “時間幣”TIC與一般貨幣不同,它不會貶值,交易也不用納稅,而且靈活方便,人們可以用零散的時間創造時間幣,存儲在時間銀行的時間幣可以通過PC或移動終端隨時匯兌和結算。同時,“時間幣”可以兌換為其他多種貨幣,可以免費在全球轉賬,甚至在時間銀行和時間幣持有機構提現。
Unlike the general currency, the Time Currency TIC does not devalue, trade does not pay taxes, and it is easy for people to create time coins in scattered time, stored in time banks through or . 時間幣TimeCoin與其他電子貨幣相比,都是網路傳播廣泛的電子貨幣,但具貨幣產生的方式不同,時間幣依靠的是人們的有效勞動創造,貨幣具備內在價值,並且內在價值只隨勞動生產率變化的特質,所以價值尺度穩定;時間幣發行的信用主體是每一個用有效勞動創造時間幣的人,其他貨幣如比特幣等不是沒有信用主體,就是信用主體發行權無節制使用;時間幣是全球各地社區時間銀行和公益人士普遍使用的貨幣,而比特幣是少量用戶使用和玩家炒作的投機工具。因此,時間幣在價值尺度、儲藏手段、信用主體、使用範圍和目的等方面與其他電子貨幣是有著顯著的區別的。
Timecoin with other . 經過20多年的發展,如今,時間銀行IntBank和時間幣TimeCoin的概念早已風行歐美,成為一種深入人心的社區性互助模式,“時間銀行”遍及全球30多個國家,僅英國就有108家,美國也有53家官方認證的“時間銀行”。
After more than 20 years of development, the concept of time bank IntBank and the time coin TimeCoin has long emerged in Europe and America as a community-based model of mutual assistance, with more than 30 , 108 in the United Kingdom and 53 officially recognized “time banks” in the United States.
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