志願填報要注意啥 500余所高校招生負責人支招

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:37 评论:0
  今年志願填報要注意啥 What do you want to be careful with this year's volunteer report?   500余所高校招生負責人來渝支招 more than...



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What do you want to be careful with this year's volunteer report?


more than 500 students in charge of higher education offer support. >/strung >


On June 25-26, 2021 Qingqing City’s 17th General University Student Advocating Consultation was held in Nanpyeong.


Some of the leading schools are celebrating an increased pitching program


It is known that in 2021, the University of Denmark celebrated 61 students in physics, including economics, management, mathematics; 3 in bedtime medicine; and 8 in history, including journalism, humanities, law, economics, etc.


The Shanghai Transport University is celebrating this year 48 students in physics, including specialized courses in electronics, artificial intelligence, finance, etc., and in engineering; 14 students in medicine.


“We have almost increased the number of enrolments every year at the re-events, and this year we have five more enrolment plans for physics (scientifics).” The admission teachers at the University of Amdan told reporters that the University of Re-Danish used to have a school in North Korea and that the University of Re-Care was one of its predecessors (Shanghai First Medical School), so that the University of Re-Danish had a lot of feelings for re-enhancement.


The University of Nanjing is celebrating the launch of 16 national schools, including social science, economic management, electronics, etc. The University of Southeast China is launching 12 national schools, including computer, business management, bioscience, etc.


Southwest University's 150 National Excellence Project this year.


At the Admissions Advisory Conference, journalists found that a number of students were successful in high schools. There were 102 undergraduate students enrolled in Southwest University this year, with 10,100 students in the country, two new specialties in Marxist theory and management science and engineering, as well as national excellence.


This year, the National School of Excellence, which is designed to provide a thorough training programme for students from 22 provinces in the central and western part of the country, is designed to enhance the spirit of the central and western regions with regard to the key instructions of the General Secretary of the Jinping Institute for the orientation and upbringing of teachers in the central and western parts of the country, and includes 150 students in the Chinese language, in mathematics and applied mathematics, and in the English language.


This year, 35 of the university's specializations were aimed at 4020 students in 31 provinces (municipalities and districts). Of these, 180 students were enrolled in the master's programme of 5+3 in bed medicine, the first year of which required training at the University of Rehabilitation or the University of Southwest, and 115 students were enrolled in the free-of-charge programme.


The College of Science and Technology is one of the five institutions of higher learning that are celebrating the transition to an independent university this year. It has 7002 students enrolled in this year’s undergraduate programme, with 3800 students enrolled in this programme, for a total of more than 10,000 students. Its civil, architecture, machinery, smart power grids, district chains, etc., and its international co-operation programmes are unique and are expected to create an additional 800 acres of new campuses in the country next year.


"Run, steady, secure, sidekick." Willingly fill out these ideas.


On the occasion of the Admissions Consultation, some experts and students in charge of higher education answered questions for candidates and parents this year about what they would like to note.


The Vice-Secretary of the General Higher Education Board of the City Council for Admissions, Yao Lian, said that this year he would like to fill in the general category of undergraduates in paragraphs A and B, paragraph A in order of course, and paragraph B in parallel. Second, he would like to combine one, two and one of the original ordinary literatures. Third, based on the previous investment in schools, this year, the selection of candidates was done in full compliance with the professional requirements. Therefore, candidates and heads of households should not only be selected for the school, but also for the number and number of admissions to the profession.


In terms of voluntary filings, Yao-Lian-Lian-Lian said that this year's general-level undergraduate and general-class approvals could be filled out with 158 offers. He suggested, first of all, that the idea of “surge, stabilize, secure, and bail out” should be taken into account when filling out the offers, and that the gap between the ladders should not be too small. Secondly, the profession should not be too unique. Yao-Lian-Lian said, “If 96 schools fill out a certain type of specialization, then the gap between schools will be very large, and the gap between the hedge and the bottom school will be very high.” He therefore suggested that candidates could fill in their fields of interest, as well as those of relevance and association.


Recelebrating the proposal of the Director of the Admissions Division of the School of Urban Administration that, in filling out the offer, if candidates choose to re-elect the school, the school can be selected and placed at the top of the list; if candidates choose to re-elect, the school must be re-listed and filled in at the top. If candidates choose a school and a profession, they must report to the school and the profession, in accordance with their wishes, in order to avoid being accepted by schools or professions that they do not like.

  此外,不少高校的招生負責人也提到:考生在填報志願時一定要仔細閱讀學校招生章程,一定要符合專業的選科要求才能填報﹔要盡可能將允許填報的志願填滿﹔志願的梯隊要合理﹔用好大數據分析,不止分析學校的錄取分數線,還要分析專業的錄取分數線,二者綜合考量。(記者 李星婷)

In addition, a number of students in charge of higher education have mentioned that candidates must read their school admissions regulations in writing their offers and must meet professional requirements in order to fill them in; that they must, as far as possible, fill in the wishes that allow them to do so; that they should have a reasonable ladder; and that, using good data analysis, they should not only analyse the school's entry scores, but also the professional entry points, both of which should be taken into account.




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