
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:39 评论:0
?文 | 棘轮 比萨Ventura, the thorn wheels, the pizzas.2019年,曾经试图改造各行各业的区块链从业者们,却发现自己的模式可能成了“伪命题”。In 2019, those who had tried...



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Ventura, the thorn wheels, the pizzas.


In 2019, those who had tried to transform the chain of blocks in all walks of life discovered that their own models might have become “false claims”.


From block-chain advertising to product traceability, copyright protection and asset rights, the block-chain is characterized by difficulty of landing and land-grabbing.


A growing number of cases have shown that block chains are not all-embracing. And those involved in block chains have also begun to explore the integration of block chains with technologies to drive them to the ground.


“Perhaps many projects are not hypocritical, they just fail to find the best path. These losers also leave a valuable legacy for the industry.” A block chain operator says.

01 伪命题

01 & nbsp; pseudo-verbal


One year ago, a recruitment announcement by Mi drew the attention of the outside world for the first time to the possibility of a link between the block chain and the advertising industry.



Information released by Mi on the recruitment of block chain engineers


“There have long been many problems in the advertising industry, such as mistrust, fraud, waste of resources in data collaboration, advertising and monitoring of effects.” Mi's officials wrote in their job announcements that “the block chain technology that Mi is studying can provide a great deal of access to data, counter-fraud and address IP inconsistencies.”


"At that time, the block chain was hot. Everyone in the circle thought that Mi was going to use the block chain for the "subversive" advertising union industry, and we were nervous.


What's the ad union?


In the Internet advertising industry, webmasters and APP developers are referred to as “flow parties” and firms with advertising needs are referred to as “advertiseors” and “advertiseors” are referred to as “advertisements unions” that bring together a large number of trafficrs, advertisers and send advertising content to a platform of trafficrs.


The profit model of the advertising union has always been to earn the “price difference” between the party making the traffic and the advertiser. In fact, the advertising union system has been plagued.


“The Alliance can give advertisers a false amount of money, overcharge advertising, and undercharge the flow side. In the end, the Alliance can `take both sides'.” Openly, “because the real input data is known only by the advertising union itself. This is also the industry’s `deep rule'.”



“Adverting unions can set up a block chain that links users to advertising, click on behavior. Users, advertising unions, advertisers, and traffic owners can volunteer as nodes to record data.


It is expected that the block chain technology will be used to solve the problems of the advertising union.


However, it soon became apparent to practitioners that the re-establishment of advertising alliances with block chains is still a pseudo-promotion issue at this stage.


is the first thing that comes out of the technology. According to Zhang, “if every time a user visits and clicks is chained, there is no chain on the market that supports the business needs of advertising unions.”


He gave the example of the 100-degree advertising union. According to the latter's official sources, the platform has a "Billion Billions a day" of advertising, and the mean-line behavior data are "20 billion in magnitude."


This means that 100 degrees would need a chain of blocks of a million-grade TPS if the union data were to be chained up. In addition, each participating node would need to be equipped with a large storage space.


“Adverters, traffic owners, are doing nodes in order to avoid the platform’s ‘meat money’. If the cost of running nodes is too high, everyone will give up.” Open up.


In his view, the second factor that emerged in the block chain advertising coalition was the business model.

“广告联盟是一个规模效应十分明显的重运营行业。”张远说,“头部平台如Google Adsense、百度联盟、阿里妈妈等,早已占据了绝大多数市场份额,新入局者的空间极为有限。”

“Advertisement unions are a highly operational industry whose large scale effects are evident.” Zhang Long stated that “head platforms such as Google Adsense, 100-degree unions, Ali's mother, etc., already hold the vast majority of the market share and the space for new entrants is extremely limited”.


In his view, advertising alliances are a dirty and laborious job: "The platform is designed for advertisers, both streamers, and is extremely expensive to operate. The head platform is already a barrier to industry."


“The lack of openness and transparency of the data is indeed a pain in the industry, but simply addressing this pain does not make a new platform stand out.” Open up.


“In recent years, the advertising alliances of power-marketers such as Ali and Kyundong have been well received because they have brought about a new scene in which the site manager guides the user flow to the platform vendor, while the vendor provides commission to the site manager.” This may be more important than the block chain in the long run.


As expected from Zhang, the follow-up development of the rice block chain advertising programme did not address the issue of mutual trust between advertisers, traffic parties and advertising unions, but merely the use of block chains to record users' “digital virtual IDs” in order to balance user privacy with accuracy in advertising placements.


Another product similar to the advertising union's product structure is the graphics platform. In this area, however, the location of the block chain remains difficult.


There are also photographers who question that the platform hides the number of real sales of the pictures, and uses “crash” photographers to profit from them.


“In contrast to the advertising union, the graphic platform introduces block chain technology, which is relatively sound, but there are also a number of challenges.” The head of an Internet enterprise's graphics business in the country, Feng Liang, indicated a block chain.


“`Relative spectrometry' refers to the fact that the graphic platform is operating in parallel to and well below the advertising union, with little demand for block chain performance.” According to Feng Liang, “But the graphics platform, like the advertising union, is a sector where scale effects are evident, capital-intensive, operational and human costs are high, and information is absolutely open, transparent and not critical.”


“the greatest pain of the current graphics industry, or the low level of social copyright awareness, the platform has been compromised.” Feng Liang said, “For the graphics platform, the introduction of block chains that clearly define the copyright belongs to is only an addition and better suited to promote the corporate vision.”

02 落地难题

02 & nbsp;


Despite the clarity of the industry's pains and the presence of distributed nodes in the business itself, the chain of blocks lies in such industries as advertising unions, graphics, etc., and remains challenging.


is not only true. Areas such as the copyright of the hot chain of blocks, the traceability of the chain of blocks and the asset rights of the chain of blocks are also plagued by the “stucks”.


In the case of block chains, the structure of such products is not complex: full-flow information on commodity traceability can be recorded on block chains in order to make data open and transparent and not subject to manipulation.


However, the greatest difficulty in the traceability of the block chain appears on the “data source forgery” — the block chain does not guarantee the authenticity of the upper chain data per se.



“In the case of retroactive food information, the chain of blocks can record data on the flow of food, but it does not solve the problem of the fabrication of raw materials.” Song Wenhua, the head of the chain of operations, said, “If the top-chain data themselves are falsified, the credit certification of the “uplink” would be more dangerous.”



“The current generic approach is to anchor through two-dimensional codes and chips.” According to Song Wenhua, “this technology applies only to standard products, such as packaged foods; anchoring is difficult for non-standard goods, such as raw water”.


, therefore, relying solely on block chains to address commodity traceability remains a false claim.


Block chains are not all-embracing in copyright protection.



In the case of copyright protection for digital works, for example, a block chain can store digital work information in the form of a Hashi value, fixed copyright based on this unique Hashi value, and detect copying.


But just one byte change in the original content by the copyer would create a new Hashi value that would render the system ineffective.


Moreover, in terms of judicial certification, it was not until June 2018 that the country’s first case of evidence in the block chain emerged. Once a case has entered the judicial chain, the block chain can only consolidate the evidence and do not speed up the process of defending rights.


In 2015 the first global land titling project in Honduras failed.


“In essence, it is a political project, and the Government of Honduras is moving much slower than we thought.” The Notary Union CEO, which provides technical services for the project, states.


There is still a long way to go in the field of law, policy and more practical aspects of the


"Technology of technology, law of law, the chain of blocks is not all-powerful." Some conclude.

03 未来何在

03 & nbsp; where the future lies


A growing number of practitioners have found that many of the hoped-for block chain solutions have become “false” in the end, beset by unclear patterns, difficult landings and so on.


. “Before the sudden inflow of capital, many of the `thought-out' block chain models were rife in the market. When the capital dissipated, it became clear that many models were perjury in themselves.


“Even so, many of the block chain projects that are seen as “false claims” are 100 times more “conscience” than the obvious “conscientious” projects that cut vegetables.” Chang said, “The failure of these projects has also taught the practitioners of other block chains a profound lesson.”


Why is the block chain industry full of hypotheses? In Chang's view, the “heat-money sheep effect” of the sudden influx of capital is the primary factor. Moreover, the block chain technology itself has limitations.


“At this stage, the efficiency and performance of the block chain are still very limited and the storage costs of the system are very demanding.” Zhang Hein, “a further limitation of block chain technology is that information on the chain cannot interact directly with information outside the chain”.


However, it seemed to him that those problems would eventually be resolved gradually as the block chain performance continued to improve, as well as technological advances such as smart contracts.



“In addition to technology, there is a problem of speculation and under-awareness in the block chain industry.” Zhang is a constant expression.


“The wealth effect of Bitcoin's early years has given the ‘coins’ too much voice. Whether the block chain technology is actually on the ground doesn't seem to these people to be of any importance.” Zhang Heng said, “But outside the market, most ordinary people have little understanding of the block chain. The outside world has always misunderstood the block chain industry.”


The most important thing about


“Our solution is to combine block chain technology with other technologies.” Song Wenhua says.


“In the case of the traceability of the block chain in which we are engaged, the way we address source fabrication is by combining the network of things with the chain of blocks — by replacing artificial data capture with the network of objects.” He explained that “the fewer interventions, the fewer the possibility of source forgery.”


In addition to material networking data collection, the Song Wenhua project will also clean raw data using techniques such as artificial intelligence to ensure that only the most important data are kept in the chain.


“Many block chain projects fail, perhaps not because their model is `false'.” Song Wenhua concludes that “there are countless paths to a model, and a single attempt by the losers is a valuable legacy for the industry.”



“The block chain technology is only one that solves the problem of trust and does not overdo it.” A block chain operator said.


There is still a very long way to go before it is truly landed.


In this process, explorers need patience and perseverance.


* Some of the respondents in the text are aliases.





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