With the spread of encrypted currency, there is a constant increase in the demand for surrogate functions for various kinds of encrypted currency.
CoinGate 是一個多幣種支付平台,支持超過50種加密貨幣,讓商戶可以輕鬆接受各種加密貨幣的付款方式。
CoinGate is a multi-currency payment platform that supports more than 50 types of encrypted currency that allows businesses to easily accept the payment of various kinds of encrypted currency.
BitPay 是市場上最早的加密貨幣支付解決方案之一,支持 BTC 和 BCH。商戶可以使用 BitPay 收款,並選擇將款項轉換為法幣或保留為加密貨幣。
BitPay is one of the first secure currency payment solutions in the market to support BTC and BCH.
Coinify 提供廣泛的支付服務,支持多種加密貨幣,並與傳統支付方法無縫集成。商戶可以通過 Coinify 接受加密貨幣付款,同時享受即時的幣種轉換。
Coinify provides a wide range of payment services, supports multiple kinds of encrypted currency and is seamlessly integrated with traditional methods of payment.
BlockPay 提供多種主流加密貨幣的支付解決方案,同時提供簡單易用的界面,使商戶能夠輕鬆管理支付事務。
BlockPay offers payment solutions for multiple types of mainstream encrypted currency and also provides easy-to-use interfaces that allow businesses to manage payments easily.
ScanPay 是一款開源免費的支付解決方案,為商戶提供多種加密貨幣的代收代付功能,包括 USDT-TRC20、USDT-ERC20 等。簡單易用的界面使商戶能夠輕鬆接受各種加密貨幣付款。
ScanPay is an open-source, free payment solution that provides businesses with a multiplicity of encrypt currency proxy functions, including USDT-TRC20, USDT-ERC20, etc. A simple user-friendly interface allows businesses to easily accept payments for all kinds of encrypt currency.
CoinPayments 支持超過1,200種加密貨幣,提供多種支付方式和插件,可用於網上商店和實體店面。
CoinPayments supports more than 1,200 types of encrypted currency, providing multiple payment methods and plugins that can be used online in shops and real-estate shops.
CoinGateMaster 是一個開源的多幣種支付平台,支持超過50種加密貨幣,適用於網上商店和實體店面。
CoinGateMaster is an open-source multi-currency payment platform that supports more than 50 kinds of encrypted currency, suitable for online shops and real-estate shops.
CryptoPayPro 提供全面的加密貨幣支付服務,支持 BTC、ETH、LTC 等多種主流幣種。商戶可以通過這個開源工具實現代收代付功能。
CryptoPayPro provides a comprehensive encrypt currency payment service that supports a variety of mainstream currencies, such as BTC, ETH, and LTC.
CoinFlexPay 是一個開源的支付平台,支持多種主流加密貨幣,適用於不同類型的商戶。
CoinFlexPay is an open-source payment platform that supports multiple types of mainstream encrypted currency that is suitable for different types of businesses.
EthereumMerchant 專注於以太坊支付,為商戶提供安全、穩定的加密貨幣支付解決方案。
Etheum Merchant focused on paying by the Tails to provide a safe and stable encrypt currency to the business to pay for the settlement.
These excellent payment solutions provide a variety of options for businesses, whether you are a starter or a trader, to find the most suitable payment tool for your business needs.
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