As you are familiar with digital currencies, many investors no longer satisfy ordinary spot transactions, turning their eyes to higher returns, but also to more risky contractual transactions, and the concept of silos is derived from this form of transaction.
The editor-in-chief believes that if you are playing with a contract, it is best not to operate too often to open a warehouse, to control your own frequency, and also to strictly control your own leverage multipliers, the higher the risk, and to invest within its capabilities.
A lot of rookies in the ring don't know what it means to be a silo. Here, let the editor take you three minutes to read the silo.
Currency circles open to investors to buy a certain amount of digital money in their transactions. Currency circles level up to the sale of all digital assets. Positions indicate a certain amount of digital money owned by investors. In simple terms, bits are similar to a word unit. For example, investors have a principal of $1,000 and have invested 500 dollars in digital currency, so that investors have 50 per cent of the warehouse space.
在数字货币的领域中,“仓” 有建仓、补仓、减仓、平仓以及仓位五个概念。其中,补仓,又被称为加仓,主要指的是投资人在成功建仓之后,再次买入投资相同的货币种类。举例来说,当投资人认为某种数字货币具有很好的发展潜力,并且选择再次投资这款数字货币,那么,这个行为是建仓。与此相对的是,当投资人选择退出该类货币投资 的时候,这个过程就是减仓。对于投资者而言, 恰到好处的投资减仓有利于降低投资风险。
In the field of digital currency, “ & & rdquo; there are five concepts of warehouse construction, silos, silos, silos, and silos. In this case, silos, also known as silos, refer mainly to investors buying the same kind of money again after successful silos. For example, when investors consider a digital currency to have good development potential and choose to reinvest in it, this is a silo.
Under the exchange rules, futures transactions are subject to a bond system in which a certain percentage of the bond is paid for each transaction, and in the event of a negative change in the market, in other words, a reversal in the market and a change in the opposite direction, the member or customer is required to deposit an additional bond in accordance with the terms of the transaction and the contract. If the member or client does not fulfil the additional bond obligation within the required time, the exchange is entitled to a member company, and the member company is entitled to impose a coercive level on the location held by the client.
Most of the investments were in the new hands because of the use of simulating silos, so it was customary to make a one-time profit by using silos. It was not clear that real transactions were not like simulating transactions, that individual transaction funds were limited, and that the Bitcoin market was unlimited, so that a large proportion of the leverage was used, that the risk resistance was poor, that it was too quick, and that it could easily lead to a loss of silos if the transaction was to run in the direction of the transaction.
At the same time that the warehouse should not be too heavy, the number of transactions should not be too high. Do not think that frequent in-and-out, fruit-based trading would increase the profit ratio. On the contrary, when investors rush to turn the books, take the notes and give the emotional notes, they will increase the rate of damages and unwittingly explode their losses.
At the same time, it is a complex and iterative process that, in order to stabilize the benefits, the rain believes that it also needs to combine the position of the damage with its position adjustment, and also with its own operating cycle, setting up a stop to the loss in the light of the current state of affairs. For example, concussions can reduce the scope of the damage; and vice versa.
Here, the editor-in-chief reminds investors that, in general, if violations were monitored by the platform at the time of the exchange, they would also be forced down, and the exchange would have the right to impose coercive silos on users who violate the rules of the transaction, mainly by violating position limits, failing to report violations of the large household reporting system, or failing to report falsely, carrying out futures operations for market entrants, etc.
What does that mean? What does that mean? What does that mean?
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