The price of bitcoin seems to be showing signs of subliminal shock after experiencing fluctuations, while the price of the tatters continues to hover around specific areas. At the same time, new dynamics and policy-level changes within the industry are shaping the future of the market.
Bitcoin prices touch bottom? Analysts watch $63,000-65,000
On 21 June, it was reported that Bitcoin prices had recently experienced a two-week shock down and fluctuated around $64,758. However, according to most analysts, the vanguard encoded currency appears to have found a support point between $63,000 and $65,000, showing signs of a bottom-up.
MN Capital创始人Micha?l van de Poppe于6月20日在社交媒体上撰文指出:“比特币很可能在63,000至65,000美元区域已经触底。”他的观点得到市场反弹的印证,比特币在欧洲交易时段自64,950美元反弹至66,455美元。
The founder of MN Capital, Micha?l van de Poppe, wrote on social media on 20 June: “Bitco is likely to have hit the bottom of the $63,000 to $65,000 area.” His view was corroborated by a rebound in the market, with Bitcoin rebounding from $64,950 to $66,455 during European transactions.
以太坊价格盘桓,期权市场显露新动向 shows new trends in the options market at Tai Fu prices 6月21日讯,以太坊(ETH)价格在3500美元附近徘徊不前,市场对月度期权到期价格能否突破4000美元的预期大幅下降。此前,因监管机构可能批准现货以太坊交易所交易基金(ETF),市场多头情绪一度高涨,推动以太坊价格在5月20日飙升23%。但自那之后,以太坊价格一直未能企稳在3600美元上方。 On the 21st of June, the market stagnated near US$ 3,500 on the Ether-Technology (ETH) price, and the market was unable to achieve a significant decline in the expected monthly maturity price of US$ 4,000. Prior to that, market sentiment had risen, pushing Ether prices to surge by 23% on May 20, as regulators might approve the Ether-Exchange Trading Fund (ETF). 目前,领先的加密货币交易所Deribit将于6月28日到期的ETH月度期权总额高达35亿美元,紧随其后的是OKX的2.86亿美元和币安的1.42亿美元。不过,随着美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对ETF提供商S-1文件的持续审查,市场对期权到期价格超越4000美元的预期依然低迷。 Currently, the lead encrypted currency exchange, Deribit, will expire on 28 June with a total of $3.5 billion in ETH monthly options, followed by $286 million for OKX and $142 million for currency. However, with the ongoing review by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the ETF provider S-1 document, the market’s expectation that the maturity price will exceed $4,000 remains low.
Gemini交易所推出竞选融资计划,力挺加密友好型政客 The Gemini Exchange launched its campaign financing program, which is pretty cryptic and friendly politicians . 6月21日讯,知名加密货币交易所Gemini宣布启动一项竞选融资计划,旨在为即将在今年11月举行的美国总统大选中支持加密货币的候选人筹集资金。 On 21 June, Gemini, a well-known cryptographic currency exchange, announced the launch of a campaign financing scheme aimed at raising funds for candidates who would support encrypted currency in the upcoming United States presidential elections in November this year. 在此之前,知名企业家卡梅伦·文克莱沃斯和泰勒·文克莱沃斯已于2024年6月20日向前总统特朗普的连任竞选活动慷慨解囊,捐出200万美元。 This followed the generous donation of $2 million by prominent entrepreneurs, Cameron Vencleworth and Taylor Vencleworth, to former President Trump's re-election campaign on 20 June 2024.
BitFlyer收购FTX Japan,日本加密市场迎来新整合 6月21日消息,日本知名加密货币交易所BitFlyer正式宣布收购已倒闭的加密货币交易平台FTX的日本分支。这一消息于6月20日由BitFlyer Holdings公布,标志着日本加密货币市场正迎来新一轮整合潮。 On June 21, news came from the Japanese branch of FTX, which was officially announced by BitFlyer, Japan’s well-known crypto-currency exchange, for the acquisition of the defunct FTX platform. The news was released by BitFlyer Holdings on June 20, marking a new wave of integration of the Japanese crypto-currency market. BitFlyer表示,收购后FTX Japan的核心业务将转型为提供机构级加密货币托管服务,并计划更名为New Custody Company,以体现这一转变,不过最终名称尚未敲定。 BitFlyer indicated that, after the acquisition, the core business of FTX Japan would be transformed into an institutionally encrypted currency hosting service, and that it was planned to change its name to New Business Company to reflect this shift, although the final name had not yet been finalized.
3iQ申请北美首个Solana ETP上市,加密资产管理再布局 3iQ apply for North American first solana ETP listing, encrypted asset management re-routing 6月21日讯,加拿大领先的数字资产管理公司3iQ已向监管机构提交了在加拿大多伦多证券交易所(TSE)首次公开募股的Solana基金(QSOL)的初步招股说明书。若获批准,这将成为北美地区首个上市的Solana交易所交易产品(ETP)。 On June 21, Canada’s leading digital asset management company, 3iQ, submitted to the regulator an initial offer from the Solana Fund (QSOL), the first publicly raised stock at the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) in Canada. 3iQ在6月20日透露,QSOL的上市申请已提交至除魁北克省外的所有加拿大省份和地区证券监管机构,此举标志着3iQ在加密资产管理领域的进一步布局。 3iQ disclosed on 20 June that the listing application of QSOL had been submitted to all Canadian securities regulators in provinces and territories except Quebec, marking a further layout of 3iQ in the area of encryption asset management.
MicroStrategy再度发债,增持比特币 MicroStrategy re-debted and increased bitcoin 6月21日消息,全球领先的比特币投资者MicroStrategy昨日宣布,已成功发行一笔2032年到期、年利率2.25%的可转换优先票据,总额达8亿美元,包含根据购买选择权增发的1亿美元票据。据悉,初始购买者已于6月17日全面执行购买协议,并于次日追加采购。 On 21 June, the world’s leading Bitcoin investor, MicroStrategy, announced yesterday that it had successfully issued a convertible priority instrument with an annual interest rate of 2.25 per cent, which expired in 2032, totalling $800 million, including $100 million in additional instruments based on purchasing options. The initial purchaser was known to have fully implemented the purchase agreement on 17 June, with additional purchases the following day. MicroStrategy通过此次发债筹集约7.86亿美元净收益,计划用于进一步增持比特币及其他一般性公司事务。同时,公司透露已动用部分收益以每枚65,883美元的价格额外购入11,931枚比特币,耗资7.86亿美元,截至6月20日,其比特币总持有量增至226,331枚。 MicroStrategy raised a net gain of approximately $786 million through this debt, which is intended to further increase the amount of Bitcoin and other general corporate services. Meanwhile, the company disclosed that it had purchased an additional 11,931 bitcoins at a price of $65,883 per unit, at a cost of $786 million, and that its total holdings had increased to 226,331 bitcoins as at 20 June.
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