The meta-cosm, one of the hottest concepts of recent years, has led to the illusion that there is “everyone is in the universe”.
There is a lot of talk about the meta-cosmos on the Internet, but we have a different perspective today, using a map from 6
Now, 3
元宇宙(metaverse)最早由尼尔?斯蒂芬森在科幻小说《snow crash》被创造(1992年),如果再往前追溯,在阿道司·赫胥黎创作的《美丽新世界》(1931年)也能看到一些雏形:“头戴式设备可以为观众提供图像、气味、声音等一些列的感官体验。”
Metaverse was first created by Neil ? Stephenson in the science fiction snowcrash and, if back in time, the beautiful new world ( /span > > > hspan > ) can also be seen: “head-dressing devices can provide viewers with visual, odour, sound, etc., sensory experience.”
There were also a lot of games 3D in the 90's, and more and more players began to have human bodies, and more and more senses became immersed in real-time 3D environments. This was also the time when the equipment that Huxley imagined (commercial VR /span > ) appeared.
At a time when the concept of the meta-cosmos has not been advanced, it seems that what is the meta-cosmos is becoming clear is that it allows people to enjoy a immersion experience in the virtual world.
And then the hacker empire and the number one player demonstrated this interaction between the real world and the virtual world through the big screen, which is actually very close to the current concept of the meta-cosm.
而真正将元宇宙概念推向高潮,是2021年。有两件标志性事件,Roblox上市,成为“元宇宙第一股”,以及NFT(Non Fungible Token,即非同质化代币)出圈。
And the real thing about pushing the meta-cosm concept to a climax is 2021. Two iconic events, Roblox, were listed as , “, the first share of the meta-cosm, , and NFT (Non Fungible Token, i.e., unhomogenous tokens).
By way of the first diagram, you can see that the current meta-cosm is more of a game. How do you judge which games are just ordinary games, not a meta-cosm?
Turning to the second picture, a metacosystem should satisfy the following eight elements: identity, friends (socialization), immersion, low delay, pluralism, locality, economic system, civilization.
While there are also references to six elements of the metacosystem (interactive, consensual rules, value generation, experience, economic systems), in either case, what we feel in the metacosystem should in theory be the same as the real world, and we can travel back and forth in the metacospace world and the real world.
In addition to the block chain technology mentioned earlier (including NFT, which supports the economic system of the meta-cosmos), it is not as easy to achieve a metacosystem as the real world feels, and requires at least six major technological underpinnings:
- 物联网技术(包含各类传感器,用于感知物理世界,实现虚拟共生)
- 交互技术(包含AR、VR、MR、全息影像等,支撑沉浸式体验)
- 电子游戏技术(包含游戏引擎,3D建模,事实渲染等,提供数字内容和场景)
- 人工智能技术(包含自然语言处理、机器学习、计算机视觉等,支撑元宇宙主客体间的交流)
- 网络及运算技术(包含5g/6g网络、云计算、边缘计算等,支撑元宇宙低延时体验)
The explosion of the meta-cosm concept will lead to the development of the entire industrial chain. The following chart shows the six levels of the meta-cosm industrial chain, from the top to the bottom, the economic system, the application layer, the content layer, the software layer, the hardware layer, the base layer. Each layer has the corresponding supporting technology, the six supporting technologies mentioned earlier.
It's because the Yuan cosmos is a big cake, so there's a crowd of domestic and international businesses.
Foreign firms, with the previously mentioned Roblox and Facebook (now directly renamed Meta); domestic enterprises, mainly Internet large plants, started competing in 2020 , such as Roblox, web-based investment Imvu, a by-line jump under Pico, the addition of an operating systems laboratory and XR laboratories at the Arida Moor Institute, and 100 degrees even directed the Congress of , a by-line jump under Pico, the addition of operating systems laboratory and >spanspanspanspanspan>.
The enterprises mentioned earlier are more active in setting up the meta-cosm, but more are already building infrastructure long before the concept of meta-cosmos, such as cloud storage, artificial intelligence, operating systems, payment systems, decentralized exchanges, 5G networks, etc.
The following is an ecological map of the meta-cosmos, which is based on a number of major sections, and which combines the two main types of enterprises:
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