The US Congress confirmed Biden’s election to the 46th president, and the Democratic Party won a full election to the Senate in Georgia. As a result, the Democratic Party succeeded in taking control of both Houses of Congress.
The virulent new coronary virus is so powerful that London, the United Kingdom, is in a state of “significant accident” and several states in the United States have found cases of mutation virus infection. According to WHO, the virulent new coronary virus found in the United Kingdom is more powerful in all age groups, and patients detect higher levels of viral transmission, but the means to deal with the conventional coronary virus are equally effective for the mutant coronary virus.
The spread of the epidemic has accelerated, but the distribution of vaccines and the pace of vaccinations have fallen short of expectations. Following a British proposal to extend the second dose, the United States is considering halving the dose.
On January 9, local time, a Boeing 737 Indonesian aircraft crashed a few minutes after taking off, and it was revealed that the plane was not flying on its scheduled course. This week, Tesla’s share was new to history, with Musk surpassing Bezos as the world’s richest; after four months of its largest return, Bitcoin made the first breakthrough of $41,000.
More on in One Week of International Finance.
The 88 million Trump fan account was permanently closed! The Honorary Degree from the University of Lihai was withdrawn
Image source: Visual China
On January 7, local time, the United States Congress announced that Democratic presidential candidate Biden won the presidential election with 306 votes and was elected the 46th president of the United States. Biden will be sworn in on January 20th. This will mark the end of the United States presidential election in 2020.
The day before, Democratic Councillors Jon Osov and Rafael Volnak defeated the current Republican Senators David Podu and Kelly Lovelle in the Georgia senatorial elections, winning the last two seats in the Senate. As a result, the Democratic Party succeeded in gaining control of both Houses of Congress.
In the afternoon, during a joint meeting between the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America on the statistical certification of the results of the ballots of the United States State Electoral College for the 2020 presidential election, a large number of demonstrators broke into the congressional building and the joint meeting was interrupted. To date, the violence has resulted in the death of five people, including a congressional police officer, and the arrest of more than 50 demonstrators.
Since the incident, close to 10 government officials have left the United States Government, including the Federal Government Secretary of Transport, Zhao Xiaolan, the United States Assistant Secretary of Health and Public Service, Eleanor Malcolm Katz, and the Federal Government Minister of Education, Beth de Vos and others.
Former US Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush issued separate statements that day condemning the violence in the United States House. Leaders and dignitaries from many countries, including British Prime Minister Johnson, Canadian Prime Minister Trudo, and French President Markron, voiced their shock and condemnation of the incident.
Following the violent protests, Congress resumed the certification process and formally confirmed Biden's election to the next US president. The current president, Trump, said that while he had “totally disagreed” with the results of the general election, he promised that the regime's handover would proceed in an orderly manner.
On the evening of January 7, local time, Trump published two tweets, one written to supporters and the other stating that he would not go to Biden’s inauguration. Twitter argued that the tweets would have a different impact among different groups, and then claimed that they would permanently deactivate Trump’s personal account. Trump had about 88 million followers on Twitter. In the meantime, Twitter also blocked the Trump team account @teamtrump and the official account of the president @POTUS.
In the wake of the riots in the congressional building, Xinhua reported a statement by the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Pelosi, and Shumer, the leader of the Congress Senate minority, calling on Vice President Pance to immediately waive the Presidential authority of Trump by invoking the amendment to article 25 of the United States Constitution, because Trump “incitement to the riots and continues to pose a threat.” Pélosi stated that if Pence and the Cabinet did not act, Congress might be prepared to initiate another impeachment procedure.
According to the New York Times, in addition to congressional Democrats, a number of Republicans have made similar statements, drawing a line with Trump. But Pens is allegedly opposed to the use of the amendment to article 25 of the Constitution, supported by some cabinet officials.
Member of the United States House of Representatives Liu Yunping, on the 9th of local time, said that the House Democrats were planning to introduce an impeachment clause against President Trump on 11th, but that was yet to be confirmed by Pelosi.
Also on Global Wide Web, the National Public Radio (NPR) reported that the University of Rio de Janeiro, Pennsylvania, announced on 8th day that it would withdraw its Honorary Degree from the current president, Trump, in 1988. Following the Congress incident, the Rector of the University of Lihai condemned the riots.
The new coronary virus has reached its first week of work in the new year, and the new coronary epidemic has not slowed at all. Many countries, including the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and Austria, have tightened the blockade again this week.
On January 4, local time, United States Governor Como of New York announced that the state of New York had identified its first case of a mutated new coronary virus as the fourth state in the United States since Florida, Colorado and California, where it was known to have been. Experts noted that the mutated new coronary virus could have spread in many parts of the United States.
Although the new crown vaccination campaign in the United States has been under way for many days, United States CDC web site vaccine data show that, as of 5 January, only 4.83 million people had completed their first dose of vaccine in the United States, far behind schedule, a situation that has also attracted much criticism within the United States.
The Wall Street Journal reports that on the 8th day of the Biden Transition Team, he said that he would seek to release almost all available new coronal vaccines and accelerate their distribution, a policy that would change the Trump government’s policy of hoarding existing vaccines for a second dose. More details on the distribution plan will be available next week.
Previously, The New York Times had stated that the federal Government was considering halving the dose of the Moderna vaccine in order to accelerate vaccination in the United States because of the rapid pace of the epidemic and the overloading of the medical system.
Moncef Slavi, head of the White House new coronary vaccine and chief consultant for the United States new coronary vaccine programme, Operation Crash, stated that “from clinical trial data provided by Moderna, a dose of half a dose to a person between 18 and 55 years of age can produce the same `immunisation response' as a full dose, which can double the number of vaccinations in the existing vaccine stock”.
Researchers from the National Institute of Health and Moderna in the United States are analysing the data to determine whether the number of vaccinations can be doubled by halving the dose of the Moderna vaccine.
However, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that changes to the new crown vaccination dose and arrangements approved by the United States Drug and Drug Administration were too hasty to be supported by sufficiently reliable evidence to suggest that such a decision might put public health at “a significant risk”.
In order to increase the number of people vaccinated by the first dose, countries such as the United Kingdom and Denmark have announced delays in inoculation of the second dose, which have also given rise to industrial controversy.
每经记者就此连线美国威尔·康奈尔医学院微生物学与免疫学教授约翰·摩尔(John P Moore),探讨不同疫苗注射调整方案的可行性。
John P Moore, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Will Cornell Medical School, United States, every reporter online, explores the feasibility of different vaccine-injection adjustment programmes.
约翰·摩尔 图片来源:美国威尔·康奈尔医学院官网
John Moore, photo by Will Cornell Medical School Officer Network, USA
two vaccinations are essential to stimulate high levels of immunization
Professor Moore told every journalist that usually needs two doses of vaccine to stimulate a high level of protective immunity. data show that the mRNA vaccine is the most effective within seven days of the second dose.
It is worth noting that in the results of the tests released by Moderna, it is mentioned that these data do not provide sufficient information on the protective power beyond 28 days after single injection. “In short, we do not know how long the protection period for single dose injection will last.” Moore explains.
He mentioned that the mRNA vaccine provides protection to humans by inducing the creation of viruses and antibodies, and that the important indicator of vaccine performance is the antibody concentration in the serum of the subject. After the first injection of the vaccine, the antibody concentration was low, while the second dose significantly increased.
According to the report released by the FDA, after the first vaccination of Pfizer, about half of those tested did not detect medium- and antibodies, but after the second vaccination, the average antibody concentration of adults aged 18-55 increased by more than 20 times; and the data for those tested on the Moderna vaccine increased by nearly 20 times after the second vaccination.
相比延长接种间隔 剂量减半方案或更安全
is safer than an extension of the programme to halve doses of vaccinations
“With the passage of time, the central and antibody concentration of the mRNA vaccine has been decreasing. We do not yet know the specific trends of the decline or when it will reduce vaccine effectiveness. But it is reasonable to assume that the higher the initial antibody concentration, the longer the protection period will last. I don't think that the protective effect of the single dose of mRNA vaccine will last long enough.
"Extension of the interval between two doses can cause the same problem. The time taken to determine the second dose is flexible, but the longer the interval between 摩尔在其发表的一篇文中提到,辉瑞和Moderna疫苗一期试验中关于剂量范围的研究数据对此给予了一些支撑。从接种剂量(分别为30 μg和100 μg)的数据中推断,将剂量减半会使中和抗体浓度降低2~3倍,但比仅单剂量注射降低的幅度小得多。尽管无法确定最终疗效是否受到影响,但是与大幅延迟第二剂接种的方案相比,将两次接种的剂量减半似乎是一种更安全的选择。不过,摩尔在文章中也强调,非常赞同FDA拒绝剂量减半注射的理由。 In a published paper, Moore mentioned that research data on the range of doses in Pfizer and Moderna first vaccine trials supported this. From the inoculation dose data (30 μg and 100 μg, respectively), it was extrapolated that the reduction of the dose by would reduce medium and antibody concentrations by two to three times, but much less than the reduction by of the single dose alone. Although it was not possible to determine whether the final treatment effects would be affected, halving the dose of the two doses would seem to be a safer option than a significantly delayed second dose programme. 新冠疫苗最前线 New crown vaccine front line 辉瑞/BioNTech疫苗显示对病毒变种有效 Pfizer/BionTech vaccine has been shown to be effective for virus mutations CNN当地时间1月8日报道,辉瑞公司和得克萨斯大学医学分校进行的一项研究表明,辉瑞/BioNTech疫苗可能对在英国和南非发现的高传染性冠状病毒新变种中的关键突变有效。 On 8 January, CNN local time reported that a study carried out by Pfizer and the University of Texas Medical School had shown that Pfizer/BionTech vaccines could be effective for critical mutations in new variants of high-transmitted coronary viruses found in the United Kingdom and South Africa. 不过,这一结果尚未经过同行评审。辉瑞公司病毒科学家Phil Dormitzer透露,在已进行的研究中,该疫苗可有效抵抗16种不同的突变。研究人员正计划进行更多试验,以测试该疫苗是否对其他突变有效,并希望在数周内获得更多数据。 Phil Dormitzer, a viral scientist at Pfizer, has revealed that the vaccine can effectively withstand 16 different mutations in the research that has been done. Researchers are planning more tests to test the efficacy of the vaccine for other mutations and hope to get more data in a few weeks. 英国、欧盟批准Moderna疫苗 UK, EU approved Moderna vaccine 当地时间1月8日,英国政府表示,其卫生监管机构已批准使用Moderna的新冠疫苗。这是该国第三款获批新冠疫苗。英国政府称,已同意购买1,700万剂该款疫苗。据其预计,一旦Moderna扩大产能,这些疫苗将在春季交付。 On 8 January, local time, the British Government stated that its health regulatory body had approved the use of a new crown vaccine for Moderna. This was the third year of the country where the new crown vaccine was approved. The British Government stated that it had agreed to purchase 17 million doses of the vaccine. 当地时间1月6日,欧盟委员会正式授予Moderna疫苗有条件上市许可,成为继辉瑞/BioNTech疫苗之后在欧盟获批的第二种疫苗。欧盟委员会在一份声明中表示,到2021年9月,欧盟国家将获得1.6亿剂该款疫苗。 On January 6, local time, the European Commission officially granted a conditional listing permit for the Moderna vaccine as the second vaccine to be approved in the European Union following the Pfizer/BionTech vaccine. In a statement, the European Commission stated that, by September 2021, the EU countries would receive 160 million doses of the vaccine. 此外,欧洲药物管理局当地时间1月8日发推称,可能下周决定授予阿斯利康/牛津新冠疫苗的紧急使用授权。 In addition, the European Drug Administration, on 8 January local time, assumed that it might decide next week to grant an emergency authorization for the use of the new Aslikon/Oxford crown vaccine. 财闻集锦 / strong' 01 印尼一客机坠毁 印尼交通部长:飞机未按既定航向飞行 Indonesian passenger plane crash Indonesia Minister of Transport: aircraft not flying on scheduled course 波音称正在监测情况和收集信息 Boeing claims to be monitoring the situation and gathering information 据央视新闻消息,印尼媒体报道,当地时间1月9日,一架从印尼首都雅加达起飞的三佛齐航空公司旗下波音737-524客机,在起飞数分钟后失联。据悉,这架飞机的机龄超过25年,最后的信息显示飞机曾在不到1分钟内高度急降10000英尺。 According to news reports, Indonesian media reported that on 9 January, local time, a Boeing 737-524 passenger aircraft flying from the Indonesian capital Jakarta lost contact a few minutes after taking off. The aircraft was said to be over 25 years old, and the last information indicates that the plane had fallen at a height of 10,000 feet in less than a minute. 据当地媒体报道,飞机于9日14点36分自雅加达苏加诺-哈达国际机场起飞,飞机起飞后按航线飞向雅加达北部爪哇海域,最终在拉吉岛(Pulau Laki)附近海域失联,此时距离从雅加达起飞不到4分钟。附近海域居民称,当天下午14点30分左右有飞机坠落爆炸。 According to local media reports, the aircraft took off from Sujano-Hada International Airport in Jakarta at 14.36 p.m. on 9 September, and then headed for the northern Jakarta coastal area of Java, where it eventually lost contact at a distance of less than four minutes near Pulau Laki Island. According to residents of the surrounding area, an aircraft crashed at about 14.30 p.m. on the same day. 印度尼西亚交通部官员9日证实,失联客机被发现坠毁在雅加达附近海域。印尼总统佐科指示尽最大努力搜寻幸存者。由印尼国家搜救中心等部门组成的联合搜救队已在事发海域展开搜救,当晚发现了逃生滑梯等机上物品。 Indonesian Ministry of Transport officials confirmed on 9 September that the lost passenger plane had been found to have crashed in the waters near Jakarta. Indonesian President Zorko instructed him to do his utmost to search for survivors. A joint search and rescue team consisting of the Indonesian National Search and Rescue Centre, among others, had launched a search and rescue operation in the area where the incident had occurred, and items on the flight, such as the escape ladder, had been discovered that night. 印尼交通部长布迪在当天召开的新闻发布会上透露,空管人员发现飞机航向并没有朝着75度方向(东北方向),而是朝着西北方向飞行。机场空管人员曾要求飞行员确认航向,但没过多久,几秒钟之后,飞机就从雷达上消失了。另有印尼国家搜救署官员表示,失事飞机直到坠毁都没有发出任何信号。 At a press conference that same day, Indonesian Minister of Transport Boudi revealed that airmasters had discovered that the plane was headed not 75 degrees (north-east), but north-west. Airmans had asked pilots to confirm the course, but after a few seconds, the plane disappeared from the radar. According to another Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency official, the crash did not signal until the crash. 三佛齐航空发言人称,机上有56名乘客,包括46名成人,7名儿童和3名婴儿。机上还有4名乘务员和2名飞行员。三佛齐航空是一家总部位于印度尼西亚雅加达苏加诺-哈达国际机场的航空公司,主要运营印尼国内航线及少量国际航线,2018年11月成为印度尼西亚鹰航的子公司。 According to the Troika spokesperson, there were 56 passengers on board, including 46 adults, 7 children and 3 babies. There were also four crewmen and two pilots on board. Trifuzi is an airline based at the Sujano-Hada International Airport in Jakarta, Indonesia, which operates mainly Indonesian domestic and a small number of international routes and became a subsidiary of the Indonesian Eagle Line in November 2018. 据澎湃新闻,1月9日晚间,针对三佛齐航班坠机一事,波音方面回应称,已经获悉来自雅加达的媒体报道,并正在密切监测情况和收集更多信息。同时,波音将与航司客户保持联系,随时准备提供支持。 According to the news, in the evening of 9 January, in response to the crash of the Tribute flight, Boeing stated that he had been informed of media reports from Jakarta and was closely monitoring the situation and collecting more information. In the meantime, Boeing would be in contact with the Department's clients and stood ready to provide support. 02 全球首富换人!马斯克取代贝佐斯上位 当地时间1月7日和8日,特斯拉股价连续大涨。截至8日收盘,特斯拉股价报收每股880.02美元,总市值达8342亿美元,超越Facebook成为美国第五大上市公司。 On 7 and 8 January local time, Tesla’s stock prices rose sharply. As of the closing date, Tesla’s share price stood at $8,8002 per share, with a total market value of $834.2 billion, going beyond Facebook to become the fifth largest listed company in the United States. 据彭博社数据,截至北京时间1月9日11点30分,马斯克个人资产净值达2090亿美元,比亚马逊创始人贝佐斯高出230亿美元,登顶世界首富。自2017年10月以来,贝佐斯一直位居全球富豪榜榜首。 According to Bloomberg, at 11.30 p.m. on 9 January Beijing time, the net personal assets of Musk were $209 billion, $23 billion more than the founder of Amazonia, Bezos, who was the richest in the world since October 2017. 数据显示,去年年初,马斯克的身价约为270亿美元。2020年,由于公司持续盈利、获纳入标普500指数、投行和散户投资者热情不减等利好,特斯拉股价大涨743%。股价的空前飙升使马斯克的个人资产净值到目前为止增加了超过1800亿美元。金融数据公司S3 Partners的分析显示,特斯拉股价的暴涨也让空头们损失高达401亿美元。 The price of Tesla’s shares rose by 743% in 2020 because of the company’s continued profitability, its inclusion in the Psalm 500 index, its investment and the enthusiasm of its investors. The unprecedented surge in equity prices has increased the net value of Mask’s personal assets by more than $180 billion so far. 03 历经4个月来最大回调后 比特币冲破4.1万美元 1月8日,比特币飙升至历史新高,首次突破4.1万美元大关,一度接近4.2万美元。Coindesk数据显示,截至1月10日8点05分,比特币价格为40316.08美元。 On 8 January, Bitcoin jumped to an all-time high, breaking the $41,000 threshold for the first time, once close to $42,000. Coindisk data show that the price of Bitcoin was $40316.08 as at 8.05 p.m. on 10 January. 本周早些时候,比特币经历了四个月来最大的回调,在连续七天上涨后下跌9%,一度跌破3万美元关口,跌至2.8万美元。 Earlier this week, Bitcoin experienced its largest return in four months, falling by 9 per cent after seven days in a row, once breaking the 30,000-dollar mark and falling to $28,000. 最近一年比特币大涨受到众多因素推动,机构投资者入局、全球央行宽松政策、比特币数量有限以及突破2万美元后激发的市场狂热情绪都是“幕后推手”。 The recent surge in bitcoin has been driven by a number of factors, with institutional investor entry, global central bank easing, limited amounts of bitcoin and market fanaticism triggered by a breakthrough of $20,000 being behind the scenes. 一些评论人士担心泡沫必然会破灭,另一些人则质疑加密货币市场的基本透明度。比特币的支持者则认为,比特币为美元疲软和通胀加剧风险提供了避险手段,有点像黄金,但批评者认为这两种资产不具可比性。 Some commentators are concerned that the bubble is bound to burst, while others question the basic transparency of the crypto-currency market. Bitcoin’s supporters argue that Bitcoin provides a hedge against the risk of weakening the dollar and increasing inflation, somewhat like gold, but critics argue that the two assets are not comparable. 区块链数据公司Bitfarms的总裁Geoffrey Morphy认为,“人们越是意识到自己的资产,尤其是诸如法定货币之类的流动资产的价值不断缩减,他们就越会去寻找替代投资品。” According to Geoffrey Morphy, the president of Bitfarms, “the more people are aware of the diminishing value of their assets, especially liquid assets such as legal currencies, the more they will look for alternative investment”. 04 亚马逊、伯克希尔、摩根大通合资公司宣告解体 the dissolution of Amazon, Birkhter and Morgan Chase Joint Venture 图片来源:每经记者 张建摄 Source: Photo taken by every journalist. 当地时间1月4日,亚马逊、伯克希尔、摩根大通三年前合资成立的医疗保健企业Haven宣布将于2月底停止运营,员工将被分别安置在上述三家巨头中。 On 4 January, local time, the health-care company Havana, a joint venture of Amazon, Birkhshire and Morgan Chase three years ago, announced that it would cease operations by the end of February and that its staff would be placed in each of the three giants. 据《纽约时报》报道,管理运营上的问题给三家巨头的合作带来了超出预期的挑战。知情人士表示,伯克希尔拥有广泛且多样的医疗保健管理系统,仅在伯克希尔内部也难以进行全面变革。而摩根大通又为其员工提供了自己的医疗保健计划,难以与亚马逊和伯克希尔的相匹配。 According to The New York Times, management problems pose more than expected challenges to cooperation among the three giants. Information sources suggest that Birkhshire has an extensive and diverse health-care management system, and that it is difficult to make comprehensive changes within Birkhshire alone. 05 全球奢侈品行业最大交易: the largest global trade in luxury goods: 路威酩轩宣布完成对蒂凡尼收购 图片来源:每经记者 王星平摄 Photo by Wang Xingping (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) 当地时间1月7日,全球最大的奢侈品企业路威酩轩宣布完成对美国珠宝品牌蒂凡尼的收购。 On 7 January, local time, Luwig, the world's largest luxury company, announced the completion of the acquisition of the United States jewellery brand, Tiffany. 2019年,路威酩轩宣布将收购蒂凡尼。2020年9月,受疫情造成的巨大冲击,路威酩轩一度决定停止收购蒂凡尼。次月,双方又达成新协议,收购价格由每股135美元降至131.5美元。尽管最后收购价格降至158亿美元,但仍是奢侈品市场有史以来规模最大的一笔收购。2020年12月底,蒂凡尼公司股东批准了此项收购。 In 2019, Luwig announced that he would acquire Tiffany. In September 2020, in response to the devastating impact of the epidemic, Luwig decided to stop the acquisition of Tiffany. The following month, the parties reached a new agreement to reduce the purchase price from $135 to $131.5 per share. 06 富士胶片拟投20亿美元在美建大型细胞培养工厂 . 图片来源:摄图网 Photo source: Photonet 当地时间1月6日,富士胶片宣布,计划投资20亿美元,在美国建设一个大型细胞培养生产基地,以加快其生物制药开发和制造业务的发展。新厂将建在富士胶片在美国的现有工厂附近,预计将于2025年春季投产。 On January 6, local time, Fuji film announced plans to invest $2 billion in a large cell culture production base in the United States to accelerate its biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing operations. The new plant will be built near the existing factory in the United States. 富士胶片正在积极投资医疗领域。2020年6月,富士胶片向旗下生物科技公司在丹麦希勒勒的工厂投资了9.28亿美元,以扩大其细胞培养生产能力和药品生产能力。 Fuji film is actively investing in the medical field. In June 2020, Fuji film invested $928 million in a factory in Heller, Denmark, to expand its cellular and pharmaceutical production capacity. 07 沙特扩大减产额度 原油创10个月来最高收盘价 Saudis have expanded their production reduction, and crude oil has received the highest price in 10 months . 当地时间1月5日,欧佩克+就2月份石油产量达成协议。沙特将在2月和3月自愿额外减产100万桶/日,俄罗斯将在2月和3月每个月都增产6.5万桶/日,哈萨克斯坦将在2月和3月增产1万桶/日。总的来看,由于沙特的自愿减产,欧佩克+大幅增加了减产力度。 On January 5, local time, OPEC+ agreed on oil production in February. Saudi Arabia will voluntarily reduce production by 1 million barrels per day in February and March, Russia will produce an additional 65,000 barrels per month in February and March, and Kazakhstan will produce an additional 10,000 barrels per month in February and March. 受此消息影响,原油价格不断上扬,当天,WTI原油期货主力合约盘中最高冲上50.04美元/桶,为2020年2月以来首次。布伦特原油价格也持续走高,主力合约盘中最高升至53.75美元/桶。 As a result of this information, crude oil prices continued to rise, with the top of the WTI crude oil futures contract board running up to $50.04 per barrel that day, for the first time since February 2020. Brent crude oil prices also continued to rise, with the top of the main contract plate rising to $53.75 per barrel. 截至北京时间1月9日11点30分,WTI原油期货价为52.72美元/桶,布伦特原油期货价为56.25美元/桶。 As at 11.30 p.m. Beijing time on 9 January, the future price of WTI crude oil was USD 52.72 per barrel and the future price of Brent crude oil was USD 56.25 per barrel. 图片来源:每经制图 Source: Every Graphic 图片来源:每经制图 Source: Every Graphic 记者:文巧 兰素英 Reporter: Renzo-Yin. 编辑:兰素英 Editor: Ransou-in 视觉:刘青彦 Visual: Liu Qingyan 排版:兰素英 Layout: Ransou-Engine
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