区块链赋能溯源生态研究报告 | OKEx投研

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:40 评论:0
作者:OKEx分析师秀秀Author: OKEx Analyst Show目录: Catalogue: 一、传统溯源领域发展概述I. Overview of developments in the...



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Author: OKEx Analyst Show




I. Overview of developments in the area of traditional traceability

1.1 概念介绍

1.1 Concept presentation

1.2 溯源对象

1.2 Retroactive objects

1.3 溯源的优势和痛点

1.3 Strengths and pains of traceability


II. Need to combine blocks chain with trace

2.1 区块链的亮点

2.1 Highlights of block chains

2.2 区块链对溯源中存证环节的赋能点

2.2 Enabling points of the block chain for the chain of authentication in the trace


III. The main application direction of the block chain combined with trace

3.1 有形商品溯源

3.1 Physical commodity traceability

3.2 数字商品溯源

3.2 Digital commodity traceability


IV. Challenges and prospects

4.1 挑战

4.1 Challenges

4.2 展望

4.2 Outlook


concluding remarks

1.1 概念介绍

i. Overview of developments in the area of traditional traceability
> strong > 1.1 concept introduction

溯源,指追踪记录有形商品或数字商品的流转链条,通过对每一次流转的存证,实现全流程的信息采集记录。 通常是指物品或者信息在生产、流通及销售的过程中,利用各种采集和留存方式,获得物品或者信息的关键数据,如流通和传输的起点、节点、终点、数据类别、数据详情、数据采集人、数据采集时间,并通过一定的方式,把数据按照一定的格式和方式进行存储。 通过追踪记录有形商品或无形信息的流转链条,实现追根溯源防伪鉴证。

refers to the flow chain that tracks tangible or digital commodities, and the process-wide information-gathering record that is achieved through the documentation of each flow. usually refers to the acquisition of key data of goods or information, such as starting points, nodes, endpoints, data types, data details, data collectors, data collection times, in a manner consistent with the format and manner in which the data is stored. refers to the use of various collection and retention methods in the production, circulation and sale of goods or information to obtain key data, such as starting points, nodes, end points, data types, data detail, data acquisition times, etc.

1.2 溯源对象

1.2 Retrospective Object


The main objects of traceability were tangible commodities and .

1.2.1 有形商品

1.2.1 Tangible commodities



Processes are produced, packaged, stored, transported, marketed through the production, packaging, production, processing, storage information, testing batches, logistics turnaround to third-party quality checks, customs exits and exits, among other things, important information. The existing traceability models in the supply chain include bar codes, RFID radio frequency identification techniques, scanning two-dimensional codes, etc., and data are generally managed centrally in a variety of traceability methods.


The concept of traceable products from the source to the consumer has been in place for decades, and we often see in the newspapers that a company calls back a group of problematic cars by applying a retroactive system. The phones or televisions purchased have a unique series of numbers that enable producers and government departments to identify and confirm their location.


Each link in the tracking and traceability of goods involves not only marking the information at this point, but also collecting the information already available at the preceding stage and labelling the entire information on the product label for use at the next stage. Thus, the traceability of commodities is a multi-layered activity that requires the involvement of many sectors, including the quality sector, logistics, IT sector, marketing sector, and so on.

我国在 2015 年出台了《国务院办公厅关于加快推进重要产品追溯体系建设的意见》,对重点商品提出了追溯要求。主要目标为:

In 2015, we introduced the Opinion of the State Department's Office on accelerating the development of the retroactive system for important products , with retroactive requirements for priority commodities. The main objectives are:

到2020年,追溯体系建设的规划标准体系得到完善,法规制度进一步健全; 全国追溯数据统一共享交换机制基本形成,初步实现有关部门、地区和企业追溯信息互通共享; 重要产品生产经营企业追溯意识显著增强,采用信息技术建设追溯体系的企业比例大幅提高; 社会公众对追溯产品的认知度和接受度逐步提升,追溯体系建设市场环境明显改善。

by 2020, the system of planning criteria for retroactive system development has been improved and the regulatory system has been further improved; The national system of harmonized data-sharing and exchange of information among relevant departments, regions and enterprises has been largely developed, with initial information-sharing among relevant departments, regions and enterprises; There has been a significant increase in the awareness of enterprises involved in the production of important products and a significant increase in the proportion of enterprises using information technology to build a retroactive system; There has been a gradual increase in public awareness and acceptance of retrospective products and a marked improvement in the market environment for system-building.

1.2.2 数字商品

1.2.2 Digital commodities


digital goods means products that can be digitized and transmitted through digital networks.


Digital products are classified into three types: content products, digital vouchers, digital processes and services, depending on the nature of their use. Content-based products are digital products that express content, mainly in the form of news, books, films, music, images, etc. Digital documents are digital products that represent a contract, such as digital entrance tickets, digital paper, digitalization reservations, etc. Digital processes and services refer mainly to digital interactions, such as distance education, network games, interactive entertainment, etc. Retroactivity in this area is mainly related to intellectual property rights and digital documents for content-based products.

随着知识经济的兴起,知识产权已成为市场竞争力的核心要素,而现阶段版权保护上存在作品版权难追溯,侵权行为难判断、利益归属难界定,原创作者权益难保障、维权成本高、举证困难的三大痛点。我们看到文化产业成了侵权盗版的重灾区,网络小说、游戏、音乐、视频、图片等拥有知识产权的作品资源在没有授权的情况下被大量免费传播已成为一种现象,出版业、互联网创作、IP 衍生品行业都在侵权盗版的侵害下遭受重大损失。

With the emergence of a knowledge-based economy, intellectual property has become a central element of market competitiveness, and copyright protection at this stage is difficult to trace, infringement is difficult to judge, attribution of interests is difficult to define, the rights of original creators are difficult to secure, the costs of defending rights are high, and evidentiary difficulties are difficult. We see that the cultural industry has become a critical area of piracy, and that vast amounts of intellectual property resources, such as novels, games, music, videos, pictures, etc., have been distributed free of charge without authorization, with publishing, Internet creation, and IP derivatives suffering major losses from piracy.


The creation of good works requires a great deal of time and effort on the part of authors, and the absence of good interaction and reasonable rewards will harm the creative passion of the creators. It will also increase the operational costs of operating institutions, causing huge losses to the creators and institutions involved, and hindering the formation of orderly markets in the relevant areas.


It's a retrospective process. It's from OKEx.


In April 2019, the EU Intellectual Property Office released a study on trends in trade in counterfeit and pirate goods. Using the GTRIC methodology, the report provided an updated quantitative analysis of the value, scope and scale of global trade in counterfeit and pirate products. It found that international trade in counterfeit and pirated products amounted to $50.9 billion in 2016. This amount did not include domestic production and consumption of counterfeit and pirated products, and pirated digital products distributed via the Internet, accounting for 3.3 per cent of world trade, compared with an estimated 2.5 per cent of world trade in 2013.


The report also notes that counterfeit products have been found in an increasing number of industries, including but not limited to common consumer goods (e.g. footwear, cosmetics, toys), business products (e.g. spare parts or chemicals), IT products (phones, batteries) and luxury goods (fashion or branded watches). It is not negligible that counterfeit products such as contact lenses, medicines, infant formulae, etc. are constantly entering the market through multiple channels, which poses a great danger to consumer health and safety.


We have seen the negative effects of counterfeiting and pirated commodity transactions that accompany the growth of global economic trade. Different degrees of damage to business interests, the economic environment, public health, etc., and even organized criminal problems.


therefore goes back to the source, and finding the true source of information is an effective measure to address these immediate problems.

1.3 溯源的优势和痛点

1.3 Retroactivity advantages and pain points

1.3.1 溯源的优势

1.3.1 Retroactive advantage


is an informative process that enables businesses to enhance their own management, win consumer trust and be transparent about regulatory accountability.


Enterprise angle:


(1) In the management of an enterprise’s production, it can be traced back to process behaviour and data, enabling the production, circulation and sale of goods under the enterprise’s flag to be digitized.


(2) In terms of security accountability, the quality of the product can be improved by the quick and retroactive identification of the problem and the person responsible.


(3) In the maintenance of the external brand of an enterprise, the user’s right to know is satisfied by displaying the true industrial chain behaviour and data of the product to the user through a system of traceability. The objective is to achieve the safe consumption of the product with retroactive objectives, enhancing the confidence of the user and the reputation of the enterprise’s brand.


Consumer perspective:


Consumers have a wide demand for the quality and authenticity of business goods, which can be easily retrospectively and fraudulently tested by consumers, with a comprehensive understanding of product life-cycle information and greater transparency in consumption. At the same time, consumers can use the function of traceability to defend their personal interests more efficiently when they encounter counterfeit goods.


Social risk control angle:


Through the retroactive system, enterprises disclose to society their production, packaging, warehousing, transport, distribution processes, and provide searchable data and social supervision. When a product is in trouble, society, government, and law enforcement agencies can trace data on the various links in the industrial chain through the retroactive system, identifying the link and the party responsible for the problem, and also identifying the link where the product is in trouble through the retrospective system.

1.3.2 传统溯源的痛点

1.3.2 Traditional retrospective pains


Traditional traceability requires two main processes, information gathering and documentation, each of which has its own corresponding pain points.


Information-gathering process:

(1)受限于现阶段的信息识别技术水平,目前只能收集到商品流转过程中的一部分数据,有待物联网和人工智能发展提升信息采集设备的智能度。 (2)要设计和采用标准化的可追溯系统,需要投入比较大的资金。

(1) is limited to the current stage of information recognition technology and only a portion of the data is currently collected in the course of the commodity flow, pending the development of a network of objects and artificial intelligence to enhance the intelligence of the information-gathering equipment. (2) The design and implementation of a standardized traceability system will require a larger investment of funds.


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(1) Centralized, technical information data counterfeiting (internal malfeasance and external intrusion)


Retroactivity patterns that exist in the supply chain include bar codes, RFID radio frequency recognition techniques, scanning two-dimensional codes, etc. The centralization of data in various forms of traceability, which makes data easily subject to manipulation. Under the centralization model, who maintains the account as the centre is the key to the problem.


(2) The challenge of confidentiality of sensitive information data


The ideal traceability system needs to document all key information, such as the origin of the commodity’s main raw materials, technical indicators, and the related operating processes, which must be labelled, every link in the product’s circulation, and the final consumer. But some important information is classified as business, for example, in a proxy market where producers know specific distributors, and where distributors struggle to exploit markets, they may be withdrawn.


(3) Information Islands, difficult to share


The commodity supply chain is composed of a large number of participating actors, and there is a great deal of interaction and collaboration between the different players, while the various types of information generated throughout the entire supply chain operation are stored separately within the respective systems, and the lack of transparency of information is an island-based model. The lack of flow of information makes it difficult for participating actors to accurately understand the real-time situation and problems and affects the efficiency of the supply chain. Moreover, the dispersion of key data and information across different sectors and systems also leads to the absence of an industry-wide standard system of data recording.

1.3.3 对溯源系统的要求

1.3.3 Requirements for traceability systems


(1) The collection of retrospective data requires a wealth of technical means, flexibility, accuracy of data, efficiency, low cost and low cost of adaptation of existing production processes.


(2) The security of data storage becomes very important and requires a rigorous back-up mechanism, as retrospective sources involve data sharing and common maintenance.


(3) The safety of the use of data information and the need for rigorous authority control over the collection of retrospective data, which can be uploaded only through the necessary links in the process and the authorized role, control data entry, modification, removal of permissions, and preferably not provide for modification or deletion of permissions.


(4) Access rights control, where retrospective data are jointly maintained among industry chain players and shared both within and outside the industry chain and towards society and consumers, requires control over the recording and presentation of data.

2.1 区块链的亮点

II. Need to combine block chains with traceability
2.1 bright spots in block chains

区块链是一种利用块链状数据结构来验证与存储数据,利用分布式节点共识算法来生成和更新数据,利用密码学原理对数据进行加密,利用智能合约来操作的数据基础设施。 通过区块链技术构建的信任,可有效消除高昂的信任成本。其亮点主要有去中心化、非对称加密、智能合约、通证生态激励等。

The block chain is a data infrastructure that uses block-chain data structures to validate and store data, uses distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, uses cryptography to encrypt data, and uses smart contracts to operate.


(1) Distributed books, decentralised


In block chain systems, transactions are broadcast to the whole network on an instant basis upon confirmation, and each node of the transaction information received is synchronized on the ledger, simplifying the process of updating the information, thereby reducing the agency’s operating costs. At the same time, because of the full amount of accountbook data available at each node, transaction data achieves multi-point endorsements, avoiding loss of the book while also avoiding the possibility of a single account keeper being controlled or bribed to keep false accounts and ensuring the security of account data. In addition, because of the high cost of tampering with transaction data, the immaculate features of the distribution of data also enhance the credibility of the data, thereby enhancing the platform’s credibility. Each node of the block chain contains complete data according to a chain structure. Data information can be traced by “time stamping” techniques and chain structures, and each event and transaction is time marked as part of a long chain or permanent record, thus allowing the transaction to be traced retroactively.


(2) symmetric encryption and data cannot be tampered with

非对称加密指用一个密钥对来进行加密和解密。 加密和解密使用不同的密钥,通过公钥加密的信息,在网上即使被截获也无法解密,因为公钥加密后的信息不能再通过公钥解密,而必须使用私钥来解密,而私钥只有自己有,就可以保证信息的安全性。所以,这种非对称加密的方式可以对用户的身份信息进行加密处理,在保证信息安全的同时也能验证用户身份。此外,区块链上的数据无法被篡改,而且在区块链上的任何篡改都会留下密码学上的证据从而被快速发现。

Asymmetric encryption refers to encryption and declassification using a key pair. Encryption and declassification use different keys, public key encryption information cannot be decrypted online, even if it is intercepted, because public key encryption can no longer be decrypted by a public key, but private keys must be used to decipher it, and private keys can only be used to ensure the security of the information. This asymmetric encryption can therefore encrypt the identity information of the user and verify the identity of the user while ensuring the security of the information.


(3) Smart Contract

智能合约是一种旨在以信息化方式传播、验证或执行合同的计算机协议 。基于这些可信的不可篡改的数据,能够采用完全自动化的流程,不需要任何人为参与,只要满足智能合约代码所列出的要求即可自动化的执行一些预先定义好的规则和条款,这些交易可追踪且不可逆转。优势是更高效率、降低成本、交易更准确,且无法更改,此外,智能合约去除任何第三方干扰,进一步增强了网络的去中心化。

Smart contracts are computer protocols designed to disseminate, validate, or execute contracts in an informative manner . On the basis of these credible and indeterminable data, fully automated processes can be implemented, without any involvement, and predefined rules and terms can be automated, as long as the requirements set out in the smart contract code are met, and these transactions are traceable and irreversible. The advantage is that they are more efficient, less costly, more accurate, and cannot be changed.


(4) Translator Ecological Incentive

区块链的通证经济想要把本来免费的社会行为变成被金钱衍生品激励的市场行为,并想象这样可以精准量化,定向生产有价值的行为结果。 通证除了承担支付或价值贮藏的角色,还被设计为如股权、金融资产、奖励积分等更复杂、多元的功能。在去中心化的区块链世界里,激励机制是利益分配和使用的核心点,通过激励机制达成网络共识,从而使得区块链每个环节的参与者都能获得相应的回报,进而分工明确、积极的完成各项工作,让系统在很大程度上免受了各种威胁和攻击。这相当于参与者们共同维护了系统安全性,推动了系统的生态发展。

In a decentralised block-chained world, incentives are central to the distribution and use of benefits, and network consensus is reached through incentives that allow participants in each segment of the chain to obtain a corresponding return, thereby clearly dividing and actively accomplishing their tasks and keeping the system to a large extent free from threats and attacks. This is equivalent to the fact that participants together maintain system security and contribute to the ecological development of the system.


In summary, the block chain is a multi-purpose maintenance, full backup, and information security distributed bookkeeping technology. It has decentralised, non-manufacturing, complete footprints, traceability, collective maintenance, transparency, etc. These features guarantee the “honest” and “transparent” character of the block chain and create the basis for trust in the block chain.

2.2 区块链对溯源中存证环节的赋能点

2.2 Enabling point of the block chain for the chain of authentication in the trace


(1) Message Retroactivity


The addition of validated information to the block chain will be permanently stored, individual nodes will not be able to modify the data, so that the block chain is more stable and indeterminable and irreproachable. Relevant information in the commodity supply chain process can be stored on the block chain. The widespread availability and widespread application of the interface makes the dataization and recordability of commodities now more viable and reliable.


(2) Information-sharing


Block chain technology has distributed features, and each node contains complete information on the chain, which ensures faster real-time data sharing while information is secure and transparent, and reduces the cost and burden of sharing information. Anyone can search for data on the block chain at open interfaces and share and exchange data across the system, thus maintaining a high degree of openness and transparency in the system's information.


(3) Increased efficiency of implementation


The process automation of smart contracts requires that the conditions and requirements are set and the smart contracts are automatically executed. Full compliance with predefined conditions is more objective, transparent and credible, reducing the cost of collaboration and reducing the error rate.


(4) Mobilize Ecodynamics


Equitable distribution of benefits along the chain and regulation of the behaviour of members are used as a translator incentive.


Image from OKEx.


Documenting is an important basis for the future rapid development of the entire industrial block chain, involving processes such as data collection, preservation, and sharing, which can be expanded to extend the traceability function. The block chain primarily addresses the authenticity of documented data and provides an important basis for multi-stakeholder collaboration among industry enterprises.


It's a retrospective process. It's from OKEx.

3.1 有形商品溯源

strong> III. The main application direction of the block chain in the context of traceability
strong > 3.1 Physical commodity traceability

3.1.1 电商领域

3.1.1 Electronics field


There is a long history of counterfeit goods in the area of commodities, especially in the case of electronics. This situation is caused by the interests of the operator, the lack of consumer identification and the lack of transparency in the flow of goods. Consumers are now required to provide more detailed information on the nature, origin, and quality of the goods purchased.




In accordance with a uniform coding mechanism, each commodity has been given a unique identity card for every minimum package, recording important data for each commodity from raw materials to the entire life cycle of a closed ring after sale. In the case of raw materials, consumers are more concerned about the safety of all links such as planting, raising, growing, transporting, etc., and are expected to demonstrate better the quality of their commodities, based on a closed ringable supply chain operating system, which establishes a complete system of block technology and a system of protection against forgery. For example, in the case of big rim crabs, important data are recorded for each commodity from the breeding, fishing, processing and re-routing of each commodity to the logistics link after sale. The information collected automatically by the equipment is incorporated into the chain code of the area, allowing the source of the big brillant crab to be traced, traceable to the source of the entire chain of the chain, and the information can be traced to the entire chain of the chain, and the details of the goods can be checked through the consumer's page.

3.1.2 农渔养殖产品领域

3.1.2 in the area of agro-fishing products


Traditional agriculture and livestock have long industrial chains, complex processes from planting to farming to consumption, and information data are fragmented in each trading scene, lacking effective visual and credible green traceability. The chain combines agricultural products, aquaculture, and livestock, bringing decentralized process data into the chain, enhancing product safety and credibility while also improving commodity de-marketing due to factors such as geographical remoteness.




Under the auspices of the Tin Shui City Forestry Department, high-tech chain solutions and technical support are provided by paper-priced technologies to help build high-tech chain apple brands built by An Apple in Tianhai. The town of Gansu Water Qin An is a high-quality fruit production base in the country, with excellent apple quality and a major source of income for local farmers. With hard-tech block chain technology, it creates a unique “identity card” for apples, using block-chain technology to record apple production, pick-up times, testing, etc., and to make the information from orchards to the table transparent and traceable.

3.1.3 医药保健品领域

3.1.3 in the field of pharmaceutical health products


Through block chain technology, key details and relevant information on all links in the supply chain, including the date of manufacture, price, therapeutic efficacy, circulation of medicines, etc., can be checked and even traced back to the stage of purchasing raw materials. For example, when drugs are transported out of order or when they are missing, the data stored in the block chain can provide a fast track for the parties and determine the final location of the drug. Moreover, once a drug is found to be in danger, the chain network records the flow of drugs through the block chain, identifies problems, facilitates the rapid intervention of manufacturers and regulators, and calls back the drug at the first stage. At the same time, it provides the basis for the authorities to strengthen law enforcement and strengthen market regulation.



MIoT.AI是一家中国企业,成立于2018年5月。MloT. AI以物联网技术,通过MIoT. AI云医链连接医疗领域的各个环节包括医疗器械(医疗设备、穿戴设备)、诊断(体检设备、电子病历)、药品流通(药店ERP) 等,将数据的产、处理、存储和共享形成了有效的闭环,真正实现数据的真实性、不可篡改、确权和精准共享等,可为精准医疗、健康大数据、药品流通等提供的真实、可靠的数据来源及安全保证。

MIOT.AI is a Chinese enterprise established in May 2018. MloT. AI connects the various components of the medical field through MioT. AI's medical chain, including medical devices (medical equipment, wearing equipment), diagnostics (medical examination equipment, electronic medical records), drug circulation (pharmaceutical ERP), creating an effective closed circle for the production, processing, storage and sharing of data, real data authenticity, non-alterfeitability, validation and accurate sharing, which can provide real and reliable sources of data and security guarantees for accurate medical care, health data, the circulation of medicines, etc.

3.1.4 垃圾溯源领域

3.1.4 Waste traceability


One-time medical devices are now widely used in clinical settings, and the treatment of these medical wastes involves a number of links, ranging from generation to a long centralized processing cycle, to the identification, packing, temporary storage, in-hospital trans-shipment, centralized storage, out-of-hospital trans-shipment, terminal disposal, etc. The solution for tracking medical waste is to trace the generation, transport and disposal of medical waste through equipment such as a network of objects, sensors, smart waste bins, etc., and to provide incentives to participants.




In 2019, the National Health Board started a block-chain pilot project to use the chain for a range of management measures, such as data collection, transfer logs, in-hospital transfer routes, and inventory monitoring of medical waste stores. In this case, a number of nodes are deployed, such as the collection of medical waste by hospital attendants, scavenging, envelopes, weighting of medical waste during transport, transportation, handover, and eventual destruction, all of which will be stored through the APP to ensure that medical waste is monitored from the source to the end.

3.2 数字商品溯源

3.2 Digital commodity traceability

3.2.1 版权溯源

3.2.1 Copyright retroactively


The technical application of block chains to copyright traceability allows consumers to know the entire process of creating and publishing goods while acquiring them, from source to end, from process to detail, allowing piracy to take place. It also provides conclusive evidence for creators and publishers to defend their rights and minimizes the cost of obtaining evidence in the process. The copyright protection path for traditional digital content requires creators to apply for copyright certification services from the State Time Centre and its subordinate services, at a higher threshold. In block chains, however, creators or institutions can quickly access content chains and record copyright rights by joining a network of block chains.


Case 1:


The copyright chain first secures the integrity and originality of the content through the calculation of digital summaries of content and the extraction of digital fingerprints; secondly, the certificate issued by the State-endorsed Digital Certificate Agency provides digital signatures, the proof of the existence of digital works in conjunction with the credible time at the time of the award by the State Centre, the proof of tenure, proof of authorization and evidence of tort, the establishment of a complete digital identification mechanism for the participants in the block chain system, and the guarantee of ownership and duration of the work in conjunction with a credible time service.


Case 2:


On November 8, 2019, the payment treasures announced the introduction of a “drawn-up defence” tool for 11 sellers of Skycats, based on block chain technology, which provides self-help on a one-stop line, such as photo confirmation, tort evidence and evidence verification. The evidence meets the criteria for judicial identification.

3.2.2 数字凭证

3.2 digital voucher


The application of block chains in digital vouchers has the characteristics of complete process retrace, information cannot be tampered with, etc., to effectively circumvent false digital vouchers and improve the process of monitoring digital documents. Using block chain electronic invoicing, operators can obtain invoice requests, issue, check, and record on block chains; consumers can store, transfer and reimburse on the chain; and, for tax regulators and tax administrations, they can achieve process-wide regulation of scientific and technological innovations and paperless smart tax management.




As early as 2018, Shenzhen City launched a pilot roll-out of block-link electronic invoices, with technical block-link support provided by Tetsu Finance Technology, which is now widely applied to hundreds of businesses such as financial insurance, retailer super, hotel catering, Internet services, with a cumulative register of more than 15,000 businesses and more than 16 million tickets opened. In recent days, in response to the current demand for non-contact services, Shenzhen City's tax authorities have joined forces to tap the block-link chain, micro-mail payment of high-line block-link electronic invoices, 30-minute fast-register open block-links, and business registrations directly qualify the block-link electronic invoice for “open-in-the-box” use.

四、挑战与展望 4.1 挑战

IV. Challenges and prospects > 4.1 Challenge

4.1.1 区块链无法保证链下数据的真实性问题

4.1.1 Block chains do not guarantee the authenticity of data in the chain


Block chains can technically ensure trust in the chain, but they cannot guarantee the authenticity and accuracy of data under the chain, i.e., if the data you enter are false, the chain will “protect” it. The chain of blocks needs to be traced across two major barriers: first, the source of production is a question of forgery and subcontracting, and the chain can only provide information technology that does not solve the problem of forgery and subcontracting; second, the reliability of the source of data, that is, the assurance that uploading data will not be tampered with, but that the data itself will not be distorted by human factors. The chain itself does not have the ability to distinguish the true data from the true data, and the quality of the data under the chain is a prerequisite for a high-quality chain, so how to address the authenticity of data under the chain is key.

4.1.2 溯源行业数据标准建立不足

4.1.2 Inadequate establishment of retrospective industry data standards


Retroactivity systems need to be able to track products from one unit to another so that all units involved are able to communicate and transmit data effectively. This requires that data from each unit be identified and standardized, standard data transfer models established, and a national and international traceability system established. On the one hand, standards make enterprises more compatible, including data exchange with the future and other systems. On the other hand, failure to use standards can have the attendant consequences, such as a procurement system prohibiting access.

4.1.3 企业信息化覆盖程度不够,溯源体系难以打通完全闭环

4.1.3 Enterprise informatization coverage is inadequate and back-up systems are difficult to access complete shut-off


In addition, with the high cost of full-chain re-engineering, it is difficult for business owners to add additional hardware, software, manpower, and management to so many links, and their extension feasibility options can only start from key links and batches. Since then, there has been considerable resistance to data entry at the time of movement between different organizations.

4.1.4 溯源数据量十分庞大,对基础链存储能力要求高

4.1.4 Large amounts of retrospective data and high demand for base chain storage


The retrospective information describes the historical trajectories and dynamic derivative processes of an object, as well as the interactions and advances between the object. The vast collection of block-chain data contains the entire history of trace data, including the life cycle of the data, such as the date they were created, the users used and the number of copies available. Over time, the data have become larger and the relationship between the object has become more complex, and the rapid development of block-link applications will further increase the size and abundance of the data. It is therefore important to describe and store effectively the retrospective information on sea volume so that users can easily and efficiently access it.


If you want all data to be stored at the full node of the block chain, it involves large-volume data storage, so there is a great need for storage capacity at individual nodes of the block chain. Distributional storage is a solution to the problem of large-volume data storage, but there are some bottlenecks that are not actually available for application.

4.2 展望

4.2 Outlook

4.2.1 赋能整个社会的商品流转效率

4.2.1 Efficiencies in the flow of goods for society as a whole


The construction and refinement of application systems for traceability enhances product quality and safety, thereby building consumer confidence in purchasing through all channels. By investigating the current state of development of traceability systems in product flows, analysing the traceability of supply chain links, and thus promoting better integration of traceability systems with product supply chains, and enabling the efficiency of commodity flows for society as a whole, it is also a key factor in promoting business development.

4.2.2 形成新的用户消费模式

4.2 Develop new consumer consumption patterns


A system of traceability integrates Internet informatization, block chain technology, large data and cloud platforms, and modern supply chain systems, providing them with a realistic way to create a system that reduces uncertainty about quality safety and consumer purchasing risks, leading to the creation of new consumer consumption patterns. Moreover, in the traditional traceability model, the participants in each of the links are isolated individuals, but the use of the block chain can be traced back to the Token economic model, which is based on the token-based new commercial ecology.


concluding remarks


By combining the whole chain of tracers, dynamic tracking and monitoring systems with block-chain technology, using data distribution on the chain to be stored in a non-recordable way, the platform can build a whole life-cycle traceability system for commodities from raw materials to end consumers. Detailed information on all segments of commodity production can be recorded in real time so that the source can be controlled; the flow of commodities can be tracked through the whole process; the details of commodity flows can be tracked; the products can be called back; and the risk of commodity security can be completely prevented and eliminated from the point of view of counterfeit products can be eliminated from the point of origin, while the data base can be provided retroactively to later consumers, enhancing the credibility of the enterprise and consumer buy confidence. We see that the application of block-chain traceability has begun into people's lives, “never has been achieved”, followed by the goal of “good for all” development.


retroactive as an important direction for the application of block chain technology, which is available in the future.



  • OECD&EUIPO:《仿冒和盗版商品贸易趋势研究》

    OECD&EUIPO: Study on Trends in Trade in Counterfeiting and Piracyd Commodities

  • 国信证券研究:区块链多元化应用场景进入落地期

    Hinbo Securities Study: Fragmentation of blocks chain applications into the landing period

  • 中国信通院:2018区块链溯源应用白皮书

    China Institute of Information and Communications Technology: White paper on the application of block chain traceability in 2018

  • 鲸准研究院&纸贵科技:2018区块链在溯源领域发展形式分析与预测

    IWVA & Paper Precious Technologies: Evolution Analysis and Prediction of the 2018 Block Chain in the Area of Retroactivity

  • 溯源链白皮书

    White paper on the traceability chain

  • 可追溯体系在食品中的应用

    Application of retroactive systems in food




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