Decentralizing xff0c; Open xff0c; Autonomy xff0c; Information cannot be tampered with xff0c; Anonymous
1. Decentralized block chains use distributed accounting and storage xff0c; no centralized hardware or regulatory body xff0c; equal xff0c rights and obligations at any node; data in the system are jointly maintained by nodes with maintenance functions throughout the system.
2. Openness
xff0c when the block chain system is open; xff0c, except for the parties to the transaction, where the information is encrypted; xff0c, where the block chain data is publicly available to all; xff0c, where anyone can query the block chain data through an open interface; and xff0c, where appropriate, can be developed; and there is a high degree of transparency in information throughout the system.
3. Autonomy
The autonomy of the block chain is based on norms and agreements. The block chain uses consensual norms and agreements xff08; e.g. open and transparent algorithms xff09; xff0c; all nodes of the system are able to freely and safely exchange data xff0c in an environment of trust; trust in people is transformed into trust in machines xff0c; intervention by anyone is ineffective.
4. Information cannot be tampered with
Once the information has been added to the block chain xff0c; it will be permanently stored xff0c; unless more than 51% of nodes in the system are controlled simultaneously xff0c; changes to the data are invalid for individual nodes. Based on this point xff0c; the stability and security of the block chain data is very high xff0c; block chain technology fundamentally changes the central credit creation method xff0c; credit is built at low cost by mathematical principles rather than by centralized credit institutions xff0c; birth certificate xff0c; marriage certificate etc. can be publicly certified on the block chain xff0c; there is a global central node xff0c; and there is a global trust.
5. Anonymous
Exchanges between nodes follow a fixed algorithm xff0c; their data interactions are untrustworthy xff0c; the counterparty does not need to create confidence in itself through a public identity xff0c; and facilitates credit accumulation.
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