As block chain technology evolves, so does the number of people interested in block chains, with reference to block chains. Investors may often see the word " distributed books ", which many investors may equate with distributed books, but in practice the focus and technology are different. The distribution books can be said to be part of the block chain or to be the most important block chain technology, which can remove the very inefficient and costly parts of the current market infrastructure. Many investors may want to know more about the characteristics of the block chain ledgers.
Distributed books are essentially an asset database that can be shared in a network of multiple sites, geographical locations, or institutions. Participants in a network can obtain a copy of a single, true account book. Any changes in the book will be reflected in all copies, and the response time will be within minutes or even seconds. According to the rules agreed in the network, records in the book can be updated jointly by one, some, or all participants.
1. Large accounts that can be added indefinitely — like a very thick notebook with a block with a lot of information on record every night, adding one page to the notebook;
2. An encrypted and sequenced account — each block will be encrypted and time-marked and cannot be tampered with, and each block will be a master account with a chronological link, which is virtually impossible to complete if an attempt is made to tamper with one and to change the huge data chain behind it;
3 is a decentralised account book — each block is maintained jointly by the network users and is a decentralised account book.
Distributed accounts are one of the four core techniques of the block chain. If cryptography is the cornerstone of the block chain, distributed accounts are the skeleton of the block chain. Simply put, distributed accounts are a data-storage technology, a distributed database that is decentralized. Distributed accounts of the block chain are also a distributed database. Distributed accounts of the block chain are a more special distributed database, unlike the distributed databases used by traditional giants, where the block chain is decentralized and traditional giants are central.
For example, if the database is compared to an account book, the centralized database used by the traditional giants is the equivalent of a lot of backups, scattered and stored data together, but regardless of how dispersed, all the books are maintained and managed by the traditional giants themselves, and no one else has access to them. To access historical data, users have to access their central servers and send requests. You can't do anything about what these centralized giants want to do with your data.
Instead, the block chain uses a decentralized database, which is linked by a single database, which forms a large distributed database, each with the same rights to view and store all data. Compared to the centralized database, the block chain’s distributed ledgers are more fragmented than the maintenance of the “books”, which are no longer concentrated in the hands of one giant company, but in the hands of everyone.
Everyone has the same rights to hold a “book of accounts” in which each transaction is recorded together, and in which time you gather together to pair the books, and if anyone tampers with the historical records, you will be discovered immediately. Moreover, this book is completely open to everyone, and if you want to be involved, through the permission of the block chain network, it can become one of the nodes.
The benefits of distributed books are not only the avoidance of single-point malfunctions, the reduction of the risk of network hacking or information loss, but also the decentralization of block chains, which in general are the soul of block chains.
The above is a detailed description of the characteristics of the block-chain distribution ledgers in currency circles. In distributed book technology, although technology is decentralized, operators may not be decentralized, so it is difficult to be influenced by the outside world, for example, when only the finance department was in the company's books, and now the company's books are accounted for by all members of the company in case of error, that is, distributed books. Distributive book techniques significantly reduce trust costs, and distributed books have distributed databases that allow for synergies between databases, which are in fact a well-coordinated database.
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