
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:49 评论:0
目录 一、为什么要转入权益证明˂a href="https://blog.csdn.net/YSL_Lsy_/article/details/126525276#%E4%80%E8%E3%E8%E...



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iii, certificate of interest



3.权益证明和工作量证明混合模型? ? ?

4.Proof of Stake





? ? ? ? 权益证明(Proof of Stake),比特币和以太坊目前都是基于工作量的证明,这种共识机制的一大典型缺点就是浪费电。下图1-1显示比特币能耗随时间变化的情况,y轴是TWh(TeraWatt Hours:10^{12}),KWh(Kilowatt hours:10^{3},也就是千瓦时、一度电的意思),从图中可以看出,比特币能耗随时间是不断增长的。

One of the most typical shortcomings of this consensus mechanism is waste of electricity. The following figure 1-1 shows the extent to which bitcoin energy has changed over time xff0c; y-axis: Twhxff08; Terawatt Hours #xff1a; 1012}



The specific statistics are shown in figure xff1a below;




The energy consumption in Etherm is also xff0c over time; there are some fluctuations in the middle, as shown in figures 1-3 below.



Specific data are shown in figures 1-4 below?



Logically, xff0c; Bitcoin is a relatively simple xff0c; there are only simple transfer transactions xff0c; xff0c is likely to include calls for smart contracts xff0c; but xff0c is actually much lower than Bitcoin's energy consumption. Because Bitcoin has a long time out xff0c; Bitco has an average time out of 10minxff0c; Taipan is 15s xff0c; so xff0c is short with time to dig; xff0c is small xff0c; and, of course, the average energy down from each transaction is still much higher than that of credit card companies.



If Bitcoin and Etheria's energy consumption are added together as one country, xff0c; his ranking in the country is shown in figure 1-5 below.




To get a reward xff0c; to get a return.



To motivate miners to participate in the maintenance of block chains.



There is a need to find a mining fund xff0c; then to buy mining equipment xff0c; e.g. mine machines, GPUs, etc. xff0c; and then to start mining.


投入的资金决定的。收益由挖矿多少决定,挖矿多少由算力决定,算力由矿机决定,矿机由投入资金决定。既然最终是拼钱,那直接把钱拿出来比一比不就行了,矿工通过竞争算力来决定挖矿的收益如何分配,能不能改成直接靠比钱的多少来决定收益,都把钱投入区块链开发,按照每个人投入的资金的多少来决定收益的分配,这个就是权益证明的一个基本思想,这种方法也叫做Virtual Mining虚拟挖矿。

The profits are determined by the amount of money invested. The profits are determined by the amount of money invested in the mine; the amount of money invested in the mine is determined by the amount of money spent on the mine & #xff0c; the power of the mine is determined by the amount of money invested in the mine machine & #xff0c; since it is ultimately the amount of money spent & #xff0c; the amount of money spent is taken out of the money directly & xff0c; the miners decide, through competitive arithmetic, how the proceeds of the mine are distributed xff0c; whether they can be changed to xff0c directly by the amount of money; the amount of money invested in the block chain development xff0c; the distribution of the proceeds according to the amount of money invested by everyone xff0c; this is



Encrypted currency xff0c; usually pre-released xff0c; pre-released part of currency to developers xff0c; also sold part of currency xff0c; in exchange for funds needed to develop this encrypted currency xff0c; based on 2.权益证明与工作量证明相比的优点


& #xff08; 1) Saved mining & #xff0c; avoided energy consumption and environmental impacts & #xff0c; reduced greenhouse gas emissions.


& #xff08; 2) resources to launch an attack can only be obtained from within an encrypted currency system.

基于工作量证明的共识系统从某种意义上来说,维护区块链安全的资源不是一个闭环,Block chain is secured by mining,用美元可以购买矿机,然后参与挖矿,资源是可以从加密货币系统的外面得到的。虽然近几年加密货币的市值有了很大的增长,但无论怎么说,跟世界经济总量相比,仍微乎其微。所以,如果有某个组织想要发动恶意攻击,只需用足够的资金购买挖矿设备,然后聚集到加密货币总算力一半以上的算力即可。外部的资源都可以转化成挖矿的算力,转换成对这个加密货币攻击的这种能力。像比特币这样比较主流的加密货币,抗攻击的能力还是相对比较强的,因为系统的总算力还是比较大的,如果是这些刚刚发行的小币种,这种遇到这样的攻击可能就是致命性的。如果这种小币种刚刚发行不久,就遇到这种攻击,那么很可能这个币价就直线下降甚至归零了,对于这个开发者和早期矿工来说,遭受的损失可能是灾难性的。AltCoin Infanticide,AltCoin:小币种,Infant:婴儿,Infanticide:扼杀在摇篮里。不等这个加密货币长大,就把它先干掉了。

Consensus system based on workload proof in a sense of resources available outside the encrypted monetary system; of resources to maintain block security is not a closed ring , of dollars to buy mine machines xff0c; of resources available outside the encrypted monetary system; of resources available;

? ? ? ? 权益证明类似于股份制公司按每人占的股份进行投票权益证明是按照你有多少该币种的币进行投票的,所以如果有某个人想发动恶意攻击,比如说51%的攻击,首先要获得这个币种发行量一半以上的份额才行,也就是说发动攻击的资源只能从加密货币系统内部得到,这就是为什么说他是一个闭环。买到足够多的币才能发动攻击,而一旦有人大量买入加密货币,会出现价格大涨,有点类似于股份制公司遭受恶意收购,所以说工作量证明的系统维护安全的资源不是一个闭环,权益证明才是一个闭环。

♪ ♪ strong's interest proves similar to the shareholding vote of a share company #xff0c; so if someone wants to launch a malicious attack xff0c; for example, 51% attack xff0c; first to get more than half of the circulation of this currency xff0c; that is to say that the resources to launch an attack can only be obtained from an encrypted currency system xff0c; that is why he is a closed ring.

3.权益证明和工作量证明混合模型? ? ?

权益证明和工作量证明并不是互斥的。有的加密货币采用的是一种混合模型,他仍然是要挖矿的,但是挖矿的难度跟你占有的权益,你持有币的数量相关。即持有的币越多,挖矿的难度就越小,根据持有的这个币的权益降低调整你的挖矿难度。当然,这其实也有一定问题,这样的话,系统中持有币数量最多的那个人,每次挖矿都是最容易的。所以,有的加密货币要求你投入的币会被锁定一段时间,不能重复使用,这种情况叫做Proof of Deposit。

certificates of interest and workloads are not mutually exclusive . Some encrypted currencies use a mixed model xff0c; he is still xff0c for mining; but the difficulty of mining is related to the amount of money you hold xff0c. The more currency you hold xff0c; the smaller the difficulty of mining xff0c; the less difficult it is to adjust your mining to the amount of money you hold xff0c; of course xff0c; there is a certain problem xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; the person with the largest number of currencies in the system xff0c; so xff0c; some cryptographic currencies require that your money be locked for a certain period xff0c; this cannot be repeated xff0c; this is called Proof of Deposit.

4.Proof of Stake


Figure 3-1 below shows the occurrence of the fork that we have learned before xff0c; as was the case before, either dig xff0c according to the upper chain; or dig xff0c according to the lower chain; usually dig xff0c along the upper chain; because it is the longest legal chain xff0c; but the lower chain may also be the longest legal chain xff0c; usually not xff0c on both sides; because it spreads out xff0c; and the probability of mining is small.


权益证明的话,可以两边都下注,如果上面那条链成为最长合法链,下面那条链锁定的那些币是没有影响的。挖下面区块投入的那些币,只记录在下面的分叉上,并不影响你在上面分叉的使用,这种情况叫nothing at stake,这是早期基于权益证明遇到的一个问题。

xff0c in the words of interests; bets xff0c on both sides; if the chain above becomes the longest legal chain xff0c; those that are locked in the chain below are unaffected. Dig those coins xff0c that are put into the block below; record only xff0c on the fork below; do not affect your use of the fork above xff0c; this is known as nothing at STake, this is an early problem based on an entitlement certificate.



& #xff08; 1xff09; transition phase

以太坊中准备采用的权益证明协议叫做Casper the Friendly Finality Gadget(FFG),在过渡阶段跟工作量证明混合使用,为工作量证明提供Finality,Finality是一种最终的状态,包含在Finality中的交易不会被取消,单纯基于工作量证明的交易是有可能被回滚的,比特币中规定要等六个确定区块,意思是等了六个确定区块之后,发生回滚的可能性已经非常小了,但是有个某个有恶意的攻击者,从前面开始分叉,只要他算力足够强占到半数以上的算力,那么仍然有可能让这个分叉链变得比原来的链更长,所以单纯基于挖矿的是缺乏这种Finality。

The agreement on proof of interest to be adopted in the Tails is called Casper the Financial Finance Gadget (FFG) & #xff0c; mixed use of , during the transition phase with the workload certificate; provision of Finaability, for workload certification; Final state & #xff0c; transaction included in Finality will not be cancelled xff0c; transaction based solely on workload proof is likely to roll back xff0c; six defined blocks xff0c in Bitco is required to wait for six defined blocks xff0c; the possibility of rolling back is already very small xff0c; but there is a malicious attacker xff0c; transaction starting from the front xff0c; as long as he is strong enough to account for more than half of the force xffc; it is still possible to make the segment longer than the original chain xfffn; this mine is based on a simple lack of mining.

引入了一个概念叫做验证者Validator,要想成为一个Validator必须要投入一定数量的以太币作为保证金,这个保证金会被系统里面锁定住。Validator的职责是要推动系统达成共识,投票决定那条链是最长合法链,投票的权益决定于保证金的数目大小,具体的做法类似于数据库里的Two-phase commit。

( 2) Casper Agreement
introduced a concept called the Certator Validator & #xff0c; to become a Validador, a certain amount of tNT is required as a bond & #xff0c; this bond is locked in the system. Validador's job is to promote consensus in the system xff0c; to vote to determine that the chain is the longest legitimate chain xff0c; to vote in favour of the size of the bond xff0c; to do something similar to the Two-phase committee in the database.

混用的时候还是有人挖矿的,挖矿每挖出100个区块就作为一个epoch,然后决定能不能成为Finality,要进行一些投票,第一轮投票是Prepare Message,然后第二轮是Commit Message,Casper规定每一轮投票都要得到2/3的验证者才能通过(按照保证金的金额大小来算)。实际系统当中不再区分这两个Message,而且把这个epoch从原来的100个区块减少到50个区块,变成了每50个区块就是一个epoch,每个epoch只用一轮投票的就行了,这一轮投票对于上一个epoch来说是个Commit Message,对于下一个来说是一个Prepare Message,要连续两轮投票,两个epoch都得到2/3以上的多数,才算有效,如下图3-2所示?。

The first round of voting was Prepare Message, the second round was sent to Commit Message, Casper required two thirds of the certified voters for each round of voting to pass through xff08; xff09 according to the size of the guarantee; the actual system no longer distinguished between the two; and this epoch was reduced from 100 to 50 blocks xff0c; the next 50 blocks was an epoch#xff0c; each epoch only used a round of votes xff0c; the last round was a compoch #x0x0x0; the next #0fffffffffffft2; and the next #0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0xx0x0x0xx0x0x0x; the next ballot was effective;



if the certifier performed his duties < xff0c > ; the corresponding rewards xfff0c; xff0c as if the miner's mining was given an incentive xff0c; xxxxfnnnfdndndndndndnttfttttttnftttntttttttttnttntntttttttttttttttttttt t ttttt ttt ff ff


(1)Casper 协议可以给挖矿完成一个区块链的某一种状态做一个检查点,做一个check point,那这个check point是不是绝对安全的?通过这个验证者投票达成的Finality有没有可能被推翻?

& #xff08; 1&xff09; Casper Protocol can make a checkpoint for one condition in which a block chain is completed in the mine xff0c; make a check point, if this check point is absolutely safe xff1f; if there is a possibility that the Finality reached by voting through this certifier xff1f;


The deal in Finality is xff0c that will not be overturned; xff0c that is absolute; xff0c that assumes that there is a malicious organization to launch an attack xff0c; xff0c that is only a miner; xff0c that there is no way to overturn what has already been achieved; xff0c that is voted by the certifying officer; xff0c that is simply a malicious miner; xff0c that is impossible to overturn without the certifying partner .

攻击成功的情况:有大量的验证者两边下注。Casper 协议要求每轮投票有2/3的验证者支持才算通过,出现这种情况,至少是1/3的验证者是两边都投票的,一旦发现,1/3的验证者的保证金将会被没收,所以可以看到基于权益证明的共识机制和基于工作量证明的共识机制是很不一样的。

The success of the attack: a large number of certifying officers are betting on both sides. The Casper agreement requires two thirds of the certifying officers to support xff0c; this occurs xff0c; at least one third of the certifying officers are xff0c; once xff0c is found; a third of the certifying officers will be forfeited xff0c; hence consensus mechanisms based on proof of interest and workload are very different.


& #xff08; 2) Etheria is moving from workload proof to proof of entitlement. Over time & #xff0c; mining is receiving less and less #xff0c; benefits are receiving more and more #xff0c; eventually reaching the point where there is no mining at all.

因为权益证明不够成熟,工作量证明比较成熟,经过了时间的检验。比特币和以太坊的挖矿算法都经历了Bug Bounty的检验,没有人发现什么漏洞,很多人认为权益证明是未来的方向,但是目前用的主流的加密货币用的还是工作量证明。有个叫EOS的加密货币,俗称叫柚子,是个曾经有很多人看好的加密货币,用的是权益证明,完全不用挖矿,但是不是用的Casper 协议,用的是DPOS(Delegated Proof of Stake)协议:先用一个投票的方法选出一个超级节点,然后再用这个超级节点产生区块。

xff0c; workload proofs mature xff0c; time tests. Bitcoin and Etheria mining algorithms have both gone through Bug Bunty tests xff0c; no one has found a gap xff0c; many people believe that the interest is the future direction xff0c; but either the current mainstream encrypted currency or the workload is used.


& #xff08; 3) different views have been expressed on the view that “digging consumes large amounts of electricity”
they consider that the share of electricity consumed is not significant xff0c; and that its impact on the environment is limited. One of the benefits of mining is that it provides a means of converting electricity into money. The electricity itself is difficult to transmit and store xff0c; the bitcoin minerals are built in power-rich areas xff0c; so the idea is that mining consumes electricity is not bad xff0c; it can effectively defuse excess capacity xff0c; and it provides the idea of driving the local economy.




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