One sentence in summary: the first block chain intelligence contract platform to support Turing's well-programmable programming.
Issued: Addressed the shortcomings of Bitcoin's support for a simple script that could not complete the deployment of a smart contract and did not support Turing's integrity.
A vision for development: The four stages of development can form a basic platform for the application of the block chain. The four phases are as follows:
First version of Frontier (frontline)
On 30 July 2015, the first version of Frontire (Fore), also an original version of Ether, was released, with only command line interfaces, no graphical interfaces, mainly for developers.
Second version Homestead (Homeland)
A second version of HomeStead (Home) was released on the 14 March 2016 round-week festival, and is currently in operation, with significant improvements in ease of use and a graphical interface that will enable ordinary users to experience the functioning and development of the House from now on.
Third version of Metropolis (Metropolis)
Launch a browser to promote decentralised applications landing and development.
Fourth version of Serenity (silence)
(c) Switching the consensus mechanism.
Most widely applied value: currency issuance
All individuals and companies can release their own digital assets through the Taiyet platform, i.e., coco, reducing the cost of high-quality projects to raise their own costs.
In order to support smart contracts, there are two types of account addresses in the Taiku: a general account and a contractual account. General accounts are similar to those in the Bitcoin network, and contract accounts are used mainly for smart contracts.
Fragmentation: Ether's ETH and Ether's Classic Ether's Ether's Ether's ETC
2016年以太坊网络上进行The DAO项目众筹,该项目募集到了超过1.5亿美元的资金。然而,接近尾声时,The DAO被黑客攻击了,近6000万美元(按照当时的价格)的以太币被黑客盗走。由于损失巨大,所以为了挽回损失 ,以太坊社区最终做出投票表决,大部分参与者同意更改以太坊代码,希望将资金从攻击者黑客那里夺回来。2016年7月20日,以太坊的硬分叉实施。以太坊开发团队修改了以太坊软件的代码,在某一个区块上(第1920000区块)把The DAO被黑客转移走的资金都退了回来,从而让黑客在原链上偷走的资金又重新回到了投资者的口袋里。但是另外一些人认为代码不能随意能改,坚持认可原来的区块链,在原来的链上进行挖矿,就形成了当前的ETH和ETC并存的局面。
In 2016, the DAO project was launched on the Taiwan network, which raised more than $150 million in funds. At the end of the day, however, the DAO was hacked away by hackers, and nearly $60 million (at that price) was stolen by hackers. In order to recover the damage, the community eventually voted in order to recover the damage, most of the participants agreed to change the Ether code, hoping to take it back from the attacker. On July 20, 2016, the project was carried out with a hard split in Tai Phu. By modifying the code in the cell software and returning the funds that the DAO had been transferred by hackers in one block (block 192,000), so that the money stolen by the hackers on the chain could be returned to the investor’s pocket. Others, however, felt that the code could not be changed at will, and insisted on the mining of the original chain, leading to the current situation of ETH and ETC.
Question: Efficiency and cost
Block speed limits the efficiency of the platform, with the Ether chamber coming out of a block in 12 to 15 seconds, and, given the rapid development of the current block chain project, clearly fails to meet transaction needs, such as network congestion with the top-up of the Toocat game. Gas costs limit the large-scale use of the application, for example, if the game is to be played on the Taiteng network, each game will cost gas, which is not a small cost to users.
Solutions: Disaggregated technologies to solve problems of efficiency
Counterpart Project: EOS, known as Block Chain 3.0, designed to create a block chain operating system similar to Microsoft Windons.
创始人介绍:Vitalik Buterin
Presenter of Founder: Vitalik Buterin
Genius, as a result of his displeasure with the existence of Bitcoin, wrote the Etheria White Paper, which was the founder of the Taiye Project and had an indisputable place in the chain world, while on 5 June 2017 President Putin of Russia met with Vi to discuss the application of the chain in Russia.
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