以太坊最大资金盘Forsage入华,总参与地址已超110万 |链捕手

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:39 评论:0



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A project called Forsage (Chinese called Fossachi) has occupied the top three of the lists since the beginning of the year, with over 40,000 single-day transactions, over 20,000 active addresses, over 1.1 million total participants and over $300 million worth of financial participation. Investors who regularly view information on the relevant data site in Ether this year may have seen the name and become more aware of it, but most do not know how the Forsage works and why it attracts large user groups.

链捕手了解到,Forsage项目由据称为俄罗斯居民的Lado Okhotnikov于今年2月初发起,是一个使用以太坊智能合约运作的类金字塔模式项目,用户通过向智能合约支付一定ETH后加入该计划,并通过邀请更多用户向智能合约支付ETH获得佣金奖励,带有明显的传销性质,但其走红更关键的原因在于其中的双矩阵、奖励滑落等设计。

The chain catcher learned that the Forsage project, which was initiated by Lado Okhotnikov, allegedly a resident of Russia, was a pyramid-type project using an Ethio-Intelligent Contract, in which users joined the scheme by paying a certain amount of ETH to an intelligent contract and receiving a commission incentive by inviting more users to pay ETH to an intelligent contract, was clearly of a marketing nature, but the more critical reason for its redency was the design of two matrices, the fall of the reward, and so forth.


In August and September of this year, the Forsage project, which began its campaign on a massive scale to attract people to participate in the project through a variety of channels, both under and below the line, is now expected to reach more than 30,000 domestic participants, which has resulted in significant losses to the participants.


Author/Tian Woo



Game design


Forsage is not only about moving common multi-level distribution networks to the Etherton smart contracts, but also about taking full advantage of the nature of smart contracts to maximize the psychological vulnerability and enthusiasm of participants.


According to various sources, user participation in the Forsage project requires, first, the opening of links from superiors and the payment of 0.05 ETHs to the Forsage Smart Contract, which does not account for any funds but divides them into two parts that are automatically transferred through the x3 and x4 matrices to superiors or higher-level proponents, i.e., 0.025 ETHs each.


Information materials for communities in the country


There are different operating mechanisms for different matrices. The x3 matrix is designed to have three points under each user's ID, i.e. three references, 0.025 ETHs of the first two referrals will be transferred directly to the recommended person's wallet address, and the funds of the third recommendation will automatically be transferred to the higher recommended person's user address. After that, the recommended user will repeat the process, i.e., the two-down bonus for each development will be its own, and the reward for the third downline will be its own superior.


The x4 matrix is designed to have 6 references per user ID, with 0.025 ETHs of the first two referrals transferred to the wallet address of the user's recommendation person, with development funds for the third, fourth and fifth recommendationer transferred to the user's wallet.
The funds of the sixth recommendation are transferred randomly to the next location.


While the threshold for access to the facility is 0.05 ETH, each of the two matrices has 12 levels, from 0.05 ETH to a maximum of 0.1 ETH to 51.2 ETH, with a funding threshold of twice that of the previous level, and each user's input of ETH is transferred to a higher recommended person's wallet in accordance with the above-mentioned mechanism.


The mechanism for Forsage to induce users to invest more in ETH and to upgrade the matrix level is that if a user's matrix level is below the level below its bottom line, the reward from the bottom line bypasses the user's wallet, "sliding" to a higher recommended level, and the matrix level is no lower than the user's online wallet.


For example, if a user has only a matrix of 0.5 ETH level, and if 3.2 ETHs are invested in a higher-level matrix, then the distribution of funds from the bottom line will bypass the user completely, creating a "FOMO" mentality similar to that in the area of crypto-currency transactions.


Incentives for users to join
via high-profile data online


In such cases, the benefits of the participation of the Forsage user can be derived from both so-called dynamic benefits, i.e. incentives derived from the direct referral of the user, which require considerable effort to expand the downlink, and from so-called static gains, which may be realized when the downline is further developed, as long as the matrix level opened by the user is high enough to develop a certain number of downlinks.


More specifically, Forsage has the following characteristics in relation to past distribution and fundboard projects: has a very low funding threshold, stating that “a few hundred can participate in international projects”, followed by various mechanisms to stimulate inputs; hierarchical relationships are not directly related to the high or low returns, and users can enhance their ability to “stop” slip incentives by opening a higher-level matrix; and claims that there is no risk of financial sunking and crashing based on smart contracts.


From all of the above, Forsage is fully characterized by pyramid frauds and funds trays, and participants do not directly create any value, but rather derive benefits from the participation of bottom-up users, but are likely to result in lower returns than inputs if market outreach is weak and later participants are disadvantaged.


Nevertheless, because of the relatively new play mechanism of Forsage, it became popular in some parts of the country soon, particularly starting in May and June this year. The project has generated widespread dissemination and participation in areas of relative economic backwardness, such as the Philippines and Indonesia, with more than 10,000 active sites on most dates.

同时,这些营销活动的展开也极大地刺激了市场对ETH的购买需求,其6-8月爆发式的增长趋势与ETH今年年中的价格走势也呈现出一定的关联性。Primitive Ventures创始合伙人万卉就在推特表示,以太坊网络的许多活力都源于Forsage,「追踪使用加密货币的大型庞氏骗局一直是我最好的宏观策略」。

At the same time, the expansion of these marketing activities by has greatly stimulated the market’s demand for ETH’s purchases, and its June-August boom has shown some correlation with the ETH’s price trends in the course of the year. On Twitter, the founder partner of Primitive Ventures said that many of the dynamism of the Etherworld’s network stems from Forsage, "Tracking the big Ponzi scam using encrypted currency has been my best macro-strategy."

今年6月底,菲律宾证券交易委员会还针对该项目发布了警告,称由Lado Okhotnikov领导的、以Forsage名义经营的实体被发现在菲律宾从事未经委员会授权的投资活动,其计划清楚地表明了一种可能的庞氏骗局计划,新投资者的资金被用于向先前的投资者支付「假利润」,对该领域的后续成员不利,建议公众不要投资或停止投资该项目。

At the end of June this year, the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines issued a warning on the project, stating that entities led by Lado Okhotnikov and operating under the name of Forsage had been found to be engaged in investment activities in the Philippines that were not authorized by the Commission, and that its plan clearly indicated a possible Ponzi scheme whereby funds from new investors were used to pay “false profits” to previous investors, to the detriment of its successors in the field, advising the public not to invest or to stop investing in the project.


The chain catcher randomly counted 16 e-Taiwan addresses involved for more than 20 days on the Etherum browser (see below). found that more than half of the addresses were in a state of loss, while the absolute profit for most profit users was not high and represented a huge gap.


Since the beginning of September, however, Forsage has shown a rapid decline in data from the Etherms, most of which have a live address of between 1000 and 2000. This is due in part to the fact that the project officially launched a new version of the Forsage at the wave site to reduce the potential impact on new users of the Etherm Network's excessive Gas fees, as well as a new game called XGOLD.


However, according to the wave court browser data, the Forsage waveboard version also averages between 1,000 and 2000 per day, and is well below the peak of 20,000 days.




The Forsage network, although available in eight languages, has not had a Chinese page for a long time, which has also contributed to the very slow development of the project in the Chinese market at an early stage.


Since the beginning of August, however, an organization called the Sorcerer's Alliance began to build momentum for the Forsage project on a large scale, compiling a large amount of Chinese-language information on Forsage and participating in the campaign by organizing offline events in central and western cities such as Guiyang, Changsha and Chengdu, on the one hand, and transforming interested users through channels such as microblogging, currency-circle media sites, telegrams and so on, on the other hand, to organize discussions about the Forsage community.


The chain catcher recently added a number of so-called community sermons in Forsage through micro signals found in some of the web channels, who daily receive a large "sliding" ETH screenshot in their circle of friends and micro-blogging addresses, as well as pictures of various propaganda activities under the line, calling on all of us to pick up the Etheria.


But further analysis shows that there are a lot of nausea in these "making big money" screenshots. The chain catchers find that many of the screenshots actually have no dates to show that different promoters of


However, as the chain-catcher journalist observes, there are many new users joining the community every day, totalling more than 100 people for two days. Journalists have added more users, many visitors and participants, and none of them, except one who claims to have earned much of the ETH, has yet returned.


Dandan, a participant familiar with Forsage, told the chain catcher that he had learned about the project from his ring friends in Shenzhen at the end of August and had dropped in about 1.6 ETHs, but then realized the nature of the project's “pull head” and did not continue to participate.


“For those of us who know how to work and understand the chain of blocks, there is a higher rate of return for the play-circle project, and Forsage is not only a low rate of static returns, but also a very damaging subject.” Dandan added, “The concepts of intellectual contracts, decentralized wallets, etc., are high entry thresholds for users outside the industry, and the rate of transformation will ultimately be very limited and will not be a good project.”


According to community information materials, Forsage currently has more than 30,000 participants in the Chinese district, and given that data on the project's active address on the Etherm browser, number of transactional pens, etc., have not improved recently, it can be assumed that Forsage's market expansion in China has not been successful, as has the performance of the Forsage model in the global market.


Etheium Browser Data Statistics on the Forsage Contract


Even so, Forsage has recently remained at the forefront of many important data sets in the Tails, reflecting not only the embarrassment of using the Tails as a ground for application, but also the incompetence of using them as a platform for de-centreization, which will inevitably be used by some of the scams and will need to be addressed jointly by technology developers, regulatory authorities, the media and others.




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