
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:42 评论:0
币界网报道: 说起区块链的应用大家第一反应可能会想到比特币,比特币经常被称之为“全球账簿”,这个账簿记录的仅仅是一种货币——比特币的全部账单。Speaking...



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Speaking of the application of block chains, the first reaction may come from bitcoin, often referred to as the “global ledger”, which records only one currency — the entire bill of bitcoin.


But what we are trying to say today is not “bitcoin” but “

Ethereum(以太坊)是一个平台和一种编程语言,使开发人员能够建立和发布下一代分布式应用。 Ethereum可以用来编程,分散,担保和交易任何事物:投票,域名,金融交易所,众筹,公司管理, 合同和大部分的协议,知识产权,还有得益于硬件集成的智能资产。

Etheeum (Etheria) is a platform and a programming language that enables developers to build and publish their next-generation distributed applications. Etheeum can be used for programming, spreading, securing and trading anything: voting, domain names, financial transactions, crowds, corporate management, contracts and most of the agreements, intellectual property rights, and smart assets benefiting from hardware integration.

简单地说,以太坊=区块链 + 智能合约。从平台的角度来讲,以太坊类似于苹果的应用商店;从技术角度来讲,以太坊类似于一个区块链操作系统。

To put it simply, the Taiwan = block chain + smart contract. From a platform point of view, Taicha is like an apple app store; from a technical point of view, Taicha is like a block chain operating system.

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以太坊中的智能合约是运行在虚拟机上的,也就是通常说的 EVM(Ethereum Virtual Machine,以太坊虚拟机)。这是一个智能合约的沙盒,合约存储在以太坊的区块链上,并被编译为以太坊虚拟机字节码,通过虚拟机来运行智能合约。

Ether’s smart contracts are run on virtual machines, commonly known as EVM (Etherium Virtual Machine). This is a smart sandbox, stored on the Ether’s block chain, and compiled as a virtual machine to run smart contracts.


As with all block chain technology, the Taiwan uses nodes running on its own computer to ensure security while maintaining trust. Each node involved in the Ether Protocol runs software on its own computer, which is called the Etheraya Virtual Machine (EVM).


First, it ensures security by preventing Dos attacks, which are a digital currency challenge. Second, it compiles in the language of the Taishu program and ensures that there is no interference with communications between them.


In more detail, it can easily be understood that we can be used as a system to create an operating environment for an Ethernos smart contract. We all know that smart contracts can allow people around the world to interact and exchange values without centralizing institutions. And there is no doubt that this technology will destabilize many industries in the near future.

以太坊区块链 vs 以太坊虚拟机 vs 智能合约

Ether Block Chain vs Ether Virtual Machine vs Smart Contract

以太坊区块链有三种转账方式: 首先,你可以将以太坊从一个转账转移到另一个。这些转账和比特币转账差不多。

There are three ways to transfer in the Taiwan block chain: first, you can transfer it from one to the other. These transfers are similar to bitcoin transfers.


Second, the user can also refrain from transferring funds to a specific target.


Finally, transfers from an external account to an intelligent contract. Every time an account wants to execute a smart contract, the transfer is done in accordance with an intelligent contract, and the relevant enforcement rules are recorded in the data to guide how the contract works.


Each time you run a smart contract, you have to pay for it to be executed by the Taiwan virtual machine.

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The cost of each smart contract is based on the cost of each state.


The transfer process is tested by the Taiwan virtual opportunity, and the sender has sufficient transaction costs to return the transfer. Moreover, the transfer costs will not be refunded, which will be paid to the miners.


If the transfer fails because of problems with the recipient's address, the amount of funds sent and the related fees are returned to the sender (no miner receives the fees) on the basis of the Taiyeon virtual opportunity.


But with Ether's virtual machine and smart contracts, you can trade around the globe by simply clicking on the key, without the need for any intermediary, and therefore avoid extra costs.


In conventional Internet applications such as payment treasures, micromails, user data and transactional data are stored on the central server of the application provider, permanently stored through the IOE, MySQL clusters, etc. When ordinary nodes are traded, requests are sent to the central nodes, and the results are returned to the user nodes after various additions and deletions have been made.

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There is no central server in Etheria, which is replaced by several equal nodes connected by the p2p protocol, where all data is stored in a number of nodes. When a user initiates a transaction, the transaction is broadcast through the p2p agreement, the miner nodes verify it, pack it and broadcast it all over the net, and this operation is considered unalterable after confirmation in the block chain.


In a single node, the data are stored in the form of a block chain. The block chain is made up of a block that is bound together. A new block is created about every ten seconds to record the information over a period of time.


It is described as a transaction-driven state machine, and when it accepts some input in a state, it moves to a new state. Specifically, in a situation in which each account has a defined balance and stored information, when a group of transactions is received, the balance and stored information on the affected account changes.

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Along these lines, the talisman wraps the transaction data and the authentication information in a block at a time and then links it up into a chain. The newer the block, the bigger the block number (BlockNumber, or height).

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Each block saves the previous section's Hashi's value. So the blocks in the block chain are connected to each other. If we change the content of the previous block, the back block Hashi doesn't match it, it's unacceptable. This ensures that the data in the block chain are not tampered with.

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There was a circle of knowledge, and it was discovered that there was a great deal of talk about the issue.

比特币的设计只适合加密数字货币场景,不具备图灵完备性,也缺乏保存实时状态的账户概念,而且存在 PoW 机制带来的效率和资源浪费的问题。最关键的问题是,在商业环境下,需要有高效的共识机制、具有图灵完备性、支持智能合约等多应用场景,以太坊在这种情况下应运而生。

Bitcoin’s design is suitable only for encrypted digital money scenes, does not have Turing integrity, and lacks a concept of accounts that preserves real-time status, and there are problems of efficiency and waste of resources associated with the PoW mechanism. The most critical issue is that, in a business environment, there is a need for efficient consensus-building mechanisms, multi-application scenarios of integrity, support for smart contracts, and so on.

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There is some reason to believe in the existence of every technology here, and the question of “Who has greater potential for development in the future of Bitcoin and Etheria” is believed to answer for itself in the near future as markets develop.




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