Problems of the traditional Web
Web2.0 诞生了非常的互联网企业,比如 BAT、字节、美团、新浪、网易等。然而,在 Web2.0下,由于平台属于企业,用户的信息、用户的数据都存储在平台上。这种中心化的模式,带来诸多问题,比如:
Web 2.0 has given birth to very large Internet businesses, such as BAT, bytes, conglomerates, new waves, web access, etc.. However, under Web 2.0, since the platform belongs to the enterprise, user information and user data are stored on the platform. This centralization pattern raises a number of problems, such as:
Web2.0 的经济称为平台经济,用户不是消费者,用户成为平台的商品,用户以自己隐私换服务,即常说的“羊毛出在猪身上,狗来买单”;
The Web 2.0 economy is known as the platform economy, the user is not a consumer, the user becomes a product of the platform and the user trades its own privacy in exchange for services, which is often said to be: “The wool comes out on the pig, the dog pays for it”;
Platform companies have access to user data, are free to use, tamper with or may be attacked to divulge user data;
Benefits derived from the use of user data are not shared with users;
Data-silos, where competition for business data in the same industry is particularly acute, do not allow data to be traded and create more value.
事实上,不仅仅是 Web2.0 如此,Web 1.0 也存在类似的问题,根本的原因在于平台的中心化。平台掌握在谁手上,数据也就掌握在谁手上,数据的控制权就掌握在谁手上。这里要强调的是,我们说的是控制权,而不是所有权,控制权是技术层面的,所有权是法律层面的,当所有者和控制者不一致的时候,出现问题是必然的。
In fact, it is not just Web 2.0, but Web 1.0 that has a similar problem, basically because of the centralization of the platform. The data are in the hands of the platform, and the data is in the hands of the platform, and the control of the data is in the hands of the platform. Here it is emphasized that we are talking about control, not ownership, that control is at the technical level, that ownership is at the legal level, and that when the owners and the controllers do not agree, the problem is inevitable.
Web3.0 的主要特点包括如下几点:
The main features of Web3.0 include the following:
1. 语义 Web——它是 Web3.0 的关键,使机器易于处理数据。
semantic Web — it is key to Web3.0 to make it easier for machines to process data.
2. AI——AI是影响 Web3.0 技术流行的主要关键因素之一。它使机器通过大量的Web数据变得更加智能,以满足用户的需求。
AI-AI is one of the main key factors influencing the prevalence of Web3.0 technology. It makes machines more intelligent through a large amount of Web data to meet user needs.
3. 3D图形——Web3.0 已经超越了传统的互联网,因为它的三维技术,它提供了一个比2D更现实的三维在线世界。
3D Graphics - Web3.0 has gone beyond the traditional Internet because its three-dimensional technology provides a more realistic three-dimensional online world than 2D.
4. 无处不在——同时存在或无处不在的概念,移动设备的兴起日益增加,许多人更容易随时随地访问互联网。
The ubiquitous — simultaneous or ubiquitous concept, the growing rise of mobile devices and the ease with which many people have access to the Internet at all times.
5. 开放性和互操作性,这指的是在应用程序编程接口、数据格式、协议和设备与平台之间的互操作性方面的开放性。
5. Openness and interoperability, which refers to openness in application programming interfaces, data formats, protocols and interoperability between equipment and the platform.
6. 全球数据存储库,这是一种跨程序和跨网络访问信息的能力。
6. The Global Data Repository, a capacity for cross-procedure and cross-network access to information.
一言以蔽之,基于语义Web的 Web3.0 的核心特点就是机器可以作为独立的参与者。在 Web1.0 和 Web2.0,信息(内容)的生产者和消费者都是人,在 Web3.0,机器也与人类一样成为了主体,成为了生产者和消费者。
In short, the core feature of Web3.0, based on semantic Web, is that machines can be independent participants. In Web1.0 and Web 2.0, the producers and consumers of information (contents) are people, and in Web3.0, machines become the subjects, producers and consumers alike.
综上所述,Web 3.0 是一个更适合人类使用的互联网,它对人类的服务更加优秀且自然。但这意味着什么呢?这意味着用户需要将自己的信息大批量无偿地提供给人工智能和服务提供者,让他们训练 AI 模型来提供更好的推荐和语义关联,而无处不在的 Web 3.0 体验也将导致互联网用户隐私的消失,商家知道你是谁,知道你喜欢吃什么,而你对商家却知之甚少。隐私、数据、权利、审查、身份等都将是区块链 Web 3.0 关心的话题。
To sum up, Web 3.0 is a better Internet for human use, and it is a better and more natural service for humans. But what does that mean? This means that users need to provide large amounts of their information to artificial intelligence and service providers, free of charge, to train AI models to provide better referral and semantic connections, while the ubiquitous Web 3.0 experience will also lead to the loss of privacy for Internet users, business people know who you are, what you like to eat, and you know little about business people. Privacy, data, rights, censorship, identity, etc. will be a topic of interest to Web 3.0.
简单来说,Web3.0 是互联网与公众生活的融合一种融合形态。近几年很火的大数据、云计算、高速高可靠移动网络、物联网、智能硬件等新的技术和概念无一不和web 3.0 密切相关。
In short, Web3.0 is a form of integration between the Internet and public life. Big data, cloud computing, high-speed and reliable mobile networks, material networking, smart hardware, and so on are closely related to new technologies and concepts such as web 3.0 in recent years.
Risk hints:
This document is intended only for information-sharing, does not promote or endorse any business or investment activity, and requests readers to comply strictly with the laws and regulations of their region and not to participate in any illegal financial acts.
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