It is now the second most marketed encrypted currency, now 18 times the price of last year’s same period, and has reached $400 billion. The rapid rise in this price has been influenced by a number of factors.
There are many reasons for this increase in prices. First, higher prices in bitcoin make people more optimistic about investment in crypto-currency. Second, there is a major technological upgrading in the district, which is expected to increase its value and use. Moreover, the potential for application is increasing, and more and more businesses and individuals are beginning to use the e-portrait platform.
以太坊正在推出多种技术更新,例如Ethereum 2.0的发展、Layer 2扩容方案和Ethereum Name Service(ENS)的改进等。Ethereum 2.0是目前最引人注目的技术更新之一。它使用了一种新的共识算法——权益证明(Proof of Stake,PoS),这个算法更加节能环保,有效防止了算力攻击。此外,它还解决了之前的扩容问题,使得吞吐量得到了大幅提升。
Etherium is introducing a variety of technological innovations, such as the development of Etherium 2.0, the Layer 2 expansion programme and the Etherium Name Service (ENS) enhancements. Etherium 2.0 is one of the most notable technological updates at present. It uses a new consensus algorithm, Proof of Stock, PoS, which is more energy-efficient and effective in preventing arithmetic attacks. In addition, it solves previous enlargement problems, resulting in a significant increase in vomiting.
Layer 2扩容方案也是以太坊的一个重要技术更新,它利用了类似于闪电网络的技术,将交易放到链下进行,从而提高了交易速度和吞吐量,同时降低了交易费用。
The Layer 2 expansion programme is also an important technological update in Taipan, using technology similar to that of the lightning network, which puts transactions under the chain, thus increasing the speed and volume of transactions while reducing transaction costs.
Ethereum Name Service(ENS)也进行了改进,它是以太坊的域名系统,使得用户可以用易记的名字代替复杂难记的地址。ENS的改进将有助于加快Dapp的普及和推广,提高以太坊的使用率。
Etheeum Name Service (ENS) has also been improved by using the Taiwan domain name system, which allows users to replace complex addresses with easy-to-record names. ENS improvements will help to speed up the spread and promotion of D app/a>, and to increase the use of Etaim.
The potential for Etherm’s applications is also growing. More and more businesses and individuals are using the Etherm platform to develop and trade in smart contracts. The Etherm is also widely used in finance, logistics, energy, and insurance.
As a technology-intensive encoded currency, its application and value are rising. Despite the current volatility of markets, the prospects for its development remain very broad.
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