6月16日,compound 上线 COMP 治理代币,Compound Team在Uniswap上定价为 18.4美元,开盘后最高涨到385美元,涨了近21倍。
On 16 June, the combod online COMP governance token, which was priced at $18.4 on Uniswap, rose to a maximum of $385 after opening, nearly 21 times.
On 24 June, Balancer deployed its governing currency, BAL, in Etheria, at a price of nearly 40 times higher from the seed wheel of $0.6 to a maximum of $22.
这种上线涨几十倍,回顾历史,在 ICO 的时候经常出现,比如量子链、公信宝等等。
It's going up dozens of times, looking back at history, and it's always happening when ICOs, like quantum chains, public treasures, and so on.
2013年的山寨币,2017年的ICO,2018年的IEO,2019年的模式币,2020年的DeFi 正在上演,每一个时间段都有不同的流行趋势。
In 2013, ICO in 2017, IEO in 2018, Molotov cocktail in 2019 and DeFi in 2020, there are different popular trends at each time.
那么这次DeFi 引领的治理代币潮流,与ICO潮流有何区别呢?
So what's the difference between the current of DeFi's governing tokens and the current of the ICO?
looks back at every hotspot of the currency circle and looks for historical commons.
The 2013 currency boom, mainly centred on certain features of Bitcoin, was modified and issued as a new currency.
What are the bitcoin characteristics? Halve by four years, a block by ten minutes, a POS consensus mechanism, a constant total of 21 million, etc., to optimize:
Blockquate>bitcoin is divided by one block in 10 minutes and a dollar by one block in 1 minute;
The total amount of bitcoin is constant and the total amount of currency is increased by one currency;
This round of innovation can be described in the words fine-tuning , fine-tuning the parameters to indicate that they are different.
We're different, we're different. Everybody's different. Your hair is long, my hair is short.
All in all, they're raising bitcoin, they're throwing money up. Here's a picture of a part of the mountain coin logo. How many do you know?
The only ones left in the above figure are the dog coins, the Ripon shares, and the bits.
A 2013 analysis of potential mounds was found at 100 degrees, and slogans such as “bitcoins, Leitcoins, coins, coins of unlimited size, coins of iron”.
is now a waste of copper and iron. /strong) I wonder if we can still find it.
Once, a high-human coin was also recommended in the knowledge, as shown below.
Six were recommended and three are still alive, and it appears that the survival rate is high.
I picked four of the top ten "Punk Daddy" mounds for the 2013 mound, and I felt so unconscionable just looking at the name.
(Chinese name: barbeque currency) /blockquate>JunkCoin (Chinese name: lottery currency)
CHNcoin (Chinese name: Chinese currency)
) /blockquate> Mincoin
It is still in the top 10 currencies, and there are two other XRPs and LTCs in the same year.
A set of bountiful coins comes down and ends up living in rare currencies, most of which die.
At the time of the counterfeiting, you needed to change the bitcoin code, run a chain and organize a lot of people to dig, and there was a certain threshold.
Ether has come with a smart contract, and the block chain has entered the 2.0 age, and it's about writing a smart contract to be deployed to Ether and sending one in five minutes.
So all kinds of brain holes come out, technology doesn't limit everyone's imagination, and empty ideas can go hand in hand with coins.
The chain of blocks + is prevalent, the chain of blocks + is open to commercial and the chain of blocks + can be issued to all.
If you want to, you can raise the money, and if you don't move, it's worth a billion dollars, or dollars.
这个阶段,ICO 就是炒空气,不管啥想法,不管能不能实现,把“梦想”在以太坊上发个币,圈钱最重。
At this stage, the ICO is the air-crying, whatever the idea is, whether it's real or not, giving the dream a coin on the Ether.
There are two approaches to currency finance:
1, doing business,
2, City, finance facility, releasing profit, storytelling cakes, plating dishes and living things.
Of course, some projects end up running off the ground, but there's a big gap with expectations. A very small number of projects actually hand over something, mostly on the road.
Looking at the CMC’s top 10 currencies, BNB and EOS came out of the ICO. But don’t forget that there are a lot of ICO projects that have died, become cannon ash, burying many people’s blood money.
三、币圈第三波泡沫:DeFi ???
DeFi 会成为第三波泡沫吗?比特币每四年一个周期,每一个周期都有一个大的炒点,2013年的山寨币,2017年的ICO,2020年的DeFi?
DeFi will be the third wave of bubbles? Every four-year cycle, Bitcoin has a big puncture point, 2013, ICO 2017, DeFi 2020?
DeFi 的概率很大,为何呢?搞山寨币,是钱;搞ICO,是融资;搞DeFi,是金融工具,按这个路径,接下来到金融工具上场了。
DeFi has a high probability, why? is money; ICO is finance; DeFi is a financial instrument, and follows this path, and then comes the financial instrument.
关于DeFi我倾向认为是下一个泡沫,观点见《DeFi,一个让10亿变20亿的金融工具,牛市的泡沫机准备中》、《以太坊可编程金融时代,ICO是前菜,DeFi 才是主菜?》。
With respect to DeFi, I tend to think it's the next bubble, see DeFi, a financial instrument that transforms one billion into two billion dollars, cattle-market foam machines in preparation, and the Ithaya programming finance age, when ICO is the front dish, and DeFi is the main dish.
这里要说的是,DeFi 与之前泡沫不同与相同的地方。
What we're talking about here is that DeFi was different from the previous bubble and the same place.
2013, puncture coins, with a main chain, or an operational scene that has already landed, or open source code;
2017, air currency, can have no main chain, no practical application, no open source code;
2020, DeFi, now seems to require products, as well as data from the chain to support its story and foam.
From a few projects that are now online, COMP, BAL, OKS, everyone will be interested in data on these products, such as locks, turnover, number of participants, interest rates, etc.
因此,DeFi 需要用产品说话,光一份白皮书,一个伟大的故事,是不够刺激用户买单的,还需要把产品亮出来走两步。
这也是为何大家非常关心,某协议开启借贷即挖矿之后,关注它的锁仓量变化,或者用户数的变化。因此,要关注 DeFi 项目的资金流动性和盈利能力,毕竟能赚钱的项目,才能更持久。
And that's why you're so concerned about the changes in lockdowns or in the number of users after an agreement opens up a loan, or digs a mine. So is concerned about the liquidity and profitability of the DeFi project, which, after all, will be more sustainable.
虽然参与 DeFi 的门槛高了,但讲故事画大饼的事会继续存在,也不会消失,就看利益有多大,毕竟为梦想窒息的故事不会消失。
Although the threshold for participation in DeFi is high, storytelling can continue and will not disappear, depending on the benefits, after all the stories of dreams suffocated.
因此,DeFi 一轮泡沫之后,必然也是乱象横生。可以预见的是,大部分项目也会死去,只有一小部分项目存活,并走向CMC市值前10。
As a result, there must be chaos in the aftermath of the DeFi bubble. foresees that most of the projects will die, with only a small fraction of them surviving and heading towards CMC 10 before the CMC market value.
参与 DeFi 要想好自己是玩一波流,涨了就跑;还是打算长拿,押注未来能成为CMC前10或者前50的币种,不同玩法,对应不同的操作。
To be involved, DeFi wants to be able to play a wave and run, or is it going to be long enough to bet that the future will be the first 10 or 50 currencies of the CMC, different ways of playing and corresponding to different operations.
如果,用一波流的心态参与 DeFi 某些项目,最后玩出长线操作,容易被梦想窒息。
is vulnerable to being suffocated by dreams if you take part in some DeFi projects with a single wave of mind and end up playing long-line operations.
最后,DeFi 还处于早期,国内玩家其实挺少的,引用币姥爷公众号的一个投票数据,参与投票的用户,只有1/4的人看好 DeFi 概念。
Finally, DeFi is still at an early stage, with a small number of domestic players, citing one of the voting data of Grandfather's public, and only one quarter of the users of the vote are interested in the concept of DeFi.
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