
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:44 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 景辰财经,(https://xueqiu.com/5616322944/174345788)一、比特币是骗局吗?Is Bitcoin a fraud?所以,今天晚上我就在想,从1990年开始的股市和2008年开始的...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 景辰财经,(https://xueqiu.com/5616322944/174345788)


Is Bitcoin a fraud?


So tonight I'm thinking, which is the fraud, the stock market that started in 1990 and the Bitcoin that started in 2008?


First, as an investor in a traditional market, Bitcoin is certainly an IQ tax.


I am also a staunch supporter of the Bitcoin IQ concept.


That's a good reason. I'll be right there.

1. 比特币不是货币



On May 22, 2010, a number farmer bought a pizza with 2,000 bitcoins, but in 2021, 2,000 bitcoins, about 800 million yuan, $50 pizzards, and 16,000,000 pizzas, even if you eat three pizzas a day, enough for over 14,000 years...


When you look at the volatility of this value scale, whether it is a businessman or a consumer, no one treats bitcoin as a currency, a currency in the true sense of the renminbi, the dollar, etc., and exchange rate fluctuations of a few per cent a year.


Stability is the minimum requirement for currencies, which, after all, are meant to provide a credible value reference medium for both parties to the transaction as a general equivalent.


And what about bitcoin, not a year, and today it's more than 5% a day, with a trillion dollars in currency? That's a heartbeat.


In addition, the Bitcoin transaction has a fee, a high cost, and is extremely inefficient, so treat the bitcoin as anything, and never treat him as a currency.

2. 比特币不是黄金

& nbsp;bitcoinisnotgold


Some people compare Bitcoin to digital gold, and it's not going anywhere.


The greatest feature of gold as a medium of storage value is stability, not only physical, but also very stable values, which, no matter how many years you put in it, remain, and the purchasing power is almost identical.


But Bitcoin didn't work. Last week Bitcoin fell by 20 per cent, and this week went up by another 20 per cent.


Bitcoin appeared in 2008 and may not be worth anything more than a decade later, and I wouldn't be surprised.


Of course, this is not the underlying reason why bitcoin is destined not to be gold.


The key to the preservation of gold is that gold is relatively scarce in


And in the field of technology, not the first high-tech products to emerge are the best, such as the first search engine Yahoo, the first browser Netscape, the first chat software ICQ...


Where are we now?


If you want to bet on the block chain, that's fine, but if you want to bet on bitcoin is always the leader, it's a little bit of a theoretical.

3. 比特币不安全

3. & nbsp; Bitcoin is unsafe


Bitcoin itself is safe. You just have your 128-bit key and you can't take it from anyone. But the problem is that your 128-bit key is not in your hands, and it's usually on the exchange.


Last year, a bitcoin exchange in Korea closed down because it was stolen. More interestingly, the theft of the exchange was not uncommon, but occurred in a series of events, and all professional exchanges experienced such problems.


So you're safe on your own computer?


You're only at a distance from the zero value of the coin, and I've been in touch with Bitcoin since college, when it was 20 or so, and there's four or so left to graduate, but that's not very valuable, and I don't care, and then I changed four of them when I realized that bitcoins were worth...


A similar story comes up in one issue of the Big Bang of Life. Leonard, Howard, Raj dug up a bitcoin on a laptop many years ago, and a whole episode of them looking for this bitcoin, and they found it, and they found it, and they didn't find it.

4. 比特币到底是什么

4. & nbsp; what is Bitcoin?


We said earlier that bitcoin wasn't currency, not gold, not security, so what was bitcoin?


My answer is: limited stamps of collection value.


It's not the same as the Dutch tulip foam of that year. It's also renewable, and it can be nurtured without scarcity. When the value of tulips rises one day, there must be a lot of them. Come on. What's your claim, even if you want tulips as tall as a mound of onion, you can grow a few truckloads of them, and there's also walnuts, and when you were crazy a few years ago, a lion's head and a hat could be sold to hundreds of thousands of dollars. What is it?


Bitcoin is not the same as all of this. After all, one, two, three, four and a half can't dig a pit to get a shipment. There's a limited amount of this stuff. If it's not about what bitcoin is, then I think it might be more appropriate to refer to a limited edition of stamps.


If there is value, then there is value; if there is acceptance, there is market price; if there is no value, then quickly, when there is no acceptance, it is nothing.


II. Bitcoin is a fraud? & nbsp;


As I said earlier in the first part, I am a staunch supporter of the Bitcoin IQ concept.


But that doesn't affect my investment, or speculation.


Bitcoin has risen from zero to $60,000 in 13 years since its birth in 2008, while shares A have grown from 1990 to 31 years, from 1,000 points to more than 3,000 points, and who is the fraud?


Bitcoin has been rising and falling since its birth, but it has not been worth zero for 13 years; and there is a large stock in A, which has been on the market for a few years, and who is the real fraud?


Bitcoin investments are completely open and fair, and there is no financial counterfeiting and no disclosure of irregularities; and the financial counterfeiting and non-compliance disclosure companies in A share are one and another, leaving investors in a state of displeasure, and who is the fraud?


Three, I'd be deluded by bitcoin.


When we decide whether something is a scam, we can do it this way: assuming that you are given a chance to get back to it, will you choose to do it again?


If you don't want to, then this is a scam, you're a victim, and if you choose to continue, then it may not be a scam, at least for you.


For example, because someone is giving you a chance to go back to the first day of business after Spring Festival, will you continue to choose the Soyup Fund or will you choose the ten-fold leveraged stock finger?


And, for example, give you a chance to go back to 2008, will you choose to sell the house and leverage the Hobitcoin? Not for fools, let me invest in .


So, from a speculative point of view, isn't fraud important?


It's a casino in itself, with an A share on one table, where you've lost a lot of money, you've lost a lot of money, and you're convinced that it's a valuable investment, and another table that says Bitcoin, where people make a lot of money, and you're convinced that this table is a fraud, and that everyone on this table is being lied to...


Think about it.


There's two tables here, one for A, one for Bitcoin. Tell me, which table is noble and which table is dirty.


My choice is to be defrauded by paying 10 per cent of the monthly income, buying bitcoin in the form of a given offer, and then selling back and forth in accordance with the Fund's principle of harvesting more than 20 per cent of the proceeds, in the form of a steady investment pool.


If it's good, then it's good. If it's zero, it's like eating a drop in the A-share, and you're less hit in the A-share.


In their own words, each decides according to its own circumstances.


Good night, everyone.



In particular:

1. 本文所有观点均仅代表个人观点,绝不构成任何投资操作建议,仅供参考,切勿跟从!

1. & nbsp; all views in this paper represent only personal views and do not in any way constitute any proposal for an investment operation, for information purposes only, and do not follow!

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2. & nbsp; this public name does not engage in business activities such as acting for customers, paying for shares, etc., and if someone claims to be me, contact you to charge a fee, and do not do so.

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4. 文章有偿阅读,单篇1元,包年200元,可日付可年付,通过赞赏按钮即可。

4. & nbsp; articles are read on a fee-paying basis, with a single one-year package of $200, which can be paid on a daily basis and through a pay-as-you-go button.

5. 作者简介:1991年山东人,毕业于“中关村文理学院”,也被称为“圆明园职业技术学院”的金融大数据专业,热爱投资研究、热爱写作,曾获2008年村文联举办的“迎奥运”征文比赛第7名、2008年村投资联合会举办的“迎奥运”操盘比赛第7名,在村里拥有众多产业,投资顾问、软件开发、电商咨询等,2020年入选全村百名农村致富能手提名。

& nbsp; Author's profile: Shandongs, 1991 graduated from the “Mingang Village School of Arts and Science” and also known as the “Technology Institute of the Park” with a major financial data specialization in investment research and writing, was ranked 7th in the “Olympics” essay competition organized by the Federation of Villages in 2008, 7th in the “Olympics” competition organized by the Federation of Village Investment Federations in 2008, and numerous industries in the village, investment consultant, , electrical consulting, etc., and in 2020, 100 rural villagers from all villages were selected to be nominated by their powerful players.

6. 作者私人微信:97674798,私人沟通、商务合作请直接联系,我都在。

6. & nbsp; author's private e-mail: 97674798, private communication, business cooperation, direct contact, I am here.




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