Now that the price of bitcoin has become a hot topic, do the little partners know how to get bitcoin? This time, New Wise Cloud introduces the way to dig, giving little partners a general impression of bitcoin and mining.
What's Bitcoin?
Do you know what a bitcoin is? Bitcoin is a virtual currency. Foreign trade should be conducted in multiple currencies, such as the renminbi, the dollar and the euro, and bitcoin is a virtual currency.
那么虚拟货币的形象是什么样的呢?大家知道Q币吧!这就是虚拟货币,或像比较火热的《英雄联盟》里面的点券等,也是虚拟货币。 So what's the image of a virtual currency? You know the Queen? It's a virtual currency, or a coupon in the hottest Heroes League, and so on. 三、如何获得比特币? How do you get Bitcoin? 然后,让我们进入主题。得比特币的主要方式有两种 Then, let's get to the theme. There are two main ways of getting bitcoin. 1、通过用现金来兑换比特币。 1. Exchange of bitcoin through cash. 2、比特币实际上是开采的,有一种方法可以通过采矿(采矿)获得比特币。 2. Bitcoin is actually mined, and there is one way to obtain bitcoin through mining (mining). 四、云服务器采矿比特币又是什么意思? 比特币就其本质而言,记录了分类账中的所有交易记录。这些过程需要大量的计算。 Bitcoin, by its very nature, records all transactions in the ledger. These processes require a lot of calculations. 因此,比特币为这些额外的工作借用了来自世界各地的志愿者的计算机资源。这就是您在不使用计算机或者云服务器的时候把自己的资源借给别人。 So Bitcoin borrows the computer resources of volunteers from around the world for these extra jobs. That's when you lend your resources to others when you don't use computers or cloud servers. 作为回报,做项目占用用户计算机资源集体或者个人就会发放比特币给用户。这是获取比特币的一种方式,称为比特币挖掘。 This is a way to get bitcoin, called bitcoin excavation. 让我们真正尝试比特币挖掘 Let's really try bitcoin digging. 这一次,让我们使用挖掘工具“MINER GATE”,这是初学者推荐的,用于挖掘比特币。 This time, let's use the excavation tool MINER GATE, which was recommended by the beginners and used to dig for bitcoin. MINER GATE是一种挖掘工具,即使对于初学者也很容易使用(图形用户界面=可以在看屏幕时操作)。 MINER GATE is an excavation tool that is easy to use even for beginners (the graphical user interface = can be used when looking at the screen). 下载MINER GATE Download MINER GATE 首先,让我们从下面的官方网站下载MINER GATE。 First, let's download MINER GATE from the official website below. 使用MINER GATE创建一个帐户 Create an account using MINER GATE 下载MINER GATE后,打开下载的文件并进行安装。 After downloading MINER GATE, the downloaded files are opened and installed. 安装完成后,让我们继续进行帐户注册。 Once the installation is complete, let's continue with the account registration. 一旦您注册了这个帐户,您的工作就差不多完成了。 Once you register this account, your job is almost done. 五、用MINER GATE挖掘比特币 V, dig bitcoin with MINER GATE 实际上,这个MINER GATE可以挖掘比特币以外的各种虚拟货币。注册完成后自动选择的“SMART MINER”将自动发现当时最有效的虚拟货币。 In fact, this MINER GATE can dig up a variety of virtual currencies other than bitcoins. The SMART MINER that is automatically selected after registration is completed will automatically discover the most effective virtual currency at the time. 我们这次要挖掘比特币,所以让我们选择“MINER”并选择比特币。这就是你需要做的。 We're going to dig up bitcoin this time, so let's choose MINER and bitcoin. That's what you need to do. 然后开始挖掘就行了,不过小伙伴们要注意哈!比特币在国内不是合法货币哦!国内是不支持比特币进行交易的,挖着玩玩就算了…… And then we'll start digging, but watch out, boys! Bitcoin isn't a legal currency in the country! There's no support for bitcoin trading in the country.
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