$4 1950 – Bitcoin succeeded in breaking through itself, and the third round of the crypto-currency, with some saying that the crypto market was about to enter a five-year long cow. The biggest financial risk in the next decade would be the absence of bitcoin, and others that bitcoin would rise to $100,000 after an epic turnback.
But why does a bitcoin rise to $10 have nothing to do with most people? This question is at the heart of this discussion and is about the market truth in the wealth story that is not clearly known.
i. Outside price activated
In mid-January, the microblogging community of garage coffee was again active, and the members of the group, sharing an article entitled "Bitcoin is crazy, it's going up and down." After 2018, they rarely talked about Bitcoin.
During the previous month, bitcoin unit prices jumped from about US$ 20,000, the highest point in the cattle market at the beginning of 2018, to US$ 40,000. Bitcoin went on a number of microblogging searches, rekindling both inside and outside the currency with strong price movements.
In 2018, one of the members of the group bought bitcoin at a unit price of $13,000, and in the same year, bitcoin fell over $3,000, accompanied by zero public opinion, and she sold bitcoin.
Today, the news and dynamics of Bitcoin are re-entering the landscape of the purchase of bitcoin, and she mocks herself.
"There was no white paper at the time and no idea of the basics of this complex species." So the only reason for buying bitcoin was that bitcoin was a digital currency invented by the Mystery Bennett, with deflationary properties, and the longer it took, and today's prices seemed to prove that, she rekindled hope and was ready to go back to her husband.
Not only did old whites like her, but for the first time they heard of the new whites in Bitcoin, they also tried.
"I've been interested in bitcoin lately, but I haven't been able to understand the block chain." Recently, in the summer of the advertising company, after listening to friends talking about bitcoin, I wanted to try it myself.
"It's amazing that a set of codes has led to a business that has made so many people rich." Summer says, in a year of stability, two months' wages are paid to start work, and now he just downloads an app like BitUniversese and occasionally looks at his behavior to prepare for the next one.
However, as the price of Bitcoin fell by $30,000, there was the beginning of the scene: in the re-burning garage coffee micro-credit herd, some people tanned up a high-end dock, some lost 200,000 account screens, some came to comfort and others flaunted that they had done the wind control in advance.
II, in circles filled with anxiety
It's got red eyes. It's a lot of anxiety in it.
In the face of huge fluctuations in bitcoin prices, words such as "shocks" and "sales" have failed.
It's like, "It's clear, it's ready to go home for the rest of the year," "The bigger the cakes fall, the more we're going to buy," "The chain kills" panic, and the drama is full of the communities of micro-trusts and friends.
"Even in the cattle market, many armies are buried." The senior snobbler, Guo Ah-hwa, spits.
Guo Hae replaced two more BTCs with popular DeFi tokens before and after the month of the highest heat in the DeFi market, but in high gas fees and a full set of roads, earnings became a husk.
"It's hard to take a leg, to see another man earn more money than she loses, to wait for a cow, to wait for a cow, and now that the cow is not in the car, it's hard to think." Hesit, Guo Ah-hwa decided to open a contract, she made a lot of bitcoin, hoping she could be bigger.
But there is little chance that such risky operations will win in the huge return on bitcoin prices, with Guo Ah-hwa’s multi-contracts closing at a loss of 7,500 USDT. There are no few investors like Guo Ah-hwa’s idea, and it is easy to become emotional slaves in volatile market dynamics to make radical trade decisions.
And the most immediate result of such decision-making is the enormous amount of data available over and over again.
Since January, there have been four major explosions in futures contracts, amounting to 三、陷入价格幻觉 iii, mired in price hallucinations 但事实上,无论现货还是期货,只要是交易就难免会犯糊涂。「牛市最容易产生价格幻觉,投资者看到涨的多,就慌了,根本意识不到交易的本质。」与郭阿花同为资深韭菜穆河(化名)向链捕手吐露,他现在逐渐意识到每一次交易都是在赚价格波动比例的钱,但现在普通投资者更多是被价格牵着走。 But in fact, whether it is a cash or a future, it is difficult to be confused. "Cow markets are the most prone to price hallucinations, and investors are panicking and unaware of the nature of the transaction." Like Guo Ah-hwa, who is the senior chain catcher, he now realizes that every transaction is about earning a price-volatile ratio, but now ordinary investors are more about to be held hostage by the price. 近几个月,穆河每天在朋友圈里看各路大佬奶比特币,亲眼目睹比特币突破4万美元,但他却直至比特币回调到2.9万美金左右他才开始建仓。 In recent months, the Mu River has been watching Big Mombitcoin every day in the circle of friends and has witnessed Bitcoin break out of $40,000, but he did not begin to build a warehouse until Bitcoin moved back to about $29,000. 「我的预期是比特币回到4万就陆续卖出,像我这样的散户,就算比特币涨到10万美元也拿不住。」他深刻地认识到市场的残酷,同时也明白在波动如此之大的加密市场,囤币的艰难。 "My expectation is that bitcoin will be sold back to 40,000, even if bitcoin rises to $100,000." He is acutely aware of the cruelty of the market, but also of the difficulty of hoarding it in an encoded market that is so volatile. And nbsp; 而从业者Peter对此也深有感悟。 And Peter, the practitioner, is deeply aware of this. 「我2018年就开始玩链游,当时我的投资理念就是深入体验产品,看懂它,做价值投资,但入行后我的价值观被颠覆了,这个行业的噪音太大,太难做到了。」Peter说自己入行之前的目标是每个月定投比特币,十年后再看,但随着比特币的大涨,他「成功」卖飞了。 "I started to play chains in 2018, when my investment concept was to experience the product, read it, invest in value, but when I went in, my values were reversed, the industry was too loud and too hard to do." Peter said that his goal was to put in bitcoin every month before he went in, and then look at it 10 years later, but with bitcoin booming, he "successed" to fly. 相比郭阿花「不买难受,买了跌了难受,买了涨了没卖更难受」的状态,Peter和穆河更加理智,他们了解市场的亢奋,更清楚市场的真相。 Compared to Guo Ah-hwa's "no buy, no buy, no drop, no buy, no sell" state, Peter and Mu River are more rational, they know the rush of the market, and they know the truth of the market. 四、常见的交易陷阱 iv. Common transaction trap 亢奋不言而喻,真相则是赚钱难。 It is self-evident that the truth is that it is difficult to make money. 但类似的问题在充斥着财富故事的加密市场中很难被投资者重视起来。对于没有交易经验且没经历过行业周期的投资者而言非常致命。 But similar problems are hard to focus on in an encrypted market full of wealth stories. It is fatal for investors with no trade experience and no industry cycle. 「牛市就是捡钱,梭哈就对了。」小白夏天问朋友自己进场,到底赚谁的钱时,朋友如是回答,然而在交易中,最可怕不是你技术上的失误,而是你如同夏天的朋友那样掉进自己营造的交易陷阱。 "Cows are just picking up the money, Sokha is right." When a friend comes in and asks him who's making the money, a friend answers, but the worst part of the deal is that you're not a technical mistake, but that you fall into a trading trap like a friend in the summer. 一般情况下,常见的交易陷阱有5种: In general, there are five common trading traps: (1)确认偏误 (1) confirmation of bias 确认偏误,也被称为证实性偏差,即大部分人往往都会选择性地回忆、搜集有利的细节,忽略不利或矛盾的信息,来支持自己已有的想法。 Recognition of bias is also referred to as confirmation of sexual bias, i.e. most people tend to selectively recall, gather favourable details and ignore adverse or contradictory information to support their own ideas. 存在这种认知偏差的投资者在做决策时更倾向于收集确认证据,而不是评估所有可用的信息。比如交易者准备买入某种资产,有时会早早就提出结论,之后便努力寻找能够证明其观点成立的信息,自然而然地忽视了那些与之观点相悖的信息。 Investors with this perception bias tend to collect confirmation evidence rather than assess all available information when making decisions. Dealers, for example, are prepared to buy an asset, sometimes draw early conclusions, then try to find information that can justify their views, and naturally ignore information that contradicts them. 严重者,当交易出现亏损的时候依然会拒绝接受事实,而是依旧疯狂地寻找所有可能支持自己认为观点的证据。这种认知偏差在我们日常的交易中很常见,特别是新手,比如当你非常看好并决定做多黄金的时候,你总是能找到各种理由说服自己。 Serious people still refuse to accept the truth when the transaction is losing, but they are still madly looking for all the evidence that might support what they think. This perception bias is common in our day-to-day dealings, especially with newcomers, for example, when you look very well and decide how much gold you make, you can always find every reason to convince yourself. 确认偏误在投资者持有先验观点时的杀伤力可能更大。如果信息不能客观的反映交易的全貌而陷入确认偏误,那么它对于先验观点只能是强化作用。从这个意义上说,我们希望信息是无偏差的。 Recognition of bias may be more lethal when investors hold a priori views. If the information does not objectively reflect the totality of the transaction and falls into a positive bias, it can only reinforce the a priori view. In this sense, we want the information to be neutral. (2)赌徒谬误 (2) Gambling Mistake 赌徒谬误是指错误地认为如果某件事情在某段时间内比正常情况发生得更频繁,那么它在未来发生的频率就会降低(反之亦然)。 Gambling fallacy means wrongly thinking that if something happens more frequently than normal over a certain period of time, it will happen less frequently in the future (and vice versa). 在投资中,赌徒谬误意味着当交易者经历了连续的几次亏损后就会错误的认为下一次交易赢钱的概率会更高。如果每次交易的结果是独立的,那么下一次交易的胜率和之前的连续亏损(或者连续盈利)没有关系。 In an investment, a gambler’s falseness means that when a trader goes through several consecutive losses, it is wrong to believe that the next deal is more likely to win. If the outcome of each transaction is independent, the next deal’s success rate is irrelevant to the previous consecutive loss (or successive profit). 在这种情况下,正确的做法依然是坚持策略,而非因错误的高估概率进行人为干预。在日常交易中,很多人都会有这种心理。当你连续做多或者做空都出现亏损或盈收时,你的下一笔交易则会下意识地倾向于选择跟之前相反的方向。 In this case, the right approach is to stick to the strategy rather than to intervene artificially because of the falsely overestimated probability. In everyday transactions, a lot of people have this mentality. When you do more or lose or collect more than you do, your next deal will consciously tend to choose the opposite direction. (3)羊群效应 (3) sheep effect 人们喜欢随波逐流是因为群组有一种自我加强机制,如果某个观点在一个群体内被不断地重复强调,这个群体的成员就会逐渐接受这个观点。 People like to follow the waves because a group has a self-reinforcing mechanism, and if a view is constantly repeated within a group, members of that group will gradually accept it. 羊群效应在市场中每天都会发生。由于信息不对称,投资者通过观察大多数人的行为来推测其私有信息,或是过度依赖于舆论而模仿他人决策。 The sheep effect occurs on a daily basis in the market. Because of information asymmetries, investors speculate about their private information by observing the behaviour of most people or mimic decision-making by relying too much on public opinion. 影响人们从众的最重要因素不是信息本身的正确与否而是认同此信息的人数。 The most important factor affecting access is not the correctness of the information itself, but the number of people who agree with it. 个人的非理性行为导致了集体的非理性表现。羊群行为说明个体不顾私有信息,采取与别人相同的行动。很多刚进入市场的小白喜欢听一些分析师喊单,其实就是羊群效应在市场中的体现。 Individual irrational behavior leads to collective irrationality. The sheep behavior suggests that individuals act in the same way as others, regardless of private information. 市场中一些比较知名的分析师或者大V往往就是那个引领羊群的人,由于普通投资者能够接触的信息较少,当看到比较多人都选择相信他们时,剩下的人也会跟随群众的脚步。 Some of the more well-known analysts in the market, or Big V, are often the one who leads the flock, and the rest of the people follow the crowd when it is seen that more people choose to believe them, given the low amount of information that ordinary investors can access. (4)近期偏差 (4) Recent deviation 近期偏差即人们会更倾向于回忆和推断最近发生的事件,并相信同样的情况将无限期地持续到未来。这种现象经常发生在投资中。一般来说,人类的记忆力都很短,但在投资周期方面,记忆力尤其短。 Recent deviations mean that there is a greater tendency to recall and extrapolate recent events and to believe that the same situation will continue indefinitely into the future. This often occurs in investments. Human memory is generally short, but particularly short in the investment cycle. 在牛市期间,人们往往会忘记熊市。人们会下意识地认为,市场应该继续上涨,因为它最近一直在上涨。因此,投资者继续购买股票,对它们的前景感觉良好。 During the cattle market, people tend to forget the bear market. People consciously believe that the market should continue to rise, as it has been rising recently. So investors continue to buy stocks, feeling good for their future. 投资者增加了风险承担,可能不会考虑多元化或投资组合管理的谨慎态度。然后在熊市受到打击,而不是尽可能地减少其投资组合的损失,投资者反而看着其净值大幅下跌,最后硬抗到市场低迷时才卖出股票。 Investors have increased risk-taking, and may not consider diversification or portfolio management caution. Instead of minimizing the losses of their portfolios, investors have watched their net worth fall sharply and end up selling stocks when the market is depressed. (5)选择性知觉偏差 (5) Selective perception deviation 选择性知觉指的是人们倾向于忽略或快速遗忘那些让我们感到不愉快或和我们的观念相左的因素。用简单粗暴一点的话来说,选择性知觉偏差就是我们平时所说的「戴着有色眼镜」看待事物。 Selective perception means that people tend to ignore or quickly forget factors that make us uncomfortable or that contradict our perceptions. In simple and harsh words, selective perception deviations are what we call "coloured glasses" when we look at things. 对于交易者来说,选择性知觉偏差十分危险。因为大部分交易者都惧怕由于亏损造成的痛苦,在面对亏损的时候也经常会自我辩解。这就非常容易让交易者忽略掉自己在交易决策中所犯的错误,而是在找一些无关紧要的借口。 For traders, selective perception bias is dangerous. Because most traders fear the suffering caused by losses, they often defend themselves in the face of losses. 当市场行情好的时候,基本上所有人都赚钱,这时候存在选择性知觉偏差的人就会错把市场的风险收益当成是因为自己的能力产生的额外收益。 When markets work well, and basically everyone earns money, people with selective perception deviations mistook market risk gains for additional gains from their capabilities. 而当市场行情不好的时候,大部分人都亏损了,存在这种偏差的人却往往看不到自身的问题,以为亏损仅仅是市场不好。而优秀的交易者不会责备市场、抱怨环境以及任何外部因素,交易者必须为自己的交易结果负责。 When markets are bad, most people lose, and those with such deviations tend to see their own problems, thinking that the losses are just bad for the market. Good traders do not blame markets, complain about the environment, and any external factors, and traders must be held accountable for the outcome of their transactions. 五、价值观的胜利 V. Victory of values 其实,不管是老小白于嫚,还是冒进者郭阿花,亦或是对比特币充满兴趣和质疑的夏天,他们都在曾经、现在乃至未来,会无法避免的陷入前述陷阱当中,就像格雷格姆所说,陷阱本身就是交易者自己。 In fact, whether it's old or white, or whether it's the enterprising Guo Ah-hwa, or the summer of Bitcoin's interest and doubt, they were, and will be, inevitably trapped in the aforementioned traps, which, as Gregem said, are themselves the traders themselves. 「我当时只是个小矿工,买了比特币和比特币矿机,但直接被套在山顶了。」老韭菜小试牛刀(化名)在2017年的牛市就掉进了羊群效应的陷阱,现如今四年过去了,他见识了市场周期,明白赚钱不易,所以越来越谨慎,为了不再重蹈覆辙,他选择通过网格交易机器人来慢慢回血。 "I was a small miner who bought bitcoin and bitcoin machines, but was placed directly on top of the mountain." Four years later, in 2017, the cattle market fell into the sheep effect trap, and he saw the market cycle, understood that making money was not easy, and was increasingly cautious, and in order not to repeat it, he chose to trade robots in grids for slow blood. 网格交易机器人是自动执行交易策略,投资者可以在预期的价格区间内程序化、智能化地实现低买高卖、反复套利的一款交易工具。该概念来源于传统金融市场,过去主要被资本金较大的做市商团队所应用,这些做市商通过网格交易的高频交易,实现套利。 The mesh-trading robot is an automatic transaction strategy that allows investors to process, intelligently, a low-cost, high-sale, repeated arbitrage tool within the expected price range. is a concept that originates from traditional financial markets and was used mainly by larger capital groups of marketers who trade arbitrage through high-frequency transactions in the mesh. 而且,相较于传统金融市场,加密市场的网格交易在机制上有所创新,小试牛刀选择开单的平台派网 Pionex 就是具有代表性的网格交易平台,Pionex 派网全球 CEO 杨圣净告诉链捕手,相较于传统意义上的网格交易,其产品的创新之处在于推出大区间的网格交易策略—天地单,从而消除用户门槛,让资本金体量小的非做市商团队也可参与高频套利。 Moreover, in contrast to traditional financial markets, grid trading in the crypto market is innovative in its mechanisms, with the small calf opting for a bill-opening platform & nbsp; Pionex being a representative grid trading platform, Pionex Network Global & nbsp; CEO Jan's net notification chain catcher, compared to traditional grid trading, the product of 「我用16万美元的本金开的6000—60000美元的BTC-USDT的天地单,现在利润6万美元左右,虽然中间暴跌过,但至少心里不慌,就当接回之前高位卖掉的大饼了。」小试牛刀说,派网的产品很细分,不仅有天地单,还有反向网格、无限网格、杠杆网格、借贷网格等等细分产品供他们选择。 "The $60-$60,000 BTC-USDT list, with $160,000 in principal, is now about $60,000, but at least not in the middle, but in the middle, when it comes back to the big pies that were sold up high before the takeover." The calf knife says that the distribution of the network is very thin, not only in the sky, but also in reverse grids, limitless grids, leverage grids, lending grids, etc., for their choice. 虽然,网格交易机器人目前在中国的加密市场的普及度虽不高,但像小试牛刀这样的早期开单者已经借助天地单成功回血,甚至小有盈余。 Although the current prevalence of grid-trading robots in the Chinese encryption market is low, early billers such as calf blades have been able to return their blood, even with small surpluses, with the help of the lists. 「用户使用交易机器人不能说一定能赚钱,但可以最大化降低亏损的概率。」杨圣净告诉链捕手,他们的价值观是帮用户克服人性的弱点,成为理性的投资者。 "Users of tradable robots can't say they can make money, but they can maximize the probability of losing." Yang's net message to the chain catchers is that their value is to help users overcome their human weaknesses and become rational investors. 这样的价值观在加密市场不多见,至少在中国市场,像郭阿花、于嫚这样的投资者依旧容易被财富效应裹挟,吊诡的是,一旦财富效应破灭,市场就会推着他们将错误归结到自身「认知不够」上。 At least in the Chinese market, investors like Kwok Ah-hwa and Yu-Yu are still vulnerable to the effects of wealth, and the paradox is that once the effects of wealth are lost, the market pushes them to the wrong end of their own "knowlessness." 之所以派网能在浮躁的市场孕育如此理性的价值观。核心原因在于团队的基因。 The reason why a network can breed such rational values in a restless market is because of the genetics of the team. 杨圣净坦言,在派网的团队中有两股力量,一股是有着多年传统金融从业经验的核心成员身上的理性与克制,另一股则是有着成熟软件开发管理经验的核心成员身上的创新性产品思维。 Jan Sant's team has two strengths, one in rationality and restraint on the part of a core member with many years of traditional financial experience, and the other in innovative product thinking on the part of a core member with mature management experience. 「我们在亚洲主流市场已经实现月活10万人的市场成绩。」杨圣净表示,派网现在之所以选择重点进入大众市场,一方面由于普通用户在网格交易创新与使用上的空白,另一方面则是希望通过交易工具的普及,帮助更多投资者理性地认识市场,理解交易。 “We have achieved a market performance of 100,000 people a month in mainstream markets in Asia.” Juntun Yang said that the network now chooses to focus on entering mass markets, on the one hand because of the gaps in innovation and use of grid trading by ordinary users and, on the other hand, because of the desire to help more investors understand markets rationally and understand transactions through the spread of trading instruments. 「我们认为交易的终局,一定是价值观的胜利,派网愿意躬身前行,践行并传递这样的价值观。」杨圣净说。 “We believe that the end of the deal must be a triumph of values, and that the network is willing to march forward, practice and pass on such values.” He said. 原文链接 : 网页链接
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