& nbsp; There are still plenty of opportunities in this era, but opportunities belong only to people with open minds.
Open mind is a prerequisite for everything.
Many people do not lack the path to happiness; the path is there, but the closed brain blinds them, and narrow thinking prevents them from doing so.
Those whose minds and minds are not open enough always prefer to debate, proving that their point of view is & ldquao; right & rdquao; and that they are not informed.
The world is not black or white. It is a dialectic view of the world.
In virtual currency, for example, many people hear bitcoin as if they had seen a flood beast, and they run with their legs and even throw two stones at it.
& & & & & & & rdquao; & & & rdquao; & & & & rdquao; & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & & & & value & & rdquao; etc. are expressions of virtual currency labels by countless people who do not know it.
Maybe these people didn't even know what the UTXO of Bitcoin was or what the NFT and the DeFi were. They didn't have a clear idea or understanding of it. They simply rejected a trillion-dollar market, something that had been continuously eaten by Wall Street agencies, endorsed by listed companies like Tesla, and accepted by the PayPal, Visa and other trading systems.
In essence, these people are like the Confucius of the new era, lamenting daily the entrenchment of the class and, once there is a way in front of them and they can't see it, always looking at him.
If the ultimate end of things is & ldquao; fraud & rdquao; human life will end, and we will live & & & & rdquao; fraud & & rdquao; who created this & & ldquao; fraud & rdquao; calling us to work for decades in this world.
Who defines & & & & & & & ; foam & & rdquao? Who defines & & & & & rdquao; with & & & & & & & & & & foam & ; who defines & & & & & & & & foam & ;
Risks and returns coexist, and the higher the risk. As you buy a two-dollar lottery, the first prize will be won only by a few lucky people, most of them bloodless.
The greatest fear of humanity stems from the unknown, so it is also normal that some people are biased against virtual money.
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