The U.S. regulatory agencies are fighting hard.
Bitcoin’s year-on-year kickback has brought a strong heart agent to a troubled currency ring. But now, with the heavy punches of US regulators, the prospects for encrypted assets have become uncertain again.
On 10 February, United States Eastern Time, stimulated by a competitor, Kraken, who had been ordered by United States regulators to close the chain of pledge services (Staking), the stock price of Coinbase, the world's second largest encrypted currency exchange, fell by more than 14 per cent, the largest in more than six months.
Kraken has previously been accused by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of breaching the chain pledge service.
According to media reports, Kraken had settled the case with SEC, agreed to discontinue the chain pledge service and would pay $30 million in recovery, interest and civil fines.
After the news came out, Bitcoin fell by 4.6 per cent, down to US$ 22,000/under each.
Kraken的质押服务本身提供高达20%的年利率,并承诺每周向客户发送两次质押奖励。 Kraken's pledge service itself provides an annual interest rate of up to 20 per cent and undertakes to send a pledge incentive twice a week to its clients. 质押一直都是SEC的眼中钉。SEC主席Gary Gensler认为,质押和借贷只是说法不同,本质上是一回事。 The pledge has always been in the eyes of the SEC. In the view of SEEC Chairman Gary Gensler, the pledge and borrowing are just different statements, essentially one thing. 据媒体报道,Coinbase的CEO Brian Armstrong已在周三晚间了解到了Kraken和SEC的和解协议。他指责SEC想要彻底剥夺散户参与链上质押的机会,并且称质押“是一项非常重要的创新”。 According to media reports, CEO Brian Armstrong of Coinbase has learned about the conciliation agreement between Kraken and SEC on Wednesday night. He accuses SEC of wanting to completely deny the diaspora the opportunity to participate in the pledge on the chain and claims that the pledge is “a very important innovation”. 该交易所的首席法律官Paul Grewal对媒体表示: Paul Grewal, the chief legal officer of the exchange, said to the media: “从今天的公告中可以清楚地看到,Kraken实际上是在提供一种收益产品。Coinbase的质押服务在本质上是不同的,它不是证券。” “It is clear from today's bulletin that Kraken is actually providing a product of earnings. Coinbase's pledge service is different in nature, and it is not a security.” 随着加密资产价格暴跌导致交易量减少,链上质押已成为Kraken和Coinbase等交易所的重要收入来源。 The chain pledge has become an important source of revenue for exchanges such as Kraken and Coinbase, as the price of encrypted assets has dropped sharply, leading to a reduction in the volume of transactions. 2022年第三季度,主要来自质押的Coinbase收入占该公司净收入的11%,高于第二季度的8.5%。Coinbase是以太币的第二大储户。炒币者通过交易所以及Lido和Rocket Pool等分散化交易平台上质押了价值数十亿美元的以太币,以取得收益。 In the third quarter of 2022, Coinbase, mainly from pledges, accounted for 11 per cent of the company’s net revenue, up from 8.5 per cent in the second quarter. Coinbase is the second largest depositor in the Tai currency. Money-spillers pledged billions of dollars in TT$ through exchanges and decentralized trading platforms such as Lido and Rocket Pool to gain returns. 如今,随着SEC重拳出击,一度野蛮生长的质押服务前路黯淡。加密货币投资公司CoinShares的研究助理Marc Arjoon表示: Today, with the SEC’s heavy punching, the road ahead of the once barbarous pledge service is bleak. Marc Arjoon, research assistant to CoinShares, an encoded money investment company, says: “Kraken的案子为其他提供类似服务的交易所立下了一个警示牌。” “The Kraken case set a warning sign for other exchanges offering similar services.”
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