
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:45 评论:0
2023年9月19日,“2023上海区块链国际周·第九届区块链全球峰会”在上海开幕。万向区块链总经理陈斌先生以《资产可信数字化是实体经济融入数字经济的通行证》为题进行现场演讲。On 19 September 2023, the Intern...



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On 19 September 2023, the International Week of the Shanghai Block Chain, Ninth Global Summit of the Block Chain, 2023, was opened in Shanghai. Mr. Chen Bin, Managing Director of the Block Chain, gave a live presentation on the topic "Credible digitization of assets is a pass for the integration of the real economy into the digital economy ".


For further information, please click at: "2023 Shanghai International Week of Block Chains" (continuing update)


The following is a summary of the presentations.


Distinguished guests, everyone, good morning!


I am Chen Bin of the 10,000-way block chain, and the theme I bring to you today is "Credible Digitalisation of Assets as a Pass for the Integration of the Real Economy into the Digital Economy." There is no doubt that the digital economy, now an important engine of global development, has become a global consensus on how to understand the two dimensions of digital economic development:


The first dimension, in terms of economic norms, economic paradigms, we think Web3.0 is the ideal economic paradigm for the digital economy. The Web3.0 contains two important features:


One is decentralization, with emphasis on equity, on the sovereignty of data and on the sharing of rights among stakeholders in the context of decentralisation.


The second is Token (passport), monetization in Web3.0, which emphasizes the efficiency of the flow of assets: one is fair, one is efficient and more efficient. When we transact all assets, the economy is made more efficient through smart contracts in the new network. This is the first level, the paradigm of the digital economy in terms of Web3.0.


The second dimension, in terms of digital assets, is the distribution of raw and twin assets, and the development of the digital economy depends on the large-scale development of digital assets. What are native assets? In traditional areas, digital games are a very traditional form of raw digital economy.


As with our digital economy, our digital assets, we all talk about Crypto, our encrypted assets, which, if all of them are pure natural assets, may not be large-scale, and it is vital that the large-scale traditional economy, the real economy, enter into this area and become a digital economy, digital assets, so that it can become a new engine of economic growth, a very important feature of the real economy, a regular operation that is consistent with traditional patterns. We see that the real economy has traditionally been subject to supply-demand relationships, productivity gains, and changes in the short-term debt cycle, the long-term debt cycle, and the real economic development that shapes decisions.


In the age of the digital economy, there are new operating rules, called the “smart economy.” The smart economy operates on the basis of a set of economic operating models in Web3. Of course, when we talk about the new economic operating model, many of our guests over the past two days spoke about the impact of AIGC on the new economic model, and Professor Yang Xiaohu was very worried that he would talk about a lot of real-economy business things that would be very boring.


To quote a song by rock singer, Choi Jian, "My ideal is there, my body is here." Of course, many of us playing Web3 are young people who don't listen to Choi Jian's songs, but his lyrics are a good example of how the industry is developing, if one day we are going to expand the weight of the digital economy and develop the Web 3.0 industry in a significant way, a very concentrated sign is that the real economy, the real assets in the field of Crypto, and the digital economy are going into the digital economy, and the integration of the digital economy and the real economy is going to be a great future. That is why I'm talking about it today.


When we talk about digital asset development, many people think of Crypto, Token, but in Web3, you talk a lot about DePIN, RWA and so on, and it can be seen that when real economic assets are integrated into the digital economy, not all assets are suitable for digitization, or for token, and that raises the question of which assets are suitable for digital Token.


If the new economic mode of operation of Web3.0 is to be implemented, the asset Tokenization is a prerequisite, but not all assets are suitable for tokenization, and many people in the public chain are also exploring how traditional economies and traditional assets can be tokenized. In the union chain, in addition to the problems encountered in the public chain, there are problems with policy regulations, especially in the country, what can and cannot be done.


From this point of view, there is a long way to go, because the ideal is there, and the body is here, and we need to integrate the large real economy into the development of the Web3.0, the digital economy, and there is still a long way to go, probably the state of Web2.5 in the middle.


Credible digitization of traditional economic assets is a step that must be taken before Token is made. What is a credible digitization of assets? Reference is made to the concept of digital twines and credible digital twines.


One of the most famous words on the Internet, Web1.0, is that “No one knows you are a dog” – that is, when we do a couple of lifetimes, we have to consider what is a credible digital birth, and what is credible, not simple simulations, of all the assets that have been born in Cyberworld.


Credible digitization of assets is mainly related to two broad categories of assets:


(1) Financial assets, the global size of which is almost 2.5 trillion.


(2) Non-financial assets, physical/biological assets and real estate, at a global scale of 3.5 trillion dollars, compared to $1 trillion in global cryptographic assets. This is a huge space for traditional assets into the Crypto, digital economy world.


The digitisation of assets must be in dimension, three dimensions:


The physical dimensions are physically credible from the point of view of physical and non-financial assets, such as whether the inventory is there and what is the state.


2. The title is credible. The ownership of the assets is yours. There are physical evidences, title deeds, and the traditional centralized accounting methods are mapped into a credible digital environment.


3. Values are credible, and when we map assets into Cyberspace and become digital assets, they are important, in addition to tenure and physical credibility, because values are variable, using large-scale data analysis techniques, even AI techniques, to judge what is really the credibility of the value of the assets we own, the assets we hold now and in the real world, which is the three dimensions of the credible digitization of assets that we are talking about.


There are many key technologies that will be used, not the Rendering, 3D Engines, Unity technologies that I have just briefly mentioned, which may include identity management, data security, real-time monitoring of reliable synergies, access control, retrospective auditing, etc. These include today’s talk about nectar networking technology, and how assets can be credibly chained up and accepted through a credible model, which are several technological pathways that are very important in the credible digitization of assets that we are talking about.


Share several cases of how credible digitization of assets empowers the integration of the real and digital economies.


As we have just mentioned, there is considerable use of block chain technology here, and credible digitization of assets prior to Tokenization is the state of Web2.5, in which there is a great deal of financing to achieve digital financial value.


Case one: credible flow of supply chain assets.


Accounts payable in traditional supply chain finance, based on the principal credit of the core enterprise, can be split indefinitely and flowing indefinitely in the value network created by the block chain once they have been e-instructed, eventually realizing the financing value of these instruments, enabling small and medium-sized suppliers in the supply chain, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to address the high cost of financing.


Case II: Credible operation of battery assets.


For example, there are a large number of storage and new energy charge-posts, which can encounter a great deal of pain in the traditional economy, in particular in the operation of distributed storage and charge-posts, and the important feature is that they operate in a centralized manner, but the assets are delivered in a distributed manner. This brings with it managerial difficulties, with heavy assets necessarily involving multiple actors, such as asset investors, operators, users. How these parties trust each other, how they solve financing problems, how they solve operating problems, how they address incentives, through credible modules in the chain, material networking techniques, real-time links in the operation of batteries, charge-filling posts, and multiple sharing of data, and where the financing of grids, storage, etc. is also a very important application.


Case three: credible pledge of oil storage assets.


An inventory-oriented approach can be implemented in a similar way. Traditionally, financial institutions may prefer immovable property or grant finance based on principal credit, which is what we usually refer to as the traditional financial sector, which is property-based and principal credit, but which is more inclined to real property, and when we do movable property (stock), a range of financial frauds, such as lack of ownership and multiple mortgages, have arisen in the iron and steel industry and in the bulk oil reserves trade, leading many financial institutions to be afraid to touch this type of movable property.


If the technology of credible regulation of movable property is adopted, the technology of material networking, block chain technology, big data technology, including the values mentioned earlier, tenure, and physical credibility, can be used in this area as a very adequate reflection of the fact that inventory-type assets that were not previously available for collateral financing can become collateral financing, which is also a very valuable digital financial application.


Case four: Credible surveillance of biological assets


There used to be a saying, "We're rich, we don't have hair."


When we go to the interior, Qinghai, and Tibetan pastoral areas to see that many farmers and herders have large productive assets, and that biological assets are very valuable, but very poorly funded. In the meat cow area, for example, when we put a block ear mark on each cow's ear with a tactile module that transmits each cow's real-time status to the back page, each cow becomes an NFT, which makes it possible to achieve financingability on the basis of NFT.


This is a very interesting case in which we usually say that the agro-pastoral sector is a very traditional industry, and that it is a primary industry. When we hit every cow with a mark, when each cow becomes a NFT, a digital asset, the traditional first industry becomes a digital economy. This is a case in which the credible digitization of assets is particularly relevant in the context of the integration of the real economy into the digital economy.


Of course, we have just talked about whether credible digitization of assets is now a matter of Web2.5, addressing the issue of traditional financial financing. Of course, this is a necessary phase, such as Web3.0, especially when real assets are tokened into a new economic model of stakeholder economic sharing in a block chain, Web3.0 value network, and we may still have a very long way to go. The process needs to be explored step by step, whether it is in the asset class, in the manner in which assets are to be reliably digitized, and in terms of how to generate economic practical value when assets are to be digitalized.


The emergence of new technologies must have given real value to the real industry in order to make a real contribution to the development of the industry as a whole.


In conclusion, I would like to recall the overall point of view:


We all believe that Web3.0 may be the ideal economic paradigm for operating under the digital economy, and that when it has a new model of value Internet stakeholder capitalism operating in the new economy, it is important to bring the large real economy into this area in order to drive the entire industry.


We have made every effort to work at the domestic level by digitizing assets from all walks of life, solving problems in the industry, in the future, in order to realize the renewed economic value of the Web3 network, in the hope that this will be a greater contribution to society as a whole and to the economy as a whole.


That's all I'm sharing today. Thank you.




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