【學中文】外國人旅居台灣的生存法則 | Glossika 部落格

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:50 评论:0
在台灣的外國人要會說中文嗎?不會說中文會遇到什麼困難嗎?到底來台灣生活要不要學中文?母語是中文的我們大概沒有想過這些問題,但對於外國人就非常值得討論了!這篇文章由來自加拿大的 Kelsi 分享,Ke...



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在台灣的外國人要會說中文嗎?不會說中文會遇到什麼困難嗎?到底來台灣生活要不要學中文?母語是中文的我們大概沒有想過這些問題,但對於外國人就非常值得討論了!這篇文章由來自加拿大的 Kelsi 分享,Kelsi 跟台灣的先生住在來灣,她喜歡中文和中華文化,自己也學了八年的中文,喜歡和大家分享她學語言的經驗。

In Taiwan, foreigners speak Chinese. Can't speak Chinese be difficult? Do you want to learn Chinese in Taiwan or not? We probably didn't think about it. The mother tongue is Chinese, but it's worth discussing it with foreigners! The article is from Canada: Kelsi, Kelsi lives in the Gulf with the Taiwanese gentleman, she likes Chinese and Chinese culture, she also learns Chinese for eight years, and she likes to share her language experience.


This article, like a title, shares how foreigners live in Taiwan if they do not learn Chinese and only in English. If you have a foreign friend around you who is thinking about it, you can look at it and discuss it with him.


If your friend was thinking about moving to Taiwan, he might have thought: Is it possible to live in Taiwan if he only speaks English? After all, the official language of Taiwan is Chinese.


If your friend decides to spend the rest of his life in Taiwan, I will strongly encourage him to learn Chinese, because learning Chinese can be more locally integrated. Even a trip to Taiwan to learn some basic Chinese can make travel even more impressive. Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, so learning Chinese is certainly helpful.

如果你的朋友剛搬到台灣,還沒有機會學中文的話,在大一點的城市(例如台北、台中或高雄)用英文基本上是沒有問題的。我也聽過有些在台灣住超過 10 年的外籍人士只會說一點點中文,但他們也是生活得好好的,因為在台北會說英文的人其實滿多的。近十年來,台灣人學英文的年齡不斷地下修,大概從學齡前就開始了,一直到上大學都有在精進英文能力,大部分的台灣人至少都會說基本的英文。

If your friends have just moved to Taiwan and have not yet had the opportunity to learn Chinese, there is basically no problem in English in the bigger cities (e.g. Taipei, Taiwan Central or Takao). I have also heard that some foreigners who have lived in Taiwan for more than 10 years speak only a little Chinese, but they also live well because there are a lot of people who speak English in Taipei. In the last 10 years, Taiwanns have been studying English underground, probably from their pre-school years, until college, and most of them speak at least basic English.


There's no way Chinese can live in Taiwan, but sometimes there's a little bit of a problem, and here's a little bit of a secret about how to solve it:

英文可以解決日常生活上大部分的事情,但如果遇到需要翻譯的狀況,手機翻譯軟體就可以派上用場了。台灣從標誌到網站幾乎都是中文字,平常遇到的人也不一定會說英文,所以先下載翻譯 APP 在手機裡吧!除了大家熟知的 Google 翻譯,以下也推薦一個好用的翻譯 APP 給大家。

The English language solves most of the everyday problems, but if there is a need for translation, the mobile translation software will be useful. Taiwan’s logos and web sites are almost always Chinese, and people usually don’t speak English, so download the translation APP in the cell phone. In addition to the well-known Google translation, a good translation of the APP is recommended below.

PlecoiOS 下載 / Google Play 下載 )是一個專門為中文打造的 APP,我自己非常喜歡,這個 APP 會用筆畫和手寫的方式呈現中文字,付費的功能還能即時拍照辨識中文字。我也很推薦在 Pleco 內的字典 Outlier,它可以很直覺地幫助你學中文。



台灣有些租屋網或求職網,例如:591 租屋網、104 或 1111 人力銀行都只有中文版的網站,如果有安裝網站翻譯功能,能比較快的找到需要的資訊。除了 Google 翻譯,也可以試試 Zhongwen: Chinese-English Dictionary,有了這個功能很方便,如果徘迴在中文網站裡的字裡行間時,系統會自動偵測到、跳出文字翻譯視窗。

Taiwan has a number of rental or job networks, such as: 591 House Renting Networks, 104 or 1111 Human Resources Bank websites with Chinese versions, which can be found more quickly if there is a website translation feature. In addition to Google translation, , which is convenient and the system automatically detects, jumps and translates the view window when it is written on the Chinese website.


If your friend wants to rent a house, buy a cell phone, sign a contract, and so on, and as far as possible, go to a friend who speaks Chinese, because not every company has an English version of the contract. If your friend is looking for a house, please contact the landlord and sign the lease. Since most of the contracts are in Chinese, find a friend who trusts and speaks Chinese.

我承認我一開始到台灣的時候很常吃 7-11 的食物,因為 7-11 很方便且幾乎不用跟別人交談,而且 7-11 的食物真的很棒!但只吃 7-11 的食物,攝取太多油鹽可能對身體健康不太好,更可惜的是會失去品嚐台灣美食的機會。所以不要因為不會說中文,就不敢到其他地方探索台灣美食。

I admit that I used to eat from 7 to 11 when I first arrived in Taiwan, because 7 to 11 was easy and hardly needed to talk to others, and 7 to 11 was really good. But eating only from 7 to 11 might not be good for my health if too much salt was taken, and it would be a shame to lose the opportunity to taste Taiwan's food. So don't be afraid to explore Taiwan's food elsewhere because you don't speak Chinese.


Fortunately, there are English menus in restaurants in Taipei or other major cities, and there are two-language menus in restaurants, cafés, or restaurants, so it is convenient to order them. English menus are also available for tourists or foreign students in places such as Spring and River Night. In my experience, if your face is a foreigner, the waiter will give you an English menu, and will switch to English-language channels and speak to you on his own. (As soon as you came to Taiwan, the waiter said English would feel safe, but after a while in Taiwan, the waiter might actually want to practice Chinese more than he would say to me in Chinese.)


In their capacity as speakers in English, people may wish to find jobs related to English education or English, perhaps teaching English, editing or writing English articles, etc. The choice of jobs is limited, and I would suggest that your friends think about it before moving to Taiwan. Of course, many foreigners come to Taiwan specifically to teach English, which is a good option, because Taiwanese generally believe that fluent English is valuable and that the second language of learning is better paid.

如是你的朋友有科技背景,先恭喜他!因為台北的新創產業正在快速成長中,台灣有很多外籍人士在新創產業和區塊鏈,一開始可以在 MOX 社群裡建立人脈,很快地就能打進圈子了!

Congratulations to your friend if he has a technical background! Since Taipei's new start-up business is growing rapidly, Taiwan has a lot of foreigners in the new start-up business and sector chains that can be built in the community at and will soon enter the circle!


If you have just moved to Taiwan and do not speak Chinese, it may be difficult to make friends. Don’t worry, there’s a community of foreigners in Taipei and other major cities where you can find English speakers like your friends, but if you live in a more backward country, you may have less chance of meeting English speakers.

如果對外籍人士社團有興趣,可以在 Facebook 上搜尋「Foreigners in Taiwan」或「foreigners in (your city in Taiwan)」,也有很多給英文母語人士的社團,例如:出租房子、誠徵室友或是買賣二手商品等等。

If you are interested in a group of foreigners, you can search on Facebook for or "Foreigners in (your city in Taiwan)" and there are many groups of English-speaking people, such as renting houses, honest roommates or selling second-hand goods.


If your friends don't speak Chinese, they can know Taiwanese through language exchanges. Taiwan has many language exchanges, usually in cafés or bars, which is a good opportunity to know locals and learn Chinese. Of course, they can also know Taiwanese at work or in everyday life. The Taiwanese are happy to speak English with foreigners, because they can practice English at the same time.


While I've spent years learning Chinese myself, my Chinese is not good enough, and I've always used it to live in Taiwan!


As mentioned at the beginning of the article, if your friend only speaks English, he can live well in Taiwan, but I really encourage him to learn Chinese, because learning Chinese will make him more relevant to Taiwan's land.

Glossika 是一個外語自學平台,更是學中文的好資源,Glossika 提供繁體簡體中文,不論想先學繁體或是簡體,Glossika 都有。如果是中文初學者或是有一定程度了,Glossika 都能客製化每個人的訓練內容!

Glosska is a self-learning platform for foreign languages, and is a good resource for learning Chinese, while Glossika provides Glossika 有免費的 1000 次聽說訓練,趕快推薦給他






Extended Read

1. 英文原文:Tips for Living in Taiwan as an English Speaker

1. Original in English:

2. Glossika 人物專訪 Ash Henson:穿梭古今的中文說文解字之絕妙

2. Ash Hensenka: An excellent speech in Chinese

3. 歐洲動保組織 CEO 教你如何在忙碌生活中學語言


4. Instagram 帳號:@glossika_chinese

4. Instagram account:




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