
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:43 评论:0
作者:Nancy,PANewsPhoto by Nancy, PANews.在官方宣布完成高估值融資不久後,Web3娛樂平台ZKasino因私自修改"返還ETH"等信息、單方面強制換幣以及將超1萬枚ETH質押資產轉移至生...



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Photo by Nancy, PANews.


Shortly after the official announcement of the completion of the high-value investment, Zkasino, the Web3 entertainment platform, was instructed to run off with information, monolithic exchange of currency and the transfer of more than 10,000 ETH pledges to interest-generating platforms. Instead, the investors involved were left out after the event, and Zkasino’s official government classified the community’s claims as FUDs and did not mention refunds.

4月20日晚,有不少社群用戶反映,ZKasino將其官網Bridge funds介面中「Ethereum將被回饋和可被橋接回去」刪除,導致用戶無法提款。同時,該計畫的白皮書文檔不僅將用戶質押資產偷偷修改為捐贈模式,還強制“ID0”,將用戶真金白銀質押的ETH全部轉換為自身平台代幣$ZKAS。

On the evening of April 20, a number of community users reported that Zkasino had deleted "Etheeum will be returned to the bridge" from his official network Bridge Funds, which prevented the user from drawing money. In the meantime, the project’s white paper file had not only secretly modified the user-principal asset to a donation model, but also imposed “ID0” to convert the user’s gold and silver deposit to its own platform currency, ZKAS.


而據鏈上分析師餘燼監測,ZKasino已於4月21日將超1萬名用戶橋接存入ZKasino的10,515 ETH(價值約3300萬美元)轉移至多簽地址,然後存入Lido。

On 21 April, Zkasino monitored the transfer of more than 10,000 user bridges to 10,515 ETH (valued at approximately $33 million) in Zkasino to a multi-signed address and to Lido.


Zkasino’s actions also provoked community anger, starting with the formation of a team of more than 2,000 Chinese defenders alone. KOL@0xTim_Hu, formerly in charge of the KOL wheel in the country, also declared that a case had been opened in Dubai on 21 April, but was questioned by the community for not returning to his post.

隨後,ZKasino官方在當天晚間並未對更改白皮書內容作出直接回應,而是表示,現在有很多FUD流言,ZKasino網絡仍將上線,只是由於交易所上市而推遲。儘管新技術經常受到外界幹擾和FUD,但仍專注於其使命。改變有時可能會遭遇懷疑,但ZKasino將其視為成長的機會。接下來,ZKasino將繼續建造、升級和推動ZKasino Chain的更新,將在Kasino Chain上線時整合EIP-3074來徹底改變其平台的遊戲體驗,且用戶將不再需要管理自己的$ZKAS餘額用於Gas費,簡化與dApps互動的過程。 ZKasino對未來感到興奮,並期待與用戶分享其旅程。

After that, Zkasino’s official did not respond directly to changes to the white book at night, stating that there are many FUD rumours that Zkasino’s network will remain online, only because it is listed on the exchange. Although new technologies are often disturbed by outside sources and FUDs, they remain focused on their mission. Changes may sometimes come under suspicion, but Zkasino sees it as an opportunity to grow. Zkasino will continue to build, upgrade and push Zkasino Chain’s update, will integrate EIP-3074 on the line in Kasino Chain to completely change his platform’s game experience, and will no longer need to manage the rest of his $ZKAS at Gasfer, to simplify the process of interacting with dApps. Zkasino is excited about the future, and looks forward to sharing his journey with users.

實際上,ZKasino獲得如此高資金參與背後,很大程度上在於zkSync生態DEX ZigZag的名氣以及機構融資背書。

In fact, Zkasino's involvement, with such a high level of funding, is largely due to the reputation of ZkSync as DEX ZigZag and its institutionalization.

Zigzag是zkSync首款原生DEX,根據加密KOL 0xAA透露,該專案曾獲得1500萬美元股權和6000萬美元債券融資。而@0xTim_Hu也在今年2月推文中揭露,Zigzag曾獲得一眾明星資本投資。然而,2022年6月,Zigzag透露在UST脫錨事件導致損失2,000萬美元,並承認在近一年的營運中沒有產生任何收入,因此沒有資金。隨後,Zigzag開啟代幣$ZZ的ID0和空投,但該代幣價格卻一路下跌。 CoinGecko數據顯示,截至4月22日,代幣$ZZ價格跌至0.03美元,較ID0價格3美元跌幅超99%。而創辦人Kedar也在去年7月宣布計畫以1000萬美元估值為其新項目募集50萬美元資金,並將聲稱將部分代幣空投至$ZZ持有者,但最終不了了之。

Zigzag, however, revealed that in June 2022, Zigzag lost $20 million in the UST collapse and admitted that no income had been generated during the recent year’s operation, and therefore no funds were available. As a result, Zigzag opened an ID0 and an air investment in ZZ, but the price of the currency fell all the way. CoinGecko’s figures show that, as of 22 April, the price of the coin ZZ fell to $0.03 and the amount of $3 of ID0 fell by more than 99%.

ZKasino是2023年1月推出的項目,部分團隊成員來自ZigZag,包括創辦人Derivatives Monke。但今年3月,ZKasino在開啟質押挖礦活動後,ZigZag卻突然「開撕」ZKasino。

Zkasino was launched in January 2023, with some team members from ZigZag, including founder Derivatives Monke, but in March of this year, Zkasino suddenly "crushed" Zkasino after opening the littoral mining campaign.


Kedar wrote that most of Zkasino’s income was counterfeit (Zkasino claims that it earned over $9 million in the first year of the line), asking clients to be careful to participate in their IC0 campaign. Meanwhile, Zkasino announced that the $40 million ecosystem fund was not real and might never be paid in any real currency.

同時,Kedar表示,一些團隊成員的無能和詐欺行為導致ZigZag難以經營,這也是公司自早期推出以來進展甚微的一個重要原因。 ZigZag先前融資的1500萬美元,Zkasino創始人Derivatives Monke是籌款人和多重簽名的3/5簽名者,這些資金也進入了Derivatives Monke控制的地址,但ZigZag卻從來沒有控制過這筆錢,所以可能有比自己所知更多的錢被偷或進入ZKasino。雖然他曾要求ZKasino返還100萬美元投資,但沒能得到賠償,所以ZZ代幣持有者現在應該嘗試自己獲得賠償,且Monke作為ZigZag的團隊成員也應該對投資者損失的資金負有責任。雖然目前他沒有任何有力證據表明Monke涉及任何盜竊行為,但確實因Monke的無能導致ZigZag損失很多資金。

At the same time, Kedar said that the incompetence and fraud of some of the team members had led to ZigZag’s inability to run, an important reason why the company had not been able to do so since its early launch. ZigZag’s previous loan of $15 million, and Zkasino’s founder, Derivatives Monke, who signed three-fifths of the raiser’s and multiple-signer’s name, had entered the address controlled by Derivatives Monke, but ZigZag had never had control of the money, and might have been stolen or entered Zkasino more than he knew.

另外,Kedar也強調,最近有多人向其指控ZKasino團隊拖欠款項或以某種方式詐騙,還有多名前員工和承包商表示未獲得工作報酬。他也聯絡了ZKasino其中一名投資方,告知該專案收入造假,後者則表示他們實際上並沒有參與融資,所以ZKasino融資和估值很可能也是假的。 Monke有捏造Telegram和社群媒體聊天記錄的歷史,或將再次透過資訊造假對其進行反駁,歡迎投資者和其他專案創辦人直接和自己打電話進行資訊確認。

He also contacted one of Zkasino’s investors, informing them of the project’s income counterfeiting, and later stating that they were not actually involved, so it is likely that Zkasino’s investment and valuation will also be false. Monke has forged the history of Telegram’s conversation with social media, or will use it again to counter it, and would welcome direct and personal calls from investors and other project sponsors to confirm it.

對於Monke的不誠實行為,其實鏈上偵探ZachXBT早在去年12月zkSync DeFi負責人Sebastien私吞zkSync代幣的風波中早有指出並給出了相關證據,並表示,「不確定為什麼有人會相信Derivatives Monke及其團隊的話,因為他們已經被證明是不誠實的,包括逃避支付向Friend.tech負責增長和業務開發的匿名帳戶PancakesBrah的款項、價值20萬的虛假“贈送”活動、逃避與eGirl Capital合夥人@CL207的賭注支付、利用謀殺案的噁心影片宣傳賭場(事後道歉甩鍋給實習生)以及團隊成員被釣魚攻擊後未補償受害者。

In response to Monke’s disinformation, ZachXBT’s chain agent, Sebastien, who was in charge of zkSync DeFi, pointed out and gave evidence as early as last December, and said, “is not sure why anyone would believe Derivativities Monke and his team’s words, because they have been shown to be dishonest, including evading payment for Pancakesbrah, an anonymous account that was opened to Friend.tech’s head and business, a 200-million-dollar fake “offer” campaign, evading the wager paid by eGirl Capital’s partner @CL207, the use of murderous nausea films to spread the casino (and later the apology to the student), and the team’s crew’s failure to compensate the victim after the shooting of a fish.

值得一提的是,ZigZag也在今年4月宣布因美國監管壓力將關閉業務,儘管一個多月以前Kedar還表示會盡其所能恢復ZigZag專案活力。取而代之的是,ZigZag的團隊成員在不到一周的時間內重新分叉了代碼,使得原本關閉的zkSync Lite交易所重新運行,這也使得社區對ZigZag的關停並不買單。

It is worth mentioning that ZigZag also announced in April this year that it would close down because of US surveillance pressure, even though Kedar said more than a month ago that he would do his best to restore the dynamism of the ZigZag project. Instead, ZigZag’s team members had re-segregated the code in less than a week, making the ZkSync Lite exchange, which had been closed down, again making the community’s closure of ZigZag unpayable.

收入被揭露造假和挪用資金等負面消息下,或為挽回市場口碑,ZKasino在數天後突然宣布以3.5億美元估值完成A輪融資,但並未披露具體金額,僅透露由MEXC、Big Brain Holdings、 Trading_axe、Pentoshi和Sisyphus等參投。但其中Big Brain Holdings發文表示,其曾於2022年投資了ZigZag項目並導致財務損失,但從未投資過ZKasino,沒有收到也不會接受其代幣分配;雖然交易所MEXC並未否認投資,但在向深潮TechFlow訪談回覆中表示,專案方的行為與他們無關,他們作為投資方也是受害者。

After several days, Zkasino suddenly announced a $350 million valuation to complete the A round, but did not disclose the amount only by MEXC, Big Brain Holdings, Trading_axe, Pentoshi, and Sisyphos. However, Big Brain Holdings wrote that he had invested in the ZigZag project in 2022 and had caused financial losses, but that he had not received or would not accept the money allocation; while the exchange MEXC had not denied the offer, it was said in its response to the deep tide TechFlow interview that the agency had nothing to do with them, and that they were also the victims of the investment.


The investor’s “no matter” attitude has also given rise to community anger, with members of the community saying that many of the users involved in Zkasino were behind the investment, but that these institutions did not clarify their involvement in the project at the time of the previous announcement, and did not disclose information about the project to help the users recover their assets. In addition, some of the KOL involved in the campaign have become the subject of community rhetoric.

該事件也暴露出對投資項目背景調查的不嚴謹。正如Primitive Ventures合夥人Dovey Wan最新推文表示,對ZKasino的投資決策中,該項目因明顯的道德問題而被淘汰。在專案投資中,創辦人的心理分析、道德評估、動機和意圖檢查應和其他方面的盡職調查一樣重要。

The event also revealed a lack of scrutiny of the investment project’s background. As the Prime Venture Partnership partner, Dovey Wan, recently quoted, the investment decision for Zkasino was eliminated because of obvious ethical problems.

目前,已有不少平台對ZKasino疑似Rug事件作出了積極處理,例如ZKasino完成200萬美元募資的ID0平台Ape Terminal宣布取消了ZKasino的ID0,允許所有參與者獲得退款、幣安凍結了ZKasino創始人的幣安帳戶等。

A number of platforms have been active in dealing with the suspected Rug incident in Zkasino, such as the announcement by Ape Terminal of the $2 million ID0 platform for Zkasino to cancel the ID0 for Zkasino, allowing all participants to obtain refunds, and the freezing of the currency account of the founder of Zkasino.


As a result, Zkasino’s soft Rug exposes the risk of potential financial loss in the dark forests of encryption. For investors, there is a need to understand that the creative background of well-known projects, higher indicators such as TVLs and user numbers, as well as the endorsement of investment institutions, cannot be a good standard for other projects. Moreover, the involvement of investment institutions/KOL, based on voice and influence, often has a catalytic effect on the project’s reputation, and should therefore be more cautious and professional in the investment and sharing process.




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