As the concept of the meta-cosmos is gaining ground, We3.0 is constantly being referred to, especially by those working in the currency circles and the Internet, and the concept of Web3.0 is being glorified. What is that? It's always open and the boundaries are blurred. Here's the definition and concept of Web1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.
Web起源于研究人员对于计算机之间的信息共享需求。90年代初由蒂姆伯纳斯发明,并命名为World Wide Web。90年代初到2005年之间,可以称之为Web1.0时代,那时候人们主要从互联网浏览信息,各站点之间通过超文本进行连接。
Web originates from researchers’ need for information-sharing between computers. It was invented in the early 1990s by Timberus and named World Wide Web.
Web 2.0 originates from Ajax interactive technology, where the early Internet is mostly static, and when Ajax is introduced, pages can be updated without requests for backends and local or whole page updates. With the rise of the mobile end, App or WebApp concepts, the website is no longer a page, but rather an application, which, for the back end, is primarily an interface, with all renderings and page routers handed over to the front end. Web2. 2.0 contains information that is not just browsing about access to information, but creating information on the web, and people tweeting, sending circles of friends, and sending short videos.
The concept of Web3.0 is a long-standing one and has not been broken since the concept of 2.0 was introduced. The idea of Web3.0, including semantic networks, object networks, block chains, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and so on, is constantly being raised. The concept of the last value Internet seems to prevail, with the idea that the Internet should be connected between money, contracts, and various digitally valued assets. There is a question of trust, so a credible Internet based on block chain technology is raised. Web3.0 is now about readable + writeable + trusted.
Early on, the Internet introduced the concept of semantic networks, that is, attribute field descriptions for each document, thus making the entire Internet a super-large structured database.
With the development of network bandwidth and artificial intelligence, it is hoped that everything will be connected to one another. Information no longer exists on computers, but on every object. So there are smart watches, sound boxes, and appliance devices.
The concept of a block chain emerges with Bitcoin. In order to issue a decentralized currency that is not controlled by central banks, the technology and ideas of the block chain are appreciated.
Virtual reality has also been popular, but there is always a gap between ideals and reality. What VR, AR, MR concepts have developed, and finally, a few glasses have been developed, and then it doesn't hurt.
人工智能的概念最早可以追溯了50年前,那时候也就有了一些概念和具体算法,但由于互联网产生的大数据使得人工智能获得了重生。但资本市场也是热炒1-2年,然后就偃旗息鼓了,现在的人工智能并没有如预期的那帮All in AI。目前人工智能也就是语音识别、图像识别、智能推荐、智能驾驶等几个方面得到了局部的应用。
The concept of artificial intelligence dates back as early as 50 years, when there were some concepts and specific algorithms, but artificial intelligence was reborn because of the big data generated by the Internet. But the capital market was also hot for one or two years, and then evaporated.
According to the above, people in Web1.0 have access to information mainly from the Internet, people in Web 2.0 can create information through the Internet, and people in Web3.0 can live in a trusted Internet.
What technologies are included in Web3.0? The foundation is cloud logs and block chains, the network level has IPv6 and 5G etc., the transmission layer has been changed from TCP to UDP, and the display layer has shifted from plane to 3D.
Web3.0, which was so hot that it was predominantly pursued by the currency circles, has made the value of the Internet so popular that now Internet companies are really focusing on Web3.0, which stems from the concept of meta-cosm. The meta-cosm is a virtual 3D network community that combines reality and allows people to live and work on the Internet. The meta-cosm is based on Web3.0, which is that it is possible that the meta-cosm will become a reality with the technological support of Web3.0.
We need to understand the principles underlying Web3.0 and the functioning mechanisms of the meta-cosm, as well as the current mindset, in order to prepare ourselves for a new era. Of course, we should not be distracted by new concepts and technologies, but rather look at them in a developmental light, study them, understand them.
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