元宇宙始于1992年国外科幻作品《雪崩》里提到的“Metaverse(元宇宙)”和“Avatar(化身)”这两个概念。 人们在其中可以拥有自己的虚拟替身,这个虚拟的世界就叫作“元宇宙”。人们只要通过公共入口连接,就能以虚拟“化身”的形象进入其中,开启有别于现实世界的另一种人生。简单说就是通过数字技术构建起来的与现实世界平行的虚拟世界。
The meta-cosm began with the concepts of “Metaverse( “Metaverse)” and “Avatar( Incarnation & #xff09;” referred to in Avalanche, a foreign science fiction in 1992. People can have their own virtual double xff0c; this virtual world is called the meta-cosmos.
2021 is the Woncosm Year & #xff0c; on December 23, IAC published a related article on the metacosystem & #xff0c; the article describes technological innovations and events associated with the metacosystem over the past year.
March 2021 xff0c; Robece xff08; Roblox xff09; officially listed in New York, United States of America xff1b;
July 2021 & #xff0c; Facebook announces marching into the military universe
October 28, 2021 & #xff0c; US social media giant Facebook announced a change of name to xff08; Meta) xff0c; and downgraded Facebook's same name service to one of the company's subsidiaries xff0c; sidelined with Instagram and WhatsApp xff0c; not the overall brand.
2021年11月,微软在Ignite会议上宣布将推出新的Mesh for Microsoft Teams软件,待该平台上线后,不同地理位置的人可获得协作和共享全息体验,实现加入虚拟会议、发送聊天、协作处理共享文档等更多功能。强调 MIcrosoft Cloud 提供不只一项功能将物理与虚拟世界连线,例如物联网技术,让用户能够在云中创作物理对象的 Digital Twins(数码分身);另外,利用 Microsoft Mesh 在不同设备上建立共享环境;又或使用人工智能,通过语音和视觉、机器学习模型等做到自然互动。
xff0c November 2021; Microsoft announced at the Ignite conference that a new Mesh for Microsoft Teams software & #xff0c will be launched; xff0c after the platform is online; people from different geographical locations will be able to collaborate and share a holomatic experience xff0c; more functionality such as joining virtual meetings, sending chats, co-processing shared documents. Emphasis will be placed on MIcrosoft Cloud to provide more than one function to connect physics to the virtual world xff0c; e.g. object networking technology xff0c; Digital Twins #xff08, which enables users to create physical objects in clouds; digital splits #xff09; #ff1b; also xff0c; use Microsoft Mesh to create shared environments on different devices #xff1b; and also use artificial intelligence #xff0c; natural interaction through voice and visual, machine learning models.
What is the meta-cosmos #xff1f;
Matthew Bauer's Nine-Chapter Arithmetic refers to the following: #xff0c; more comprehensive deep analysis of the meta-cosmos.
Metaverse 最好被理解为“移动互联网的准后继国家”。这是因为元宇宙不会从根本上取代互联网,而是建立在它的基础上并对其进行迭代改造。这里最好的比喻是移动互联网,移动互联网没有改变互联网的底层架构——事实上,当今绝大多数互联网流量,包括发送到移动设备的数据,仍然通过固定基础设施传输和管理——我们仍然认为它是迭代的不同的。这是因为移动互联网改变了我们访问互联网的方式、地点、时间和原因,以及我们使用的设备、我们赞助的公司、我们购买的产品和服务。
Metaverse is best understood as “a quasi-responsible country for mobile Internet”. This is because the meta-cosm does not fundamentally replace the Internet & #xff0c; it is built on it; it is an iterative one. The best metaphor here is the mobile Internet & #xff0c; the mobile Internet does not change the bottom structure of the Internet — in fact xff0c; the vast majority of Internet traffic today xff0c; including data sent to mobile devices xff0c; it is still transmitted and managed through fixed infrastructure — we still think it is an iterative one. This is because mobile Internet has changed the way, place, time and cause of our access to the Internet #xff0c; and the equipment we use, the companies we sponsor, the products and services we purchase.
Metaverse 也将具有类似的变革性,因为它也会进步并改变计算机和互联网在我们生活中的作用。
Metaverse will be similarly transformative xff0c; it will also improve and change the role of computers and the Internet in our lives.
By placing everyone in a “physical”, “virtual” or “3D” version of the Internet and building on it almost endlessly. In other words, xff0c; we will always be in the “internal” of the Internet xff0c; instead of having access to it xff0c; xff0c in billions of interconnected computers around us; instead of occasionally touching them xff0c; and in real time with all other users.
Matthew Bauer's meta-coastal Nine-Chapter Arithmetic defines the meta-cosmos as xff1a;
“The metacosystem is a large-scale extended and real-time interoperable network rendering of a virtual 3D world that can be experienced in a synchronized manner and continues to be felt through the presence of a single sense of an effective unlimited number of users xff0c; and with data continuity xff0c; e.g. identity xff0c; history, rights, objects, communications and payments.”
目前市面上Metaverse 被错误地描述为虚拟现实。事实上,虚拟现实只是一种体验元界的方式。说 VR 是元界就像说移动互联网是一个应用程序。
The current market is wrongly described as virtual reality. In fact, xff0c; virtual reality is just a way to experience meta-regions. The VR is a meta-community, like the mobile Internet is an application.
在没有 VR/AR/MR/XR 设备的情况下,数亿人每天已经在参与虚拟世界(并且每个月在其中花费数百亿小时)。作为上述的推论,VR 头显然不再是 Metaverse,就像智能手机是移动互联网一样。
In the absence of VR/AR/MR/XR equipment xff0c; hundreds of millions of people are already participating in the virtual world xff08 per day; and spend tens of billions of hours xff09; xff09; xff0c; VR head is clearly no longer Metaverse, just like smartphones are mobile Internet.
此外,Metaverse 并不意味着视频游戏。电子游戏是针对特定目的的(即使目的很广泛,比如“有趣”)、未整合(即使命召唤与其他作品集《守望先锋》分开)、临时性的(即每个游戏世界在比赛后“重置”)并且有上限在参与者中(例如 1MM 并发 Fortnite 用户在超过 100,000 个单独的模拟中。是的,我们将在 Metaverse 中玩游戏,这些游戏可能有用户上限和重置,但这些是 Metaverse 中的游戏,而不是 Metaverse 本身。总的来说, Metaverse 将显著扩大日常生活中使用的虚拟体验的数量(即远远超出已经存在了几十年的视频游戏),进而增加参与其中的人数。
Also xff0c; Metaverse does not mean video games. Electronic games are xff08 for specific purposes; even if the purpose is widespread xff0c; e.g. xff09; ff08; unintegrated xff08; xff08; ff08 on a temporary basis; xff08 for each game world “replace” xff09 after the game; and xff08 for participants; e.g. MM and distribute Fortnate users in more than 100,000 separate simulations. Yes xff0c; we will play games in Metaverse and #xff0c; these games may have user caps and reset xff0c; these are games in Metavers x0; ff
最后,Metaverse 不是 Unreal、Unity、WebXR 或 WebGPU 之类的工具。这就像说互联网是 TCP/IP、HTTP 或 Web 浏览器。这些是互联网所依赖的协议,以及用于呈现它的软件。
Finally xff0c; Metaverse is not a tool like Unreal, Unity, WebXR or WebGPU. This is like saying that the Internet is a TCP/IP, HTTP or Web browser. These are the protocols on which the Internet relies xff0c; and the software used to present it.
元宇宙与互联网、移动互联网和电气化过程一样,是一个相互关联的体验和应用程序、设备和产品、工具和基础设施的网络。这就是为什麽我们甚至不说 Facebook、Google 或 Apple 等横向和纵向整合的巨头是互联网的原因。相反,他们的目的地和生态系统上或在互联网上,或者提供互联网接入服务。当然,如果没有它们,几乎所有的互联网都会存在。
The metacosystem is like the Internet, mobile Internet and electrification processes xff0c; it is an interconnected network of experiences and applications, equipment and products, tools and infrastructure. That is why we don't even say that horizontal and vertically integrated giants like Facebook, Google or Apple are the reason for the Internet. On the contrary, xff0c; their destinations and ecosystems or on the Internet xff0c; or providing Internet access. Of course xff0c; without them xff0c; almost all the Internet exists.
首先元宇宙的出现,它需要非凡的技术进步(我们远不能产生数百万用户实时同步的共享、持久模拟),也许还需要监管参与。此外,它还需要彻底改革商业政策,改变消费者行为。我们从WWW(万维网)到Web1.0, Web2.0 甚至是3.0;从信息的投喂到交互再到去中心化,以及移动互联网的出现,各种APP进入用户手机也是技术的进步,以及不断的改变消费者的行为模式。更多的用户和参与自然会给开发者带来更多的收入,进而带来更多的投资和更好的产品。
xff1f; br/> The emergence of the first metaspace xff0c; it requires extraordinary technological advances xff08; we are far from generating real-time synchronization of millions of users xff09; xff0c; there may also be regulatory involvement. xff0c; it also requires a thorough reform of commercial policy xff0c; changing consumer behaviour. More users and participation in nature will generate more income for developers xff0c; leading to more investment and better products.
过去的一年里,我们看到了另外两个对元宇宙营收的重大利好。第一个是对纯虚拟资产的快速合法化和投资,最明显的是通过NFT;第二是来自主流非游戏品牌和名流的投资,从 PRADA、Ford、Gucci,到足球明星内马尔(Neymar Jr.)和特拉维斯·斯科特(Travis Scott)。这种投资也有助于虚拟平台进一步多样化,摆脱其历来对「游戏」目标的关注,如取胜、射击、杀戮、击败和得分,而转向更广泛的吸引人的活动,如创造、探索、识别、表达、合作和社交。
In the past year, xff0c; we have seen two other great benefits for the meta-cosmies. The first is the rapid legalization and investment in pure virtual assets xff0c; most notably through NFT; the second is the investment in mainstream non-play brands and celebrities xff0c; from Prada, Ford, Gucci&xff0c; to football star Nemal xff08; Neymar Jr. #xff09; and Travis Scott #xff09; this investment also contributes to the further diversification of virtual platforms xff0c; to the removal of their historical focus on the goals of the game xff0c; such as winning, shooting, killing, defeating and getting points xff0c; to move towards broader attractive activities #xff0c; such as creating, exploring, identifying, expressing, cooperating and social networking.
Also affected by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic xff0c; people's lives have changed dramatically xff0c; we are more engaged in virtual communication xff0c; the “house economy” has developed rapidly xff1b; xff0c; on the other hand, online life has become the norm xff0c; social virtualization has accelerated. Essentially, meetings are held online xff0c; on-line xff0c; on-line shopping xff0c; on-line love xff0c; on-line xff0c; apart from eating and sleeping xff0c; basically it can be solved online. People's behavior habits are changing dramatically xff0c; forcing more people into virtual society.
xff0c for programmers; the year of the meta-cosm may also be the year of our programmers xff0c; the future may still be an unknown year xff0c; but the future may be a new year of technological change
links to xff1a; https://blog.csdn.net/ruanjimu/article/details/1222174461
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