Web1.0 & #xff1a; appeared in the 1990s and early 21st century. The Internet was static, read-only HTML pages. Users also have limited connectivity, Yahoo, new waves and fox search xff0c; content xff0c; less interaction.
web1.0时代是一个群雄并起,逐鹿网络的时代,虽然各个网站采用的手段和方法不同,但第一代互联网有诸多共同的特征,表现在技术创新主导模式、基于点击流量的盈利共通点、门户合流、明晰的主营兼营产业结构、动态网站。在WEB1.0上做出巨大贡献的公司有Netscape,Yahoo和Google。 Netscape研发出第一个大规模商用的浏览器,Yahoo的杨致远提出了互联网黄页, 而Google后来居上,推出了大受欢迎的搜索服务。
i. Web1.0 basically uses the technology innovation-led model xff0c; changes in information technology and its use play a key role in the rebirth and development of web sites. The new wave began with a technology platform xff0c; a search of foxes to search for technology xff0c; a live communication technology starter xff0c; a network game starter xff0c; in the start-up phase of these sites xff0c; technical footprints are quite heavy.
Second, the profit from web1.0 is based on a common point & #xff0c; i.e., a large flow of hits. Whether for early financing or later profit & #xff0c; based on a large number of users and hits & #xff0c; based on the number of hits &/ value-added services & #xff0c; base of audience xff0c; determines the level and speed of profitability & xff0c; and adequately reflects the eye economic colour of the Internet.
III. The development of web1.0 has seen a convergence of flows towards integrated portals & #xff0c; early new waves and search for foxes, web access & #xff0c; continued adherence to portal roads & #xff0c; newly expensive networks such as tethers, MSN, GOOGLE & #xff0c; moving towards portal networks & #xff0c; especially for news information & #xff0c; a great common interest. This has occurred & xff0c; xff0c in the larger profit space of the portal itself ; more diversified ways xff0c; taking over web platforms #xff0c; more effective value-added intentions #xff0c; and extending services outside the main business.
iv. #xff0c of web1.0 blending & #xffc; well-defined industrial structures for the integration of the main camp with the main camp. The new wave is news & #43; advertising & #xff0c; web-friendly games & #xff0c; search-and-fox portal matrix & #xff0c; home based on the main camp as a breakthrough & #xff0c; camp as a supplement & #xff0c; manner of development of fists and palms.
v. Web1.0 does not use html as a language xff0c; in the 1.0 era, dynamic websites have been widely used xff0c; for example, forums.
Web2.0: also known as the read and write network xff0c; started around 2004 xff0c; and is still in Web 2.0. It consists of social media sites, blogs and online communities xff0c; end users can interact and collaborate in real time at any time xff0c; relationships are xff0c; multi-interactive.
Web2.0是相对于Web1.0的新的时代。指的是一个利用Web的平台,由用户主导而生成的内容互联网产品模式,为了区别传统由网站雇员主导生成的内容而定义为第二代互联网,web2.0是一个新的时代。 [1] 抛开纷繁芜杂的Web 2.0现象,进而将其放到科技发展与社会变革的大视野下来看,Web 2.0可以说是信息技术发展引发网络革命所带来的面向未来、以人为本的创新2.0模式在互联网领域的典型体现,是由专业人员织网到所有用户参与织网的创新民主化进程的生动注释
& #xff08; 1) User participation in website content making. Unlike web1.0 website, the content of web 2.0 is usually xff0c issued by users; so that users are both browsers of web content and creators of web content xff0c; this also means that web 2.0 provides users with more opportunities to participate xff0c; for example, blogs and wiki are typical user-generated content guidelines xff0c; and Tag technology xff08; user labels xff09; and directs the classification of information in traditional websites to users.
& #xff08; 2) web 2.0 is more interactive. Not only are users interacting with the web server during the process of publishing content & #xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; and there are also interactions between different users of the same website & #xff0c; and information interactions between different websites.
& xff08; 3xff09; Web site design that meets the web criteria. The Web standard is the web standard that is being promoted internationally xff0c; the Web standard generally refers to website construction using website design language based on the XHTML language xff0c; xff0c; in fact xff0c; web standard is not a standard xff0c; it is a set of standards. The typical application model in the web standard is “CS+ XHTML, rejection of form positioning in HTML4.0 xff0c; one of its advantages is that website design code specifications xff0c; reduction of a large number of codes xff0c; reduction of waste of web bandwidth resources xff0c; and acceleration of website access. More importantly, xff0c; web sites that meet the web criterion are more friendly to users and search engines.
& #xff08; 4) web 2.0 website does not have absolute boundaries with web1.0. Web 2.0 technology can be a tool for web1.0 website & #xff0c; some web sites that were born before the web 2.0 concept also have web 2.0 properties & #xff0c; e.g. free information distribution on the B2B e-commerce website and content from web-based community-based sites are also sourced from users.
The core of & #xff08; 5) web 2.0 is not about technology but about guiding ideas. Web 2.0 has some typical technologies & #xff0c; but technology is the means used to achieve a certain purpose. Web 2.0 technology itself is not the core & #xff0c of the web 2.0 website; important is that the typical web 2.0 technology reflects application patterns with web 2.0 characteristics. & xff0c; thus xff0c; xff0c is more about the revolution in Internet application of guiding ideas than xff0c.
& #xff08; 6) web2.0 is an upgrade of the Internet's philosophy and philosophies & #xff0c; from a top-down Internet system dominated by a few resource controllers & #xff0c; to a bottom-up Internet system dominated by the collective wisdom and power of a wide range of users.
(7)web2.0 体现交互,可读可写,体现出的方面是各种微博、相册,用户参与性更强。
& #xff08; 7) web 2.0 for interactive & #xff0c; readable & #xff0c; various microblogs, albums & #xff0c; enhanced user participation.
1. Multi-stakeholder participation
Web1.0 & #xff0c; Internet content is shared by a small number of editors & #xff08; or station director & #xff09; customized & #xff0c; e.g. portals & #xff1b; and web 2.0 & #xff0c; and information is shared by institutions and individuals.
2. The human being is the soul.
In the new era of the Internet xff0c; information is the contribution of everyone xff0c; individuals together form an Internet information source. The soul of Web 2.0 is human.
3. Readable and writeable Internet
In Web1.0 & #xff0c; the Internet is a “readable Internet” & #xff0c; and Web 2.0 is a “writable and readable Internet”. While everyone is involved in the contribution of information & #xff0c; but on a wide scale & #xff0c; it is people who contribute most of the content.
4. Elements of Web 2.0
Web2.0 contains the services we often use & #xff0c; BBS and blogs as the main representatives & #xff0c; “one pair” and “many pairs” of modes of communication that coexist. For example, RSS, blogs, podcasts, Wiki, P2P downloads, social bookmarks, SNS, communities, shared services, etc. The blog is a very important element in Web2.0c; it breaks the information monopoly on the portal & #xff0c; #xff0c in the future; the blog will be even more important.
Web 2.0 is actually an extension of Web1.0 sources xff0c; it is diversified and personalized. Web2.0 is also characterized by interactive communication xff0c; there is a blurring of information. Webwet, electronic journals, etc., online encyclopedia xff08; WIKIxff09; question-and-answer network community xff08; ASKxff09;
引入去中心化互联网、区块链、物联网和人工智能等,数据为主,去信任去中介化的价值互联Web3.0: the era is still in its early stages. It was only officially released in 2015 as Web3.0 leader & #xff0c. Even in 2019 & #xff0c; technologies are still being developed that effectively enhance end-user experience. Web3.0
introduces decentralised Internet, block chains, object networking and artificial intelligence & #xff0c; data #xff0c; detrust deintermediate value interconnections
Effective polymerization
Web3.0 will integrate content information generated by users using Mashup technology xff0c; make content information more visible xff0c; facilitate retrieval. Integration of labels that accurately characterize the content of information xff0c; increase in the accuracy of the description of information xff0c; thus facilitating the search and collation of Internet users. xff0c; filter filtering of UGC will also be one of the main features of Web3.0 as distinct from Web 2.0. Internet users'release rights are long-term certified xff0c; separation of the information they publish xff0c; high-reliability information will be pushed to the first item of Internet information retrieval xff0c; and the credibility of Internet users providing information will be improved accordingly.
The application of the final polymerization technology will play a greater role under the Web3.0 model & #xff0c; TAG/ONTO/RSS Basic Cohesion Facility & #xff0c; and the development of progressive semantic networks will also build a full platform for Web3.0 for content aggregation and application of polymerization. Combining traditional polymerization and excavation technologies & #xff0c; and creating a more personalized, responsive and accurate “Web dig individual search engine”.
Web 3.0 Web mode will achieve compatibility of different terminals & #xff0c; from PC Internet to WAP mobile & #xff0c; PDA, top box & #xff0c; dedicated terminal & #xff0c; and not only on the Internet, a single terminal.
The existing Web 2.0 can only be used through PC terminals on a single platform xff0c; the development and application of new mobile terminals that are emerging now require new technological and conceptual support. Web3.0 will break the deadlock xff0c; and the user groups of the various terminals will be able to enjoy the ease of surfing on the Internet.
实现融合网络的普适化、公用显示装置与个人智能终端的通用,同时加入E-RAD的应用与研发,使得嵌入式技术在Web3.0模式下发挥更大的效力。良好的人性化用户体验、基础性个性化配置 Web3.0同样以人为本,将用户的偏好作为设计的主要考虑因素。Web3.0在对于UGC筛选性的过滤的基础上同时引入偏好信息处理与个性化引擎技术,对用户的行为特征进行分析,既寻找可信度高的UGC发布源,同时对互联网用户的搜索习惯进行整理、挖掘,得出最佳的设计方案,帮助互联网用户快速、准确地搜索到自己想要感兴趣的信息内容,避免了大量信息带来的搜索疲劳。
Universalization of integrated networks, public display devices and personal smart terminals & #xff0c; joining E-RAD applications and research and development & #xff0c; making embedded technologies more effective in Web3.0 mode. Good humanization of user experiences, foundational personalization configurations Web3.0 is also people-centred & #xff0c; using user preferences as the main design consideration. Web3.0 introduces preferential information processing and personalized engine technology & #xff0c; analysing user behavioural characteristics xff0c; searching for credible UGC sources #xff0c; simultaneously collating search practices of Internet users xff0c; deriving the best design options xff0c; helping Internet users to quickly and accurately search for the content they want to be interested in #xff0c; avoiding search fatigue resulting from a large amount of information.
Personalized search engines are based on effective user preferences for information processing & #xff0c; xff0c based on user preferences and user requirements & xff0c; to analyse user preferences. The conclusions reached through preference systems are then grouped into one xff0c; xff08 in a content theme xff09; xff0c in sports; xff0c in a content & xff0c; ff0c in a search; xff0c; xff0c in a better way to meet user search xff0c; viewing needs. The introduction of this technology into radio and television xff0c; will have a significant impact on traditional television.
Personalized engines are built on the basis of a preferred system & #xff0c; preferred systems are built in a comprehensive manner and are linked to content aggregation. There is a certain preference analysis & #xff0c; perfect personalized engines are built.
Digital new technologies
Web3.0 will establish a credible SNS( social network service systems & #xff09; & #xff0c; managed VoIP and IM, controlled Blog/Vlog/Wiki, digital communication and information processing, networking and computing, media content and business intelligence, communication and management, and orderly and effective integration and integration of art and humanities.
SNS- xff0d; xff0c; Web social networking platform xff0c; simply connecting people with people via the Internet. The way friends are registered on SNS platforms via the Internet xff0c; does not ensure the reliability and validity of registered information xff0c; does not provide a corresponding interest requirement for every extended circle xff0c; this process will result in the release of its own information and the proliferation of unreliable information xff0c; subverts the original intent of people to use the Internet to expand their contacts xff0c; it can also find their own talent xff0c under Web3.0 mode
The VoIP and IM,, which can be managed under the Web3.0 mode, also provides easy and fast service to Internet users. The more credible the better credit the user sends, the more information will be automatically top xff0c; both enhances the credibility of the source publisher xff0c; and enables the useful and real information to appear more quickly before the user xff0c; maximizes the effectiveness of the information xff0c; improves the use of information and reduces the time spent on finding it.
Controllable Blog/Vlog/Wiki, under the Web3.0 model; also created to improve the use of information and the ease with which information can be found. These weblog/Vlog/Wiki under the Web 2.0 model, which would have allowed users to publish randomly, would have caused a huge pile of chaotic information on the network & #xff0c; created a great inconvenience for users to search. As a result, xff0c; Web3.0 introduced the concept of “controllable” xff0c; linked the publication and use of information xff0c; xff0c if you want to search for highly credible information xff0c; click on a trusted user to write Blog/Vlog/Wiki, and achieve a credible interface with user access.
Vertical site
从2010年开始,垂直网站进入“Web 3.0时代”。3.0时代的特征是个性化、互动性和深入的应用服务:更加彻底地站在用户角度;多渠道阅读、本地化内容;用户间应用体验的分享;应用拉动营销,用户口碑拉动营销。用户的应用体验与分享,对网站流量和产品营销具有决定性作用;移动互联网和垂直网络实现有效对接,不是对接内容,而是用户体验和分享层面。同时,垂直网站将与B2C实现对接,从而实现产品数据库查询、体验、购买、分享等整个过程的一体化。
Starting in 2010, xff0c; vertical web access to the “Web 3.0 era.” The 3.0 era was characterized by a sexualized, interactive and in-depth application service xff1a; a more thorough approach to the user perspective xff1b; multichannel reading, localized content xff1b; user-to-user experience sharing xff1b; application-pudding xff0c; user-advocacy-pub; user-publishing xff0c; determining website flow and product marketing xff1b; mobile Internet and vertical networks to achieve effective interface xff0c; not interface content xff0c; but user experience and sharing dimension.
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