
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:37 评论:0
作者|WilliamM.PeasterBy William M. Peaster 摘要:获取加密文化价值的不同途径Summary: Different ways to acquire the cultural...



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By William M. Peaster


Summary: Different ways to acquire the cultural value of encryption


Dear Bankless community:


CryptoPunks is one of the OGNFTs in the courthouse.


In the last spring, something historic happened. Jasty, one of the world's largest traditional auction houses, announced the sale of eight CryptoPunks.


The shot was sold for $17 million?


Although these are the most expensive in the market, Punks are not cheap. During this period, a CryptoPunk has a base price of 17.5 ETH -- about $40,000 at today's prices -- these are just pixelized jpegs.


But these are just pixelized jpegs. Why would someone pay tens of thousands of dollars for one?


As we discussed in this week's podcasts, this is about the desire to imitate. CryptoPunks has a historical meaning -- they're the crafts of the Internet and encryption culture -- that makes people want them, that makes more people want them, and so on.


Here's the part I'm talking about how much I want one."

声音 | 湖北省处非办:警惕非法集资蹭区块链热点:金色财经报道,区块链技术发展受到广泛重视时,要警惕一些不法分子蹭热点从事非法集资活动。12月3日,湖北省打击和处置非法集资工作领导小组办公室发布风险提示称,防范假借区块链、虚拟货币等名义进行非法集资,做好风险排查,为区块链技术和产业健康有序发展营造良好市场环境。很多披着区块链外衣,蹭着“币”“链”热点的所谓高收益投资项目,实际上与区块链技术毫无关系,纯属非法集资行为。据介绍,目前打着虚拟货币、区块链等幌子的非法集资活动,主要有以下特点:一是网络化、跨境化明显,网上交易,风险波及范围广、扩散速度快,很多不法资金流向境外,监管和追踪难度很大;二是性、诱惑性、隐蔽性强,不法分子利用热点概念炒作,编造各种虚假项目,以高额回报为诱饵,并且幕后操纵所谓虚拟货币价格走势;三是存在多种违法风险,不法分子通过公开宣传,举办线下活动或在各论坛、微信群里宣传,并利诱投资人发展人员加入,具有非法集资、、等违法行为特征。

On 3 December, the Office of the Leadership Group for Combating and Dealing with Illegal Financing issued a risk alert to illegal fund-raising in the name of false block chains, virtual currency, etc., and to create a sound market environment for the sound development of block technologies and industries. Many of the so-called high-yield investment projects that cover the “coin” hotspots are in fact unconnected with illegal fund-raising activities.


In keeping with the concept of early warning, we will make full use of a variety of means, such as cybermonitoring, big data screening, bottom-touching and other tools, to increase early warning of the risks of illegal fund-raising, such as the “firing chain” and to strengthen risk screening, and to deal with illegal fund-raising potentials in a timely and decisive manner. In addition, it is hoped that people will find the relevant clues to be actively reported to the local authorities, and that eligible individuals will be rewarded in accordance with the relevant policies. [2019/12/4]


So you want one?

现场 | EOSBeijing联合创始人孙玉石:EOS是寒冬中的热点:金色财经现场报道,1月9日,EOSBeijing联合创始人孙玉石在由金色财经主办,贝壳公关承办,节点资本、NodePlus和科技寺共同协办的金色沙龙北京站第六期现场发表主题演讲时表示,EOS是寒冬中的绝对热点,没有之一。他解释说,从今年年初开始,EOS从3月份不到30元附近,涨到了4月中旬的137元附近,只用了一个半月的时间,大概翻了接近6倍,所以相当于带来了一波币圈的高潮。他说,如果没有DPoS机制,很多人不知道EOS,甚至不可能关注公链,而且EOS的DPoS机制,它的超级节点竞选以后,带来的风潮,DPoS和超级节点成为了主流。[2019/1/9]

On the scene, the co-founder of EOSBeijing: EOS was a hot spot in the winter: on 9 January, the co-founder of EOSBeijing, Sun Yuse, was hosted by the Golden Book, the Shell Public Relations, and nodal capital, NodePlus and the Science and Technology Mosque, in a keynote address on the sixth phase of the Beijing Station, said that EOS was an absolute hot spot in the winter, not one of them. He explained that starting at the beginning of the year, EOS had risen from less than $30 in March to around $137 in mid-April, roughly six times the length of a month, thus bringing a wave of money. He said that without the DPOS mechanism, many people did not know that it was even possible to focus on the public chain, and that, following the EOS DPI mechanism, its supercentre, the tide, the DooS and the superbus had become the mainstream. [2019/1/9]


Is there a way to have the benefit of CryptoPunks without paying $40,000?


Yes, yes.


Below is a section on how to obtain an encrypted monetary culture.



Tactical Tuesday


How to reach CryptoPunks


CryptoPunks is one of the most exciting and story-breaking non-homogenous monetization projects in crypto-currency. As one of the OGNFT projects in the Taiku, CryptoPunks has also developed into one of the most expensive projects in the ecosystem.

交易所板块成资金追捧热点,世界杯概念通证或有爆发:据TokenInsight 数据显示,反映区块链行业整体表现的TI指数北京时间6日9时报1046.42点,较昨日同期上涨21.67点,涨幅2.11%。通用平台指数TIG报1113.15点,较昨日同期上涨23.78点,涨幅2.18%。另据监测显示, BTC转账数较上周同期上升7%至19.4万;社群活跃增速较上周反弹,维稳于0.11%(上周0.09%)。ETH社群活跃增速较昨日上升16%至0.05%,网站流量和全球搜索指数已筑底维稳50日均值。BCtrend分析师认为,BTC流量下跌幅度有限,ETH矿工洗牌进入尾声,6月市场将缓慢复苏。分析师币东邪认为,BTC6月大概率将围绕7700美元波动。因新入资金有限,场内资金选择基本面最强的交易所板块抱团取暖。世界杯概念通证换手率高,洗仓之后或有爆发。[2018/6/6]

According to TokenInsight data, the TTI index, which reflects the overall performance of the block chain industry, was reported at 1046.42 p.m. Beijing time on 6 June, up 21.67 p.m., an increase of 2.11 per cent. The General Platform Index, 1113.15 p.m., rose at 23.78 p.m., an increase of 2.18 per cent, compared to the same period yesterday. It was also monitored that BTC transfers increased by 7 per cent to 194,000 during the same period last week; community activity rebounded more than last week and stabilized at 0.11 per cent (0.09 per cent last week); the ETH community grew at 16 per cent to 0.05 per cent more than yesterday; website traffic and the Global Search Index were stabilized at 50 per cent for the same period. BCTrend analysts considered that BTC flows fell only marginally, ETH miners washed up to the tail, and markets recovered slowly in June.


This Bankless tactic will demonstrate methods to obtain access to CryptoPunks without the need for direct purchase.


Objective: To learn how to reach CryptoPunks in the portfolio, even indirectly

金色财经独家分析 认清文字游戏和强尬热点:近日的一些事件反映了很多文字游戏和强尬热点的现象。昨日关于“银行家反比特币”的事件被热议为雇佣群演的营销活动,dx.exchange也被解读为一场“powered by nasdaq”的文字游戏。金色财经分析,目前区块链行业蹭热点,似是而非等表述着实让某些营销方和团队受到了广泛的关注,但公众甚至币圈的参与者应该理性看待知名机构和主流群体的参与和互动,也应该警惕“过分解读”。“大事发生”的情况是可能的,比特币、区块链的更广泛认可,根本上还是依赖于整个行业的务实发展。[2018/5/15]

The events of yesterday about “banker antibitcoin” were strongly discussed as an employment marketing exercise, and dx.exchange was interpreted as a “postweeded by nasdaq” writing game. The gold financial analysis, which currently appears to be a hotspot in the chain industry, has given some marketing and team attention, but public and even currency players should have a rational view of the participation and interaction of well-known institutions and mainstream groups, and should also be wary of “over-interpretation.” The “events” scenario is possible, more widely recognized by the Bitcoin, the sector chain, and is fundamentally dependent on the practical development of the industry as a whole.[2018/5/15]


Skills: Intermediate


Efforts: Differentiated according to the application used


Return on investment: CryptoPunks is a historic project in the ephemeral ecosystem, and its value has the potential to increase.


Why is Crytopunks important?


Here's CryptoPunk#2. She's not just a beautiful woman, she's the third CryptoPunk in history. She and eight other CryptoPunks got $16.9 million auctioned earlier this year through one of the world's leading auction houses.


On 19 March, the Silver River shares announced that they had received a letter of deep concern requesting clarification as to whether there was a motive to build up the stock price on the hotspot concept. So far this year, the submission and the deep deal have taken initiatives such as questioning, concern and suspension of shares from more than 20 listed companies suspected of “frogging” the concept of the block chain.[218/3/20]


How does that get in the mainstream?


Three years ago, the Kats had no interest in NFT. So, the auction house and its biggest competitor, Sufubi, were more likely to be crazy about CryptoPunks, showing how fast the landscape changes in and around the NFT ecosystem.


In other words, CryptoPunks not only inspired the ERC721 NFT standard, but also led the tide. The project has now become a leading NFT force, with its influence not only in the Ethermian space, but also in the wider cultural environment of the 2020s.


In conclusion, the current CryptoPunks is not cheap. Everyone wants one. According to the LarvaLabs market, the cheapest Punk is about 17.5 ETH.


The money is out of reach for most people, but the good news is that you can get CryptoPunks without buying them directly. In this strategy, we will focus on the dominant approach to Crytopunks without directly buying them.


Estimated value of Cryptopunks 101


Etheia can be said to be the first suitable NFT project in the Tails. However, CryptoPunks have popularized the ERC721 standard and continue to be a consensus "OG" NFT project.


That's why we've recently had superstars like Jay-Z buying CryptoPunks. Why? Because Etheria is fun and has opportunities, and one of the most profound and interesting things you can do in Ether is buy a CryptoPunk.


It's part of the Internet and encrypted money culture!


So, why don't Punk get up and shut up, right?


It's not necessarily that black and white. Even if you're a slob, there's a way to use Crytopunk's capital. Before we discuss these strategies, it's better to introduce the basics so that we know what we're dealing with.


When referring to the valuation of Crystalpunk, some of the key matters that needed to be kept in mind included:


Subjectivity, subjectivity, subjectivity: Many just want a punk that looks a little bit like their own, so they're dealing with the price, and they're looking for a look. So remember, in a way, aesthetics are paramount, regardless of the details.


The type of rareness: out of 10,000 CryptoPunks, there are 9 aliens, 24 apes, 88 zombies, 38,40 females and 6039 males. Thus, aliens are scarcer than apes, apes are scarcer than zombies, etc. People trade accordingly. So, for example, if you see a strange zombie selling more than an ordinary man selling more than 100 ETHs.


Properties: CryptoPunks can have 0 to 7 properties, e.g. caps, hoods, top hats, or no accessories at all. For example, Punk of 0 attributes is really rare, and Punk of 7 attributes is also considered special value.


Properties unique: Like some CryptoPunks types are rarer than others, CryptoPunks properties are rarer than others. The rarest attributes are caps, tie and pilot helmets, with 44, 48 and 54 owners, respectively.


Get access to CryptoPunks.


If you don't buy the nearly 20 ETHs required for CryptoPunks, you can still get access to these signatures in a variety of different ways. Next, we'll outline three simple ways to get this exposure for your consideration.


1. NFTXPUNK Treasury token


NFTX is a NFT index fund project centred on the NFT vault and its associated liquidity provider Token. The flagship product of the project, $PUNK-BASIC, is represented by ERC20 at the bottom of the NFTxCryptoPunks vault at CryptoPunks, so that ~1$PUNK=1CryptoPunk, can be redeemed accordingly.


So, suppose you just want to buy a little CryptoPunks a week until you pay the whole thing.


One simple way is to buy $PUNK on Sushi until you have a $PUNK-BASIC. In this sense, NFTX allows the bulkers to invest at the speed they want in CryptoPunks, which is not the way Coinbase invests in BTC.


2. CryptoPunks debris


In NFT ecosystems, one of the vertical areas that gained considerable traction last year is the NFT fragmentation game. By fragmentation, I mean by dividing NFT into hundreds or thousands of fragments through the ERC20.


One of the great benefits of these fragments is that they allow more people to invest in the NFT, because small fractions are more profitable than the same NFT!


So another simple way to get access to CryptoPunks is to buy the CryptoPunks. The platforms that can be considered in this area are NIFTEX and Unicly. These Dapps have their special features, but all allow users to divide their CryptoPunks into fragments.


3. YamDAOuPUNKS synthesiser


Another notable way in which the value of CryptoPunks is now traded is the new uPUNKs collaboration between the UMA agreement and YamDAO of YamFinance.


Simply put, uPUNKs allows traders to make empty or more CryptoPunks intermediate prices over the past 30 days.


"With ubUNKS, there is a risk of getting the whole CryptoPunks market, including high-value works, without buying the entire NFT or facing the liquidity problems of the NFT market." YamSynths team has pointed out.


If you're interested in this opportunity, remember that you need to first provide Weth collateral to forge uPUNKs. And remember, the UMA and Yam teams are offering mobility incentives to uPUNKs participants, so now you can do more or less Punks and earn UMA and YAM in the process.




CryptoPunks will continue as cultural art as one of the most iconic projects in the Taiku. But it is not necessarily the rich encrypted currency OG can access CryptoPunks’ funds.


Through these three methods, users in virtually any segment of the encryption economy can enjoy the benefits of Punks.


So, unlike the way some people trade in corn and oil in TradFi, we can now trade CryptoPunks in a similar way in encrypted currency?






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