最新数据显示,以太坊 (ETH) 当前交易价格为 3,402.30 美元。在过去 1 小时内,ETH 价格微幅下跌 0.23%,而在过去 24 小时内上涨了 1.45%。然而,在过去 7 天内,ETH 价格大幅下跌 3.95%。
According to the latest data, the current transaction price is US$ 3,402.30. In the last 1 hour, ETH prices have fallen by 0.23 per cent, while they have risen by 1.45 per cent in the last 24 hours. However, in the last 7 days, ETH prices have fallen by 3.95 per cent.
以太坊的当前市值为 4091.77 亿美元,使其成为加密货币市场上仅次于比特币的第二大加密货币。过去 24 小时的成交量为 130.43 亿美元,表明市场活动略有下降。
The current market value of the Tai Pa is $4,091.77 billion, making it after in the past 24 hours.
以太坊的流通供应量为 1.2 亿个 ETH。这意味着市场上有 1.2 亿个 ETH 可供交易。
There are 120 million ETHs available for circulation. This means that there are 120 million ETHs available for trade in the market.
Technical Analysis
从技术角度来看,ETH 目前正在测试其主要支撑位 3,300 美元。如果 ETH 跌破此支撑位,则可能会进一步下跌至下一个支撑位 3,000 美元。
From a technical point of view, ETH is currently testing its main support position at $3,300. If ETH falls in this support position, it may fall further to the next support position at $3,000.
另一方面,如果 ETH 能够维持在 3,300 美元之上,则可能会反弹至其第一个阻力位 3,600 美元。如若突破该阻力位,ETH 可能会进一步上涨至下一阻力位 3,900 美元。
On the other hand, if ETH is able to stay above $3,300, it could bounce back to its first resistance position of $3,600. If it breaks through, it could go further to the next resistance position of $3,900.
The main fundamentals driving the recent price movement in Ethio are:
- 利率预期:美联储预计将继续加息以对抗通胀,这可能会给整个加密货币市场带来压力。
- 监管担忧:美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 最近加大了对加密货币市场的审查力度。这可能会抑制机构对 ETH 和其他加密货币的投资。
- 以太坊 2.0 升级:以太坊团队正在为其期待已久的以太坊 2.0 升级做准备。一旦完成,该升级将改善以太坊的可扩展性和安全性。
以太坊目前正在关键支撑位附近徘徊。如果 ETH 能够维持在 3,300 美元之上,则可能会反弹。然而,如果 ETH 跌破此支撑位,则可能会进一步下跌。投资者应密切关注基本面因素和技术指标,以做出明智的交易决策。
Ether is now hovering around the key support position. If ETH is able to stay above $3,300, it may rebound. However, if Ether falls into that support position, it may fall further. Investors should pay close attention to fundamentals and technical indicators in order to make informed trade decisions.
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